The Anatomical Identification of a Piece of Natural Carbonized Wood from Changbai Mountain Ultrastructural Observations on the Formation of Spore Ornamentation in Asplenium sarelii Multi-objective Management Planning of Carbon Storage in Larix gmelinii Natural Forest in Great Xing’an Mountains Relationships Between Stand Spatial Structure Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Broad-leaved Korean Pine(Pinus koraiensis) Forest in Liangshui Nature Reserve,Northeast China Comparative Study on the Bisexual Flower and Unisexual Male Flower of Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge Observation of Cremocarp Development of Chuanminshen violaceum(Apiaceae) Study on the stem cell structure alteration of sweet potato varieties with different resistance to Fusarium wilt Genetic Diversity Analysis of Natural Populations in Paeonia Delavayi Research on Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Multi-residues of Nitroimidazoles in Foods of Animal Origin Genetic diversity and population structure of Larix principis rupprechtii Mayr in Hebei Province The study on genetic diversity of Populus szechuanica var. tibetica population from different altitude STRUCTURE AND MEASURE METHODS OF SOME PERFORMANCES OF ESS-010-03 ELECTRON LINAC ACCELERATOR The relationship between spatial structure and DBH of close-to-nature Phyllostachys edulis stands in Tianmu Mountain Effects of wind on hydraulic properties and growth of Artemisia annua Linn Effects of salt stress on photosynthetic characteristics and leaf cell structure of ‘Yinhong’ grape seedlings Effect of drought on leaf anatomical characteristics of four Artemisia species in the Loess Plateau Structure changes of bacteria community in 24 solar terms at No.10 spring Urumqi The distribution of urea concentrations and urease activities in the coastal waters of Hainan Island during the spring Effects of forest canopy structure on understory vegetation characteristics of Funiu Mountain Nature Reserve Effect of enhanced CO2 level on the physiology and ecology of phytoplankton Individual spatial pattern and spatial association of Stipa krylovii population in Alpine Degraded Grassland Effect of long-term fertilization on soil microbial community structure in corn field with the method of PLFA Phylogenetic clustering and overdispersion for alpine plants along elevational gradient in the Hengduan Mountains Region, southwest China Molecular phylogeography and conservation genetics of Sladenia celastrifolia inferred from chloroplast DNA sequence variation Detecting molecular signatures of natural selection in Morus alba populations from trans-Himalaya Substitution of Hainan indigenous genetic lineage in the Utsat people, exiles of the Champa kingdom Phylogenetics of early branching eudicots: comparing phylogenetic signal across plastid introns, spacers, and genes Effect of sampling strategy on estimation of fine-scale spatial genetic structure in Androsace tapete (Primulaceae), an alpine plant endemic to Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Two genetically distinct units of Sinomanglietia glauca (Magnoliaceae) detected by chloroplast PCR-SSCP Spatial point pattern analysis of Quercus variabilis and Pinus tabulaeformis populations in a mountainous area of Beijing Soil stoichiometry characteristics at different elevation gradients of a mountain in an area with high frequency debris flow: a case study in Xiaojiang Watershed, Yunnan Effects of community succession on population distribution and size of Sinocalycanthus chinensis(Cheng et S.Y. Chang) Cheng et S.Y. Chang Functions of arbuscular mycorrhizas in grassland ecosystems Effects of allelopathy of submerged macrophytes on the phytoplankton community collected from the west part of the West Lake wetland in Hangzhou, China Advancesin ecosystem service-based ecological risk assessment Effects of future climate warming on the morphology, structure, and gas exchange of maize leaves in the North China Plain Anatomy, Histochemistry and Phytochemistry of Aloe arborescens Leaves According to Leaf-age Relationship between Morpho-anatomical Traits Together with Chemical Components and Lodging Resistance of Stem in Rice(Oryza sativa L. ) Effects of Different Forest Practices on Pinus tabulaeformis Population Numbers and Species Diversity in the Forest Region of Huanglongshan Mountain Tissue Structure and Near-infrared Reflectivity and Their Affecting Factors of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves Community Structure and Species Diversity in Liangucheng Nature Reserve of Minqin County Structures and Diversity of Insect Communities under Different Types of Vegetation Rehabilitations of the Hilly and Gully Loess Regions Anatomical Changes of the Leaves of in vitro Euphorbia pulcherrima Seedlings During Their Post-transplantation Domestication Studies of desalting ability and desalting structure in Karelinia caspica Study of comparative anatomy on structure of seedlings of Acorus tatarinowii and Zantedeschia aethiopica Comparative study on characteristics of leaf structure of Papaver croceum Ldb.(Papaveraceae) in two altitudes habitat at cold regions The interaction of NCS with phytohormones Studies on the characteristics of Caragana root development and some relevant physiology A progress in pharmacological research of flavonoids Recent advances in natural insecticidal constituents from plant origin Comparative anatomy of primary structure of stem of four genera of the Pinaceae Presentsituation and developmental tendency of structure botany STUDIES ON THE DISTRIBUTION AND STRUCTURE OF OIL CELLS IN LITSEA TSINLINGENSIS THE EFFECTS OF ELERATED CO_2 ON THE ULTRASTRUCTURE OF CHLOROPLAST OF THREE GRAMINOID PLANTS MICROSTRUCTURE FEATURES OF THE SEEDS AND CONTENTS OF THE CHEMICAL ELEMENT OF AMMOPIPTANTHUS MONGOLICUS GROWN IN DESERT OF CHINA IDENTFICATION OF SLOW-RUSTING RESISTANCE IN XIAOYAN No. 6AND ULTRA-OBSERVATION ON HYPHAE IN THE HOST STUDIES OF TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY ON ANNUAL STEMSIN LARIX PRINCIPIS-RUPPRECHTII MAYR Population genetic diversity and species divergence of Pinus massoniana and P. hwangshanensis at two nucleotide loci A functional-structural model for adults of Pinus tabulaeformis based on GreenLab Effects of Zn treatment on physiological characteristics, photosynthesis, ultrastructure of root tip cell and grain Zn accumulation in different varieties of rape Effect of degrading bacterium HN36 on ultrastructure of flue-cured tobacco stem and leaves under quinclorac stress Leaf anatomical structures and ecological adaptabilities to light of three alfalfa cultivars with different fall dormancies under shading during overwintering Effects of a winter wildfire on plant community structure and forage quality in subalpine grassland of western Sichuan, China Community characteristics of phytoplankton in Lake Changhu and relationships with environmental factors in the summer of 2012 Effects of low light stress on rubisco activity and the ultrastructure of chloroplast in functional leaves of peanut Morphological traits and physiological characteristics in drought tolerance in 20 shrub species on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau Correlations among leaf structure, drought tolerance and photosynthetic capacity in saplings of Euphorbiaceae from different micro-habitats in a seasonal tropical rainforest Ecological wood anatomy of Rhizophora stylosa Preliminary analysis of forest community structure of Yaoluoping National Nature Reserve in Yuexi County, Anhui Province, China Relationships between xylem structure and embolism vulnerability in six species of drought tolerance trees Cold Resistance of 4 types of Central Plains Tree Peony Cultivars in Harbin Area Effects of Cadmium and Lead on Physiological and Ultra-Structural Features in Tobacco Leaves Species Composition and Structure Dynamics in Mongolian Oak-Korean Pine Forest Quantitative Character Structures of the Natural Populations of Wild Soybean in Hebei Province Plant Diversity Along a Time Sequence(1-30 Years) of Artificial Forest Rehabilitation on Subalpine Cut Land in the Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Variations of morphology, anatomical structure and nitrogen content among first-order roots in different positions along branch orders in tree species Plant community assembly rules across a subalpine grazing gradient in western Sichuan, China Ultrastructure of Oogenesis in Osmunda cinnamomea var. asiatica An Observation on the Development of Middle-Layer in the Anther of Tai Gu Nuclear Mate-Sterile Wheat The Ultrastructural Changes Induced by Radiation in the Meristematic Cells of Root Tips of Wheat