Effects of Cuscuta australis parasitism on the growth, reproduction and defense of Solidago canadensis.  Effects of exogenous glucose and starch on soil carbon metabolism of root zone and root function in potted sweet cherry. Effect of long-term fertilization on microbial community functional diversity in black soil. Effects of earthworm on soil microbes and biological fertility: A review. Nitrification of biological soil crusts and soil system during drought process and its response to temperature and moisture: A case study in the Shapotou region, Northwest China. Monitoring of seasonal variation of vegetation cover and evaluation of biologicalcontrol factor in orchards of China. Effects of tillage methods on soil physicochemical properties and biological characteristics in farmland: A review. Effects of different fertilization ways on the contents of N, P, K in new shoots and photobiological characters of tea tree. Microbial activity and functional diversity in rhizosphere of cucumber under different subsurface drip irrigation scheduling. Diversity of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms in biological soil crusts of copper mine wastelands. Ecologically critical areas of broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forest in Changbai Mountains, China. Effects of bacterial consortium EG03 on control of pepper bacterial wilt and rhizosphere microbial community characteristics in fields. Surface roughness characteristics of biological soil crusts and its influencing factors in the hilly Loess Plateau region, China A cellular automata model of a biological wastewater treating system Community structure of fishery biology in the Yangtze River estuary and its adjacent waters Influences of high temperature shock on the reproduction and development of the Wolbachia\|induced parthenogenetic parasitoid wasp, Encarsia formosa (Gahan) Soil microbial functional diversity in a montane evergreen broadleaved forest of Chebaling Following the Huge Ice Storm in South China Analytical hierarchy process(AHP) evaluation of water quality in Danjiangkou reservoir-source of the middle line project to transfer water south to north, China Sediments eco-environmental quality assessment in the Changjiang Estuary and its adjacent waters ACCUMULATION AND BIOLOGICAL CYCLE OF NITROGEN AND PHOSPHORUS IN PINUS TAIWANENSIS COMMUNITY IN WUYI MOUNTAINS STUDIES ON THE HETEROSIS OF TWO-LINE HYBRID RICE Ⅱ. ANALYSES OF PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERS Control efficacy of Bacillus subtilis sf 628 on pear anthracnose Bioactive evaluation and application of antifungal volatiles generated by five soil bacteria Characteristics of asexual spore germination and growth of Ustilaginoidea virens in different media Impact evaluation of transgenic cry1Ab japonica rice on the diversity of intestinal microbial community in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens using Biolog-Eco method Selection of endophytic bacteria for suppression of corn sheath blight caused by Rhizoctonia solani Resistance of Rhizoctonia cerealis to tebuconazole and the biological characters of tebuconazole-resistant strains INVESTIGATIONS OF THE SPECIES AND BIOLOGY OF GRASSHOPPERS IN HIGH MOUNTAIN GRASSLAND IN GANSU PROVINCE STUDY ON THE CONTROL TECHNOLOGY OF RICE BACTERIAL LEAF BLIGHT (XANTHOMONAS ORYZAE) A STUDY ON PSEUDOPHACOPTERON CANARIUM IN FUJIAN PROVINCE BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY AND CONTROL TECHNIQUES OF IMIDACLOPRID AGAINST RHOPALOSIPHUM PADI(L. ) Deciphering Ascorbic Acid Regulatory Pathways in Ripening Tomato Fruit Using a Weighted Gene Correlation Network Analysis Approach Gene Network Analysis and Functional Studies of Senescence-associated Genes Reveal Novel Regulators of Arabidopsis Leaf Senescence Morphology and Biology of Endoclyta signifer Walker(Lepidoptera:Hepialidae), a New Wood Borer on Eucalyptus Study on the Nutrient Cycling of Ⅰ-69 Poplar Plantation Studies on the control of verticillium wilt of cotton with the mixtures of biological agents and carbendazim Effect of fertilization on soil microbial biologic carbon in black soil A summary of soil microbial biomass nitrogen Effect of mulch and shade on physiological and biological characteristics of ginger growing in field Surver of Yunnans Trachycarpus nana and its biological features The biological control and the natural enemy of Mikania micrantha H.B.K’s in China Biological characteristic of invasive plant Ipomoea cairica Research Progress on the Safety Assessment of Stacked Genetically Modified Plants Research Progress on Methanotrophic Bacteria in Landfills and the Reduction of Methane Emission Preparation of Porous Biological Carrier with DHP-galactose Complex and Its Application in Culture of Human Hepatocytes On the Effect of Treating Petroleum-contaminated Soil by Different Bioremediation Technologies Isolation Culture and Identification of Bone Marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Arbas Cashmere Goat A demonstration study using the integrated technique of cutting plus waterlogging for the control of Spartina alterniflora Origin and essence of island biogeography and metapopulation theory

Progress in the study of plant reproductive phenology Effects of biological soil crusts on soil seed bank and seed germination of desert plants in North China Reproductive biology and spawning habitats of Megalobrama pellegrini, an endemic fish in upper-reaches of Yangtze River basin Effect of variety, seed size and fertilizer on biological characteristics of winter wheat Effects of enrofloxacin on functional diversity of soil microbial communities The characteristics of the Hydrobios distribution and the analysis of water quality along the West Shore of Taihu Lake The reproduction strategy of Trias verrucosa from China Biological cycling of nutrients in different ages classes of Acacia mangium plantation Adavances of studies on marine carbon cycle A STUDY ON HIPPOTA DORSALIS (STL) I.BIOLOGY Identification of Clostera anastomosis and C. restitura (Lepidoptera:Notodontidae) by Morphological and Biological Characters and Their Evolutionary Relationship Phytochelatin and its function in heavy metal tolerance of higer plants Physiological and molecular biological mechanisms of heavy metal absorption and accumulation in hyperaccumualtors Isolation and Identification of Novel Denitrifier Strain Rhizobium radiobacter and Its Nitrifying Characterisation Research Progress on Biological Characteristic and Applications of Laccase from Edible Fungi Screening of Actinomyces on Antagonism to Rhizoctonia solani Isolated from Saline-alkali Soils in Hexi Corridor The Gaoyuzhuang Palaeobiology Development of Plant Embryology in China Predation and Parasitism of Sclerodermus sp. (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) on the Young Larvae of Monochamus alternatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Distribution patterns and spatial variability of vegetation and biocrusts in revegetated lands in different rainfall zones of the Loess Plateau region, China Structural and functional diversity of rhizosphere microbial community of nine plant species in the Daqing Saline-alkali soil region Soil microbial properties under typical halophytic vegetation communities in arid regions Effects of intercropping on soil microbial communities after long-term potato monoculture The metabolism characteristics of microbial community in different forest soil in Qinling Mountains Area Advances in population biology of Rosa rugosa The population growth dynamic of Galinsoga quadriradiata Ruiz & Pav. on Qinling-Bashan Mountain The effects of habitat type and nitrogen deposition on the invasion of Hydrocotyle vulgaris in wetland plant communities Culture-dependent and culture-independent approaches for studying airborne microbial diversity Effects of long-term fertilization on diversities of soil microbial community structure and function in grey desert soil of Xinjiang Role of soil microbes in the acquisition of nutrients by plants Dynamics of nutrient elements in different types of forests in depressions between karst hills