Progress in the study of plant reproductive phenology
Effects of biological soil crusts on soil seed bank and seed germination of desert plants in North China Reproductive biology and spawning habitats of Megalobrama pellegrini, an endemic fish in upper-reaches of Yangtze River basin Effect of variety, seed size and fertilizer on biological characteristics of winter wheat Effects of enrofloxacin on functional diversity of soil microbial communities The characteristics of the Hydrobios distribution and the analysis of water quality along the West Shore of Taihu Lake The reproduction strategy of Trias verrucosa from China Biological cycling of nutrients in different ages classes of Acacia mangium plantation Adavances of studies on marine carbon cycle A STUDY ON HIPPOTA DORSALIS (STL) I.BIOLOGY Identification of Clostera anastomosis and C. restitura (Lepidoptera:Notodontidae) by Morphological and Biological Characters and Their Evolutionary Relationship Phytochelatin and its function in heavy metal tolerance of higer plants Physiological and molecular biological mechanisms of heavy metal absorption and accumulation in hyperaccumualtors Isolation and Identification of Novel Denitrifier Strain Rhizobium radiobacter and Its Nitrifying Characterisation Research Progress on Biological Characteristic and Applications of Laccase from Edible Fungi Screening of Actinomyces on Antagonism to Rhizoctonia solani Isolated from Saline-alkali Soils in Hexi Corridor The Gaoyuzhuang Palaeobiology Development of Plant Embryology in China Predation and Parasitism of Sclerodermus sp. (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) on the Young Larvae of Monochamus alternatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Distribution patterns and spatial variability of vegetation and biocrusts in revegetated lands in different rainfall zones of the Loess Plateau region, China Structural and functional diversity of rhizosphere microbial community of nine plant species in the Daqing Saline-alkali soil region Soil microbial properties under typical halophytic vegetation communities in arid regions Effects of intercropping on soil microbial communities after long-term potato monoculture The metabolism characteristics of microbial community in different forest soil in Qinling Mountains Area Advances in population biology of Rosa rugosa The population growth dynamic of Galinsoga quadriradiata Ruiz & Pav. on Qinling-Bashan Mountain The effects of habitat type and nitrogen deposition on the invasion of Hydrocotyle vulgaris in wetland plant communities Culture-dependent and culture-independent approaches for studying airborne microbial diversity Effects of long-term fertilization on diversities of soil microbial community structure and function in grey desert soil of Xinjiang Role of soil microbes in the acquisition of nutrients by plants Dynamics of nutrient elements in different types of forests in depressions between karst hills