Effects of Different Antibiotics on the Growth and Reproduction of Red Pea Aphid (Acyrthosiphon piusm) Effects of Chemical Herbicide at Different Spraying Ways on the Carbon Source Metabolism of Soil Microbial Community in Alfalfa Rhizosphere SOME TENTATIVE IDEAS ABOUT THE DEVELOPMENT OF BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES WITH POTENTIAL SUPERIORITY IN YUNNAN Re-examination of the Biological Effect of Plate Movement——Impact of Shan- Malay Plate Displacement (the Movment of Burma- Malaya Geoblock) on the Biota of the Gaoligong Mountains Flowering biological characteristics of Panax stipuleanatus Studies on separation,appraisal and the biological activity of 5HMF in Cornus officinalis Regulation on Growth and Accumulation of Total Alkaloid in Leonurus artemisia (Lour.)S.Y.Hu by Various Microfertilizers Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and its application prospects in Chinese materia medica Stability of traditional Chinese medicinal materials′ quality adhered to regularity of biogenetic polymorphism Advances in studies on chemical constituents in Euphorbia helioscopia and their biological activities Seed biological characteristics and seedling growth in Glycyrrhiza uralensis from two provenances in Mongolia Fire RetardantMechanism of the Non-managed andPartlyManagedMulti-layer Firebreak Forests The Preliminary Study on Biological Activity of Synthetic Philanthotoxin Analogs Observation and experiment to Latrodectus tredecimguttatus‘s bioecology Relationships between the emergence and oviposition of ectoparasitoid Spathius agrili Yang and its host emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire Biological response of different cultivars of millet to low nitrogen stress Effects of different fertilization on structure and function of soil bacterial community Reviews on models for biological nitrogen fixation of soybean Soil microbiologic characteristics under vegetable residues and bacterial manure application in greenhouse The biological property and ecological habit of Hippophae Distinction of Verticillium dahliae and V. albo-atrum from other allied species Isolation and identification of the pathogen causing tomato bacterial soft rot Induction and charcteristics of Phytophthora capsici isolates resistant to fluopicolide Phenotypic analysis of low virulent Verticillium dahliae mutants on cotton and cloning of pathogenicity related genes Identification,colonization and disease suppressive effect of strain SC11 against cotton Fusarium wilt THE BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND INTRODUCTION AND DOMESTICATION OF PRUNUS PEDUNCULATA THE EFFECT OF NOCTOC COMUNE ON BLOOM AND NUTRITVE GROWTH OF PLANT Effects of Natural Grass on Soil Microbiology,Nutrient and Fruit Quality of Nanfeng Tangerine Yard Characteristics of Enzyme Activities in Apple Orchard Soil in Weibei Arid Region The Pollination Biology of Primula sieboldii Identification and Biological Characteristics of Muskmelon Fruit Rot Pathogen in Liaoning Province STUDIES ON THE SOIL FERTILITY IN THE AGROFORESTRY PATTERN OF CHINESE FIR WITH LITSEA CUBEBA AND CROPS A STUDY ON EFFECTIVE ACCUMULATED TEMPERATURE AND THRESHOLD TEMPERATURE FOR DEVELOPMENT CHOUIOIA CUNEA Yang (HYMENOPTERA:EULOPHIDAE) ADVANCES IN RESEARCH ON FLAVONOIDS IN GINKGO BILOBA LEAF Effect of 1-Methylcyclopropene on Post-Harvest Physiology and Quality of ‘Dashi Early Ripening’ Plums Fabrication and Performance of Bamboo-Based SiC/C Biological Ceramics Toxicity of Three Biopesticides and Their Effect on Detoxification Enzyme Activity of Corythucha ciliata Identification and Biological Characteristics of A Metarhizium pingshaense Strain Isolated from Melanotus cribricollis Larva Cloning and homological comparison analysis on DNA fragments of processed pieces and fresh roots of Saussurea lappa Cloning and homological comparison analysis on DNA fragments of processed pieces and fresh roots of Saussurea lappa Molecular biology and metabolic engineering of tropane alkaloids biosynthesis Molecular biology and metabolic engineering of tropane alkaloids biosynthesis Advances in studies on structural modifications and biological activities of 18β-glycyrrhetinic acid Studies on the Formation of Prepared Daughter Root of Common Monkshood Advances in studies on biology and chemical constituents in dried aerial part of Eclipta prostrata Reproductive biology of endangered plant Actinidia chrysantha Research on allelopathic effects of Conyza canadensis-an invasive species Effects of Temperature, Supplementary Food and Body Size on Longevity of Chouioia cunea (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) Scientific Basis and Prospects of Biological Fire-prevention-belt Technique Pollination Biology and Breeding System of Melastoma dendrisetosum Advances in Biology and Applications of Fiber Plant Triarrhena lutarioriparia Pollination Biology of Chirita lutea Yan Liu et Y. G. Wei in China (Gesneriaceae) Ecological and Biological Characteristics of Bauhinia corymbosa Biological and environmental effect of coated urea on maize and wheat Maize genotype differences in phosphorus efficiency and relative biological characteristics and regression modeling analysis Spared N response and yields advantage of intercropped wheat and fababean Fate and efficient use of nitrogen fertilizer in main agroecosystems Identification and characterisation of Sclerotinia homoeoparpa causing leaf blight in 4 warm-season turfgrass species Responses of soil microbial functional diversity to nitrogen and water input in Stipa baicalensiss teppe, Inner Mongolia, Northern China Identification and evaluation of biological control potential of B-401 endophytic bacteria in grasses on alpine grasslands Screening, identification and biological function evaluation of endophytic bacteria against potato storage disease Effect of rest-grazing on soil microbial community functional diversity in Stipa baicalensis steppe Identification and determination of biological characteristics of Kobresia capillifolia
endophytic bacteria X4 in the East Qilian Mountain Alpine grasslands
A biological study on Exorista civilis, a tachinid parasitoid of Loxostege sticticalis Identification and biological characteristics of the pathogen causing the potato gangrene in Gansu Province Studies on the biological characteristics and dynamics of energy production of Miscanthus floridulus Comparison of leaf quality and normal chemical components of flue-cured tobacco from different areas in Sichuan Analysis of Genetic Variation and QTL Detection in Cucumber Introgression Progenies Analysis of Genetic Variation and QTL Detection in Cucumber Introgression Progenies Research Progress on Active Composition and Practical Application of Medicinal Plants of Matricaria recutita Research Progress on the Mechanism of Petal Conical Epidermal Cells Formation and Attraction to Pollinating Insects Discussion on Some Problems of Experimental Operation and Data Analysis in Manuscripts Effects of Natural Grass on Soil Microbiology,Nutrient and Fruit Quality of Nanfeng Tangerine Yard Effect of Water Management and Phosphorus on Agricultural Characters and As Concentration in Polished Rice of Two Rice Cultivars Differing in P-Efficiency under As-stress Conditions Responses of Mikania micrantha to parasitization of Cuscuta campestris in total soluble protein content and activities of antioxidant enzymes Effects of nitrogen fixing bacteria on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence in sugarcane at elongating stage Plant Developmental Biology in China: Past, Present and Future Study on the Flexistyly Pollination Mechanism in Alpinia Plants (Zingiberaceae) Research progress on biology, chemical constituents in Euphorbia kansui, and their pharmacological effects Identification on pathogen of Menispermum dauricum target spot and study on its biological characteristics and fungicide susceptibility