BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS AND RAPD ANALYSIS OF ALFALFA (medicago sativa L.) IRRADIATED BY FAST NEUTRONS RESEARCH PROGRESSES OF GENETIC DIVERSITY IN PLANTS INVESTIGATION ON THE DISTRIBUTION AREA AND CHARACTERISTICS OF BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY OF ADENOPHORA LOBOPHYLLA (CAMPANULACEAE),AN ENDANGERED SPECIES Colonization trends of endophytic bacteria in cotton and their biological control effect on cotton Verticillium wilt Effects of Biomagnetic Effect on the Bioactive Metabolite Production in Fruiting Body of Cordyceps militaris Proposal Concering Conservation and Sustainable Use of Agrobiological Resources in Minority Area in Guizhou Province Effects of exotic plant Rhus typhina invasion on soil properties in different forest types Effects of nitrogen application on carbon metabolism of soil microbial communities in eucalyptus plantations with different levels of soil organic carbon Effects of solar radiation on soil respiration of a maize ecosystem Assessment of Genetic Variation of Oryza granulata Detected by RAPDs and ISSRs Study on the Accumulation and Biological Cycles of K,Ca and Mg in Rhizophora stylosa Mangrove Community in Guangxi Pollination Biology of Ficus hispida in the Tropical Rainforests of Xishuangbanna, China Experimental Manipulation of Pollen Protoplasts Sperms and Generative Cells Effects of planting transgenic cotton on functional diversity of rhizosphere soil microbial community. Biological control efficiency of Amblyseius cucumeris (Oudemans) on Panonychus ulmi (Koch). Effects of environmental stress on seedlings root growth and nodulation of leguminous shrubs in the dry valley of |Minjiang River. A preliminary study on the control of Pieris rapae using Phryxe vulgaris Study on poplar canker caused by Botryodiplodia populea ZKZhong: biological characteristics of pathogen, pattern of disease incidence and fungicide selection Accumulation and biological cycle of elements Ca and Mg in Bruguiera sexangula community of Hainan Island in China A theoretical methodology of landscape eco-classification Accumulation and cycling of Ca and Mg in Castanopsis eyrei community in Wuyishan Mountains Research advance in response and adaptation of bryophytes to environmental change Research advance in response and adaptation of bryophytes to environmental change Effect of pig manure and rice straw on biological activity of Cd-contaminated soil Advances in studies on genetically engineered microorganism ecology Bio-chemical properties of the forest floor in subalpine bamboo communities in western Sichuan Evaluation on temporal and spatial changes of biological integrity for shallow lakes in the middle reach of the Yangtze River The characteristics of nitrogen fixation, ammonification, nitrification and denitrification in coastal zones The ecological and biological characteristics of an endangered plant, Primulina tabacum Hance Accumulation, distribution and biological cycling of microelements in a second rotation Chinese fir plantation Effects of the planting environment of lawn brick with fly-ash medium on the growth of turfgrass Effect of Eulaliopsis binata plantation on soil quality in red soil region of southern China Effects of Biological Factors on the Diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Evaluation of soil easily mineralizable nitrogen and microbial biomass nitrogen for biological available index ON THE APPLICATION OF TRICHOGRAMMATIDS AGAINST REED STALK BORERS THE APPLICATION OF CODLING MOTH NEMATODE AGAINST THE LITCHI STEMBORER BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF STIFFGRASS AND ITS CONTROL THE BIONOMICS OF BAMBOO WEEVIL AND ITS CONTROL BY ENTOMOPATHOGENIC NEMATODE THE CONTROL EFFECT OF A STEINERNEMA NEMATODE AGAINST STRIPED FLEA BEETLE OCCURENCE AND CONTROL OF WOLFBERRY ROOT ROT STUDIES ON THE BIOLOGICAL SUPPRESSION OF COMMON CUTWORM SPODOPTERA UTURA FABRICIUS THE BIOLOGICAL CONTROL POTENCIALITY OF THREF PATHOGENIC FUNGI TO BARNYARDGRASS ( ECHINOCHLOA SPP. ) Research progress on Chinese materia medica in treatment of acute cerebral infarction based on clinical pharmacology Biological Characteristics of Storage Pest Plodia interpunctella of Masson Pine Pollen Biological effect on the germination and growth of mung bean seeds under low frequency magnetic field PRELIMINARY STUDY OF BIOLOGICAL EFFECTION OF MAIZE SOAKED IN THE MAGNETIZED WATER BIOLOGICAL PROPERTY AND IN VIVO AND IN VITRO MULTIPLICATION OF THE PLANTLETS OF VINCAMINORL STUDIES ON CONSERVATION BIOLOGY OF SARUMA HENRYI OLIV. Effects of dimethyl disulfide on microbial communities in protectorate soils under continuous cropping Effects of different forms of soil disinfection on soil physical properties and cucumber growth Influences of organic fertilizer application on soil biological properties Microbiological mechanism of swine excreta odor production and control Impact of invasion of exotic plant Alternanthera philoxeroides on interspecies association and stability of native plant community Comparison of impacts of invasive weed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, and native weed, Digitaria chinensis, on soil enzyme activity and fertility Advances in functional gene diversity of microorganism in relation to soil nitrogen cycling The slope scale distribution regularity of biological soil crusts based on CCA Utilization of carbon sources by soil microbial communities of four plant functional groups in Songnen Steppe Research Progress of Structural Characteristics and Functions of Calcium-dependent Protein Kinases in Plants Advances in Metabonomics and Its Applications Effect of irrigation on nitrogen characteristics of Alhagi sparsifolia seedlings Summary on formation and developmental characteristics of biological soil crusts in desert areas Impacts of livestock waste compost on tomato bacterial wilt, soil enzyme activity and soil microbial functional diversity Biocycling of nine mineral elements of soil-cotton system in Xinjiang oasisHAN Chunli1,LIU Juan1,ZHANG Wangfeng1,*, LIU Mei2,HUANG Wanjiang3,GAO Xumei1,ZHANG Hongzhi1 The effects of biological agents on survival, growth and physiological characteristics of Mongolian Pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) Advances in studies on biological effect of estuary hypoxia Distribution and Biological Cycle of Nutrients in Cryptocarya concinna/Lindera chunii Community in Dinghushan Control of watermelon fusarium wilt by using antagonistenhanced biological organic fertilizers Impacts of biological soil crusts on soil nitrogen in different rainfall regions in hilly areas of the Loess Plateau, China Study on potential of biological nitrogen fixation of soybean in China Application of Trichoderma spp. in the control of cotton Verticillium wilt The host range and biological characteristics of pathogen of Cylindrosporium pomi CHARACTERIZATION OF THE CAUSAL ORGANISM OF BACTERIAL SHEATH BROWN ROT OF RICE INCHINA A REVIEW ON THE TOXICOLOGY OF NEW NICOTINYL INSECTICIDES OPTIONAL COMPONENTS FOR EMULSTFIABLE SUSPENSIONS OF BEAUVERIA BASSIANA CONIDIA A REVIEW OF THE RESEARCHES AND APPLICATIONS OF BRONGNIART‘‘‘‘S WHITE MUSCARDINE FUNGUS BEAUVERIA BRONGNIARTII PETCH ON THE BIOLOGY AND CHEMICAL CONTROL OF ASIATIC APPLE LEAFMBSER STUDIES ON THE BIOLOGICAL BASES FOR DYNAMICS OF ALOPECURUS POPULATIONS IN WHEAT FIELDS BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PATHOGENIC FUNGI OF WATER CHESTNUT WILT STUDIES ON THE PATHOGEN AND THE BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SCALLION ANTHRACNOSE Biological Cycles of Mineral Elements in a Young Mixed Stand in Abandoned Mining Soils