BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF ~(60)Co γ-RAYS,LASER AND THEIR COMBINATION TREATMENT ON WHEAT UING ~(15)N ISOTOPIC DILUTION METHOD TO DETERMINE THE QUANTIFICATION OF ASSOCIATION NITROGEN FIXATION BACTERIA SOIL FROM OAT ROOTS MUTAGENIC EFFECTS OF RICE CARRIED BY RECOVERALLBE SATELLITE AND IRRADIATED WITH ~(60)Co γ-RAY THE DEVELOPMENT OF eui1-P(T) GMS LINE X07eS AND ITS BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERS BIOLOGICAL EFFECT OF ~ 60 Co γ IRRADIATION ON Trichoderma THE STUDY ON THE BIOLOGICAL EFFECT OF Armillaria mellea IRRADIATED WITH ~(60) Co γ-RAY BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF SPACE FLIGHT,γ\|RAY IRRADIATION AND THEIR COMBINATIONS WITH IN VITRO CULTURE ON RICE THE BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF ULTRAVIOLET RAY (UV) RADIATION ON Gaeumannomyces graminis Effects of biological soil crusts on seedling growth and element uptake in five desert plants in Junggar Basin, western China Floral biological characteristics of Saussurea involucrata in relation to ecological adaptation Changes in plant functional groups and species diversity under three grassland using modes in typical grassland area of Inner Mongolia, China A review of adaptive evolution of defense strategies in an invasive plant species, Chinese tallow (Triadica sebifera) Leaf venation functional traits and their ecological significance Variations of soil microbial community diversity along an elevational gradient in mid-subtropical forest Changes of the dike-pond agricultural pattern and water hyacinth invasion in southern China Effects of experimental warming on CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes of biological soil crust and soil system in a desert region Impacts of freeze-thaw processes on antioxidant activities and osmolyte contents of Syntrichia caninervis under different desert microhabitats Research overview and trend on biological invasion in mangrove forests Influence of three types of salt stress on photosynthesis in Spartina alterniflora and Phragmites australis Ecological issues of research for biological invasion of Ampullaria gigas Spix in China Effect of microbial organic fertilizer application on soil microbial activity Effect of nitrogen/phosphorus ratio on biological characteristics and organic acid exudation in soybean roots Analysis of nutrient and microbial Biolog function diversity in teasoils with different planting years in Fujian Anxi Life table and biological characteristics of an exotic lace bug, Corythucha marmorata (Uhler). Predicting the potential suitable distribution area of the apple snail Pomacea canaliculata in China based on multiple ecological niche models. Nitrogen fixation potential of biological soil crusts in Heidaigou open coal mine, Inner Mongolia, China. Soil microbial functional diversity of different altitude Pinus koraiensis forests. Research Progress on Biological Effect of Endosulfan The Prospect and Development of the Human Acid Fibroblast Growth Factor Isolation and Identification of a Heterotrophic Nitrifying Bacterium and Its Mutation Breeding by UV-irradiation The decomposition of coniferous and broadleaf mixed litters significantly changes the carbon metabolism diversity of soil microbial communities in subtropical area, southern China Relationship Between Resistance Level of 10-and 11-Year-Old Poplar Strains to Cryptorrhynchus lapathi L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).and the Physical Properties of Poplar Trunk Effects of Ozone Stress on Tree Root: A Review Human activities are the principle cause of biotic homogenization Accumulation and Biological Cycle of K and Na Elements in Bruguiera sexangula Community Studies on the Biological Characteristics of Echinochola crusgalli and its Control Methods Trace Elements in some Medicinal Plants in Xinlong, Hainan BIOLOGICAL STRATEGIES IN CONTROLLING OR MITIGATING MARINE HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOMS (HABS) PRELIMINARY STUDIES ON THE FLORAL BIOLOGY, BREEDING SYSTEM AND REPRODUCTIVE SUCCESS OF SINOJACKIA HUANGMEIENSIS, AN ENDANGERED PLANT IN A FRAGMENTED HABITAT IN HUBEI PROVINCE, CHINA Effect of different nitrogen forms and their proportion on biological characteristics of Isatis indigotica Fort Impacts of biological soil crust on availability of phosphorus and phosphatase activity in hilly regions of the Loess Plateau, China Pollination Biology and Mating System of Bergenia scopulosa T.P.Wang,an Endangered,Indigenous Species in China biological control| tomato bacterial wilt| Bacillus spp| antagonistic activity| Isolation of cellulose-degrading bacteria and determination of their degradation activity Effects of light intensity on biological characteristics, physiological indexes and flavone content of Kalimeris indica Mycorrhizal studies and their application prospects in China The biology of Spodoptera mauritia fed on the turfgrass Agrostis stolonifera Allelopathic Activity of Exotic Tree Rhus typhina STUDIES ON BESAIA GODDRICA (NOTODONTIDAE,LEPIDOPTERA) BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF BAMBOO PLANTS IN FLOWERING STAGE Pollination Biology in Cimicifuga nanchuanensis, an Endangered Species (Ranunculaceae) Establishment of Hairy Root Cultures of Astragalus membranaceus and the Extrinsic Factors Affecting Their Growt Researches on the reproductive ecology of endangered plant populations Distribution of Zn and Cu in rock,soil and navel orange tree system in Zigui County, Hubei Province Low temperature phenomena of wheat and mungbean canopy of different genotypes Effect of magnetic field with different strengths on the free radical concentration in Sesamum indicum seeds Review on studies on the important role of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in agricu lture and livestock production and the factors affecting its efficiency Biological response of winter wheat root system to fertilization depth Biological effect of endophyfic bacteria in Fortunate Bamboo Studies on the cutting propagation of Taxus chinensis var.mairei.Ⅰ.Effects of medium,season and biological measures on the cutting propagation Biological effect of sodium humate on the Cd-stressed wheat seedlings Research on pattern for biology utilization and agriculture development in Dongting Lake wetland Distribution patterns of giant panda in Guanyinshan and Foping nature reserves. Effects of mulberry-soybean intercropping on carbon-metabolic microbial diversity in saline-alkaline soil. Research advance in the function of quorum sensing in the biological aggregates. On the physical chemical and soil microbial properties of soils in the habitat of wild Ferula in Xinjiang Effects of organic materials containing copper on soil enzyme activity and microbial community Effects of simulated precipitation on apparent carbon flux of biologically crusted soils in the Gurbantunggut Desert in Xinjiang, Northwestern China The diversity parameters of butterfly for ecological function divisions in Chongqing An index of biological integrity:developing the methodology for assessing the health of the Baiyangdian wetland Effect of chlorothalonil on soil microbial communities of Larix artificial shelter-forest Review on relationship between invasiveness of plants and their DNA C-value An Analysis of Knowledge Structure Evolution on Biological Breeding Field Expression of Human Glucagon-like Peptide-1 in Transgenic Tobaccos Effects of environmental and biotic factors on soil respiration in a coastal wetland in the Yellow River Delta, China. Progress in studies on an exotic vicious weed Mikania micrantha Comparative study of pollination biology of two closely related alpine Primula species, Primula beesiana and P. bulleyana (Primulaceae) Research Advances in Plant SPL Transcription Factors Process of Cell Biology of Isoquinoline Alkaloid Biosynthesis, Transport and Storage Recent Advances in Cyclic Nucleotide-gated Ion Channels with their Functions in Plants