The Pathogen of the Medicago stativa Leaf Spot in Gansu Province Effect of Improvment Methods for Saline-alkalin Grasslands on Nitrogen Metabolism of Astragalus adsurgens Development of Microbiological Nitrogen and Effects on Yield and Traits of Brassica chinensis Isolation, identification and biological characterization of Burkholderia gladioli in Cymbidium imported from Korea STUDIES ON THE BIOLOGY AND CONTROL OF XYLINOPHORUS MONGOLICUS FAUST STUDY ON THE BIOLOGY AND CONTROL OF CITRUS PSYLLA ISOLATION AND UTILIZATION OF MICROORGANISM STRAINS TO CONTROL WHEAT SCAB THE INHIBITORY EFFECTS OF COMPOST EXTRACTS ON CUCUMBER DOWNY MILDEW AND THE POSSIBLE MECHANISM ON THE BIOLOGY AND INTEGRATED CONTROL OF MULBERRY BEETLE ABIRUS FORTUNEI (BALY)(COLEOPTERA: EUMOLPIDAE) EFFECT OF WATERMELON MOSAIC VIRUS ON BIOLOGICAL CHARACTER OF COTTON APHID ( APHIDGOSSYPII ) Biological compatibility of ten commercial pesticides with Beauveria bassiana conidia Biological response of rice crop cultivated on upland soil condition and the effect of mulching on it Nitrogen release characteristics of coated urea amended with biological inhibitors in meadow brown soil Identification and biological characteristics of Curvularia lunata causing leaf blight on Cynodon hybrid Biological characteristics and chemical control of the mulberry fruit gall midge Cotarina sp. New screening mode and practice for solubilizing excipient meeting with characteristics of Chinese materia medica injection Observation on the Biological Characteristics and Molecular Identification of Changtai Fructus Amomi Comparative Studies on Pollination Biology of Mosla hangchouensis and M.chinensis (Labiatae) Biological Properties, Trunk Anatomy and Growth Patterns of Cycas panzhihuaensis Biological effects of rare earth elements and their action mechanisms Effects of replacing natural secondary broad-leaved forest with Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation on soil biological activities Stress-resistance of weedy rice Luolijing (Oryza sativa) Alien species invasion in Southern China and its countermeasures Effects of ultra low volume Beauveria bassiana oil formulation on biological diversity Effects of forest restoration patterns on soil microbial communities Introduction of upland rice cultivars to eastern Keerqin sandy land and their biological characteristics Antibiotics production by bacterial agents and its role in biological control Methods for studying soil microbial diversity Nitrogen cycling and its dynamic feature in fine roots of poplar trees and herbs STUDIES ON THE PATHOGEN OF FUSARIUM ROOT ROT OF WHEAT AND ITS BIOLOGY PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE BIONOMICS AND APPLICATION OF NETTLE CATERPILLAR GRANULOSIS VIRUS STUDIES ON THE OCCURRENCE AND CONTROL OF RAMIE ANTHRACNOSE PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE BIOLOGY AND CONTROL OF HAWTHORN SLUG SAWFLY THE APPLICATION OF STEINERNEMA FELTIAE AGRIOTES AGAINST PEACH FRUIT BORER STUDIES ON THE PATHOGEN OF STEM-ROT OF CHINESE WATERCHESTNUT AND ITS BIOLOGY THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT RICE VARIETIES ON THE BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERS OF BROWN PLANTHOPPER BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PATHOGENIC FUNGI OF STEM BLIGHT OF ASPARAGUS Biological Traits of Three Gastrodia elata Variants in the Flowering Period Advances in Studies on Triterpenes Constituents and Their Biological Activities in Species of Maytenus Measurement Method of Bryophytes Biomass of Biological Soil Crusts on Rehabilitated Grasslands on the Hilly Loess Plateau, China Pollination Biology Characters of Scutellaria baicalensis Pathogen Identification of Gerbera Powdery Mildew and Its Control Experiment with Verticillium lecanii Pathogen Identification of Gerbera Powdery Mildew and Its Control Experiment with Verticillium lecanii The Biological Characteristics of Actinomycetes Frankia Living in Roots of Myrica rubra Preliminary Studies on the Reproductive Biology of Xanthoceras sorbifolia Biological Hazard Classifications and Hazard Map Development for Terrestrial Applications of Wood in China Biological Characteristics and Oleoresin Production of Sindora glabra in Hainan Island Morphology, Behavior and Natural Enemies of Matsucoccus matsumurae (Homoptera: Matsucoccidae) during Development Potential of Entomopathogen Beauveria bassiana for Controlling Fall Webworm Hyphantria cunea Investigation of agricultural biological resources in Hezhang County Guizhou Province Investigation of Agro- biological Resources and Comparative Analysis on Species Diversity in Zhenfeng and Songtao County, Guizhou Province Biological characteristics and evaluation of self-cross progenies of Fragaria viridis Duch. Rare Germplasm Resources of Biology of Agriculture in Yunnan Province and Its Peripheral Area Analysis on structure and expression pattern of BpHMGR gene in Betula platyphylla Community Characteristics and Biological Characteristics of Psammophytes Ephemeral Plant Hypecoum erectum Accumulation and Biological Cycling of Nutrient Elements in Quercus aquifolioides Shrublands Control of Solanaceae vegetable bacterial wilt with avirulent hrp-mutants Bio-control efficacy of a marine bacterium CⅢ-1 from mangrove on capsicum bacterial wilt Bacterial sheath brown rot of wheat and its identification of the causal organism in China Toxicity and mechanism of hexaflumuron on Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IA Control efficacy of biocontrol strain B-3 against pepper wilt and its identification Effects of Trichoderma REMI mutants on partial ecological factors Analysis on the colonization of entophytic bacteria B47 and its control on tomato bacterial wilt The biological characteristics and control of a weedy rice Luolijing Study on biological feature of Panzerina lanata J.Sojak complex NUTRIENT ELEMENTS DISTRIBUTION AND CYCLING IN THE SECOND ROTATION CHINESE FIR PLANTATION AT FAST-GROWING STAGE A STUDY ON THE BIOLOGY OF THE PINEUS ARMANDICOLA (HOMOPTERA:ADELGIDAE) STUDY ON THE SAWFLY MEGABLESES CRASSITARSIS (HYMENOPTERA: TENTHREDINIDAE, ALLANTINAE) EVALUATION OF PATHOGENICITY OF PARASITIC FUNGI TO ROOT-KNOT NEMATODES STUDIES ON FIRE RESISTANT TREE SPECIES OF DAGUI MOUNTAINS,GUANGXI ZHUANG AUTONOMOUS REGION PREPARATION AND APPLICATION OF MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES AGAINST DENDROLIMUS PUNCTATUS CYTOPLASMIC POLYHEDROSIS VIRUS STUDIES ON THE BIOLOGICAL FEATURE OF FLOWERING IN GINKGO BILOBA L.MALE TREES A STUDY ON THE IOLOGICAL RHYTHM OF SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR OF PEAR LEAF BORER ILLIBERIS PRUNI DYAR STUDY ON THE YUNNAN PINE NEEDLE SCALE (HOMOPTERA: MARGARODIDAE) SOME BIOLOGICAL AND ECOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF STROBILOMYIA MELANIOLA (FAN) (DIPTERA:ANTHOMYIIDAE) STUDIES ON THE BIONOMICS AND CONTROL OF TETRANYCHUS TRUNCATUS EHARA Cloning and Sequencing of Antifreeze Protein Gene in Daucus carota var. sativus Hoffm Deutschl Development of Microbiological Nitrogen and Effects on Yield and Traits of Brassica chinensis Effects of Intercropping between Mulberry and Alfalfa on Soil Enzyme Activities and Microbial Community Diversity in Rhizophere Effects of Magnetized Water on the Growth and Nitrogen Fixation of Rhizobial Strain on Alfalfa