Progress in Biosynthetic Pathways of Brassinosteroids Recent Progress in DNA Molecular Markers and Gene Functions of Rehmannia glutinosa Biological Functions and Regulatory Mechanisms of Local Auxin Biosynthesis in Higher Plants Recent Advances in the Study of Accumulation of Ascorbic Acid and Its Molecular Mechanism in Plants Advances in Biological Function of Arabidopsis Bifunctional Enzyme SAL1 Advances in Study of Dioscorins as Special Proteins in Yam Tuber Anther and pollen development: A conserved developmental pathway The Influence of the Mode of Formulation on the Biological Activity of Friaeontanol Modelling the Biomass Dynamics of Alpine Meadow Relationship between the rampancy of cucumber mosaic virus and the climate warming and countermeasures Influence of chemical and biological properties under long-term applying organic manure and chemical fertilizers on fluvo-aquic soils Subsoil stress and adaptation of plant roots Effects of biological invasion on the stabilization of urban ecosystem and strategies of its prevention and control Effects of cucumber continuous cropping on the soil physi-chemical characters and biological activities An Introduction to Metagenome Databases of Environmental Microbiology Research Advances on Molecular Techniques for Improving Microbial Tolerance to Organic Solvents Research Advances on Steroidal Glycoalkaloids Response Mechanism of Plant Cuticular Wax Involving in Drought Stress Response An Analysis of Environmental and Biological Effects of Chlorpyrifos Screening and Denitrification Characteristics of an Aerobic Denitrifying-Heterotrophic Nitrification Bacterium Isolation,Culture and Characterization of Derived Cells from Neonatal Porcine Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Effect of Vegetable Cultivation on Microbiological Properties of Soil Research on Isolation of Trichoderma from Waste of Walnut Peel and Adaptability Insecticidal Test of the Extracts from Tomato Stems and Leaves to Lipaphis erysimi Kaltenbach Construction and Characterization of a Mutant of Vibrio alginolyticus ZJ03 Δdldh Strain A Study on Identification and Enzyme Characteristics of a Xylanase Producing Strain Isolated and Selected from the Soil in Alpine Meadow Molecular Biology Research of Amur Grape(Vitis amurensis Rupr.) Purification and Activity Assay of Flage llin from Acidovorax avenae sub. avenae NB001 Degradation of organic contaminants with biological aerobic fermentation in sewage sludge dewatering and its influencing factors Introduction and ecological effects of an exotic mangrove species Sonneratia apetala Advances on chemical constituents and bioactivities of genus Stellera Biosynthesis,transport and function of ascorbate in plants Effect on plant and human cells under low frequency magnetic field A study on the biological and ecological property and geographical distribution of Quercus variabilis population Advance in modern studies on Shexiang Baoxin Pill ECOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SPRING AND AUTUMN PLANTS OF TWO DESERT EPHEMERALS CHANGES OF SOIL MICROBIAL PROPERTIES AFFECTED BY DIFFERENT LONG-TERM FERTILIZATION REGIMES FLOWERING PATTERN AND PROTANDRY IN BOESENBERGIA LONGIFLORA EFFECTS OF BIOLOGICAL CRUSTS ON THE GERMINATION OF FIVE DESERT VASCULAR PLANTS WITH DIFFERENT SEED MORPHOLOGIES Review of research advances and prospects of invasive Chromolaena odorata Effects of heavy metals pollution on soil microbial communities metabolism and soil enzyme activities in coal mining area of Tongchuan, Shaanxi Province of Northwest China. Soil microbes functional diversity in sand-fixing Caragana microphylla communities in Horqin Sandy Land. Microbial carbon utilization in rhizosphere soils of secondary plants in earthquake fault zone of Xinjiang. Minimum amounts of suitable habitat for wheat aphid, parasitoid, and hyperparasitoid in facility-based agricultural landscapes. Effects of nitrogen and carbon addition and arbuscular mycorrhiza on alien invasive plant Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Arsenic speciation in edible plants: A review. Responses of black soil’s microbial respiration and community functional diversity to temperature. Spatiotemporal variations of vegetation cover in Zhejiang Province and their relations to eco-climatic indices. Effects of biological soil crusts on desert soil nematode communities Biological characteristics and cultivation of fruit body of wild medicinal mushroom Perenniporia fraxinea The depositional environment and organic sediment component of Dagze Co, a saline lake in Tibet, China Mechanism of biological control to plant diseases using arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Effects of biological crusts on dew deposition and evaporation in the Southern Edge of the Mu Us Sandy Land, Northern China Biological nitrogen fixation in the upper water column in the south Taiwan Strait during summer 2011 Soil microbial diversity under typical vegetation zones along an elevation gradient in Helan Mountains Relationship between rhizosphere microbial community functional diversity and faba bean fusarium wilt occurrence in wheat and faba bean intercropping system Using periphyton assemblages to assess stream conditions of Taizi River Basin, China PRELIMINARY STUDY OF MUTAGENIC EFFECTS OF NITROGEN ION IMPLANTATION IN RICE THE BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF THE NEAR-GROUND SPACE TREATMENT ON M_1 OF WHEAT VARIETIES STUDIES ON MUTAGENIC EFFECTS OF SYNCHROTRONOUS RADIATION(SOFT X-RAY) ON WINTER WHEAT Ⅰ. RADIATION BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS THE BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF SEEDS IRRADIATION WITH ~(60 Coγ-RAY ON THE MEMBRANE AND PROTECTIVE ENZYMES ACTIVITIES OF CAIXIN( Brassica campetris L.) STUDY ON MUTAGENIC EFFECTS OF MAGNETIC FIELD-FREE SPACE ON DRY RICE SEED STUDY ON A NEW ANTIFUNGAL ANTIBIOTIC, YIMEIMYCIN——ISOLATION, STRUCTURE ELUCIDATION AND BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES BREEDING EFFECT OF SPACE TREATMENT ON SPRING WHEAT ADVANCES IN LUTEIN AND ZEAXANTHIN——The Structures,Properties and Biological Function of Lutein and Zeaxanthin BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS AND APPLICATION OF PROTON BEAM(H~+) IMPLANTATION ON MELON SEEDS Reproductive Biology of Sargentodoxa cuneata (Sargentodoxaceae) Research progress of biological protein elicitor Research progress of synthetic biology for tanshinones Biological Effects of Stevia rebaudianum Induced by Carbon Ion Implantation PROGRESS AND PROSPECTS IN RESEARCH OF AN EXOTIC INVASIVE SPECIES, EUPATORIUM ADENOPHORUM CONSERVATION BIOLOGY BASED ON THE SPATIAL ANALYSIS GROUND BRYOPHYTE COMPOSITION AND SYNUSIA STRUCTURE UNDER SIX TYPES OF YOUNG CONIFEROUS FOREST PLANTATIONS IN THE UPPER MINJIANG RIVER GEOGRAPHICAL VARIATION IN THE BREEDING SYSTEMS OF AN INVASIVE PLANT, EICHHORNIA CRASSIPES, WITHIN CHINA THE STUDY OF A SPECIOUS INVASIVE PLANT, WATER HYACINTH (EICHHORNIA CRASSIPES): ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Pollination Biology of Ficus Auriculata Tropical Rainforest of Xishuangbanna Nutrient Cycling in Pinus massonina Stands of Different Age Classes NESTEDNESS: METHODS, MECHANISMS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION Mating System Evolution, Resource Allocation, and Genetic Diversity in Plants Suppression of three soil-borne diseases of cucumber by a rhizosphere fungal strain.