Irradiation Degradation of Chlorpyrifos in Water Solution and Asparagus MUTAGENIC EFFECT OF 60Co γ-RAYS IRRADIATION ON DRY SEEDS OF CAPER SPURGE(Euphorbia lathyris L.) STUDY ON THE REMOVAL OF NITROGEN,PHOSPHORUS AND INHIBITING EFFECT OF ALGAE GROWTH BY AQUATIC PLANTS MUTAGENIC EFFECTS OF SYNCHROTRON SOFT X-RAY WITH RESONANCE ENERGY OF Nk IRRADIATION ON Rhizopus oryzae EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT METAL PROSTHETIC GROUPS AND CONCENTRATION ON ANTIOXIDANT AND PROOXIDANT ACTIVITIES OF SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE CO-EFFECTS OF NITROGEN AND ZINC ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND NUTRIENT ABSORPTION OF WHITE CLOVER NODULES STIMULATION GROWTH EFFECT OF Eriocheir sinensis TREATED WITH LOW-DOSE NEUTRON Effect of different fertilizing methods on nitrogen balance in the black soil for continuous maize production in Northeast China Effects and models of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilization for Platycodon grandiflorum Analysis of combining ability of cytoplasmic effects on nitrogen use efficiency of hybrid rice The study on heat island effect in Beijing during last 40 years The classification method of interaction in combined pollution system Structural characteristics of effective vegetation for preventing soil erosion Nutrition and fertilizer effect of saline soil in China Study on external effect of woodland and its appraisement and compensation-A case study from Zhejiang Province Wenzhou Chashan forest park The possible influence of future climate change on cotton production,and disease and insect pests in Hebei Province Dynamics of soil potassium and effects of fotassium fertilizer application in the rice growing areas of Hexi Passage Simulation of the branch biomass for Chinese fir plantation using the linear mixed effects model. Ecological effects of bagging on actinidia fruits Weed-suppressive effect of phenolic acids Responses of rhizosphere nitrogen and phosphorus transformations to different acid rain intensities in a hilly red soil tea plantation. The impacts of climate change and human activities on river flow in the Loess Tableland of China Effects of nitrogen nutrition and water stress on compensation effect of the yield of soybean A preliminary study on the photosynthetic characteristics of varied cultivars of Robinia pseudoacacia L. energy forest in the west of Henan Province The thermal environment landscape pattern and typical urban landscapes effect linked with thermal environment in Beijing Analysis on the ecological effects of Mountain-River-Lake Forestry Program based on farmer interview along a transect Response of the young sporophytes of Hizikia fusiformis to different N growth conditions and the solar radiation Research progress of the application of urban sewage sludge to terrestrial ecosystems A review of the plant of Eomecon chionantha Hance: its chemistry, anatomy, and pharmacological effects Edge correction of point pattern analysis′function and its application on spatial pattern analysis of insect population Rasterizing vector data and its scaling effect for a sand landscape Advances in studies on biological effect of estuary hypoxia Dynamicss of temperature and humidity in underlaying surface of different landscape type in winter in Beijing City, China Simulation of Height-diameter Relationships for Larix gmelinii Based on Mixed Effects Analysis of Agronomic Traits and Heritability Combining Ability of Hybrid Rice Effects of Chinese Herbal Medicines Extracts on Inhibition of Agrobacterium tumefaciens,Growth and Differentiation of Calli from Lolium perenne The Effective Part of Potentilla discolor for Its Hypoglycemic Action Bioassay on Allelopathic Effect of Polytrichum commune and Conocephalum japonicum Sensitivity of GA3 Treatment on Seedling Traits and Its QTL Dissection in Rice(Oryza sativa L.) Nutrients and Environmental Factors for the Growth of Nostoc commune Cells Research Progress of Combined Effects of Enhanced UV-B Radiation and Other Factors on Plants Relationship of Indirect Effects of UV-B Radiation on Stomatal Movement of Vicia faba Leaves with Nitric Oxide and Hydrogen Peroxide Ce3+-abating Effects on the Damage of Cu2+Stress to Potamogeton crispus Leaves Physiological Synergisms of Chitosan on Salt Resistance of Cucumber Seedlings Zn2+ and Cr6+ Synergetic Toxic Effects on Ottelia alismoides Effects of Topping Time and Runner Number on Leaf-area Enlargement and Functional-leaf Lifespan of Cucumis melo L. at the Seedling Stage Allelopathic Effects of Different Plants on the Major Weed Ligularia sagitata in Alpine and Cold Grassland A review of nitrogen allocation in leaves and factors in its effects Influences of soil salinity and pre-hydration on seed dispersal and germination of Artemisia monosperma(Asteraceae) The experimental research on water stress effects on growth and development of winter wheat Studies on edge effect of successional communities and restoration of forest fragmentation in low sub-tropics Some characteristics of energy exchange at the underlying surface of desert and oasis in Hexi Corridor Edge effects in fragmented forests:Implications for design and management of natural reserves A GIS based study on the potential land productivity of China THE CORRIDOR EFFECTS IN URBAN ECOLOGICAL LANDSCAPE PLANNING A CASE STUDY ON BEIJING A STUDY ON TROPHIC EFFECT OF NEUTRAL INSECT(WRIGGLER) FOR PIRATA SUBPIRATICUS EFFECTS OF CHLORINATED BENZENES ON AQUATIC BIOCOMMUNITY IN SIMULATION STABILIZATION POND SYSTEM Cr AVAILABILITY IN SOILS AND ITS EFFECTS ON POLLUTION ECOLOGY THE ECOLOGICAL EFFECT OF NWE PESTICIDE MONOCARBOXOLDEHYDE IN PLANT-SOIL SYSTEM THE SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE ECOLOGICAL FIELD IN SPRING WHEAT COLONY UNDER SEMI-ARID ECOLOGICAL CONDITIONS INTERGRATED EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTS OF AGROFORESTRY ECOSYSTEM ON THE RIVER BEACH ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF PLANTING VETIVER GRASS IN CITRUS GROVES ON SLOPING RED SOIL FIELDS STUDIES ON THE REGULATION EFFECT OF NEUTRAL INSECT ON THE COMMUNITY FOOD WEB IN PADDY FIELD MATHEMATICAL DEMONSTRATION FOR THE ECOLOGICALEFFECTS OF PLANT COMMUNITY ON COMMUNITYAND POPULATION OF INSECT Effects of Water Extraction from Roots of Carya illinoensis on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Two Crops Effect of water and nitrogen cooperation on winter wheat yield and quality Analysis of the effect of water and nitrogen fertilizer in farmland of Loess Plateau Effects of zinc application on growth and zinc uptake of maize under soil moisture stress Study on physiological effect and fertilizer utilization rate of controlled release nitrogen fertilizer for pepper Effect of chlorine of ammonium chloride on restraining nitrification STUDY ON EFFECT OF IRRIGATION ON SOIL NITRATE LEACHING AND UPTAKE THE EXCITATION MECHANISM BETWEEN FERTILIZER AND WATER UNDER DRYLAND CONDITION EFFECT OF MAGNETIC TREATMENT ON THE SOIL PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND MECHANICAL PHYSICAL PROEPRTIES IMPACT OF FERTILIZATION ON CURRENT ANNUAL INCREMENT(CAI) OF YOUNG CHINESE FIR AND MAIN INFLUENCE FACTORS IN DIFFERENT AREAS Biological effect of maize stalk return to field directly under different accretion decay conditions Study the effects of Mo and inoculation of Bradyrhizobium in acid purple soil by celB gene maker A Study on Fertilization of Short Rotation Eucalyptus Plantations The Effect of Silvicultural Management on the Production of Moso Bamboo Plantations for Pulp-making Effect on Inculation of Forms and Storage Methods of Casuarina Frankia inoculum Study on the Effect of Fertilization on Eucalyptus globulus Plantation in Yunnan