Effects of the addition of mineral nutrients on biological nitrogen fixation in forest ecosystems Parameter sensitivity analysis of a coupled biological-physical model in Jiaozhou Bay Effects of Eisenia foetida and Amynthas morrisi on the chemical and biological properties of soil amended with the paper mill sludge Isolation and Biolog identification of the high-efficiency azotobacter from iron tailing under different vegetation restoration modes Colonization dynamics of Bacillus cereus B3-7 on wheat roots and control efficiency against sharp eyespot of wheat THE ACCUMULATION AND BIOLOGICAL CYCLE OF NITROGEN AND PHOSPHRUS ELEMENTS IN RHIZOPHORS STYLOSA COMMUNITY ,GUANGXI AN ECOLOGICAL MODEL FOR BIOLOGICAL STABILIZATION POND STUDY ON CLIMATIC PRODUCTIVITY OF ONOBRYCHIS VICIAEFOLIA IN SEMI-ARID AND SEMI-HUMID REGION FORAGING BEHAVIOR OF MULTI-PREDATORS FOR CITRUS RED MITE BIOLOGICAL AND ECOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PLANTAGO VIRGINICA L. The ecological characteristics of Cryptocarya concinna population Breeding System and Pollination Biology of Goodyera foliosa (Orchidaceae) Advances in Chemical Constituents and Biological Activities from Aquilaria sinensis Curcin Content of Jatropha curcas Seeds and Its Correlationship with Seed Traits in Dry-hot Valley of Jinsha River The biochemical mechanism and application of anammox in the wastewater treatment process APPLICATION OF ION IMPLANTATION IN LIFE SCIENCE COMPARISON BETWEEN M_1 GENERATION OF RESTING SEED AND SPROUT SEED OF SPRING WHEAT IRRADIATED BY 50MeV/u~(12) C ION BEAMS MUTAGENIC EFFECTS OF ION IMPLANTATION ON STEVIA THE INFLUENCE `OF CAFFEINE AND EDTA POST TREATMENT ON BIOLOGICAL EFFECT OF SOYBEAN AND RAPE SEEDLING BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF NITROGEN ION IMPLANTATION IN RICE BIOLOGICAL EFFECT OF ~(60)Co CHRONIC IRRADIATION ON DIFFERENT DEVELOPMENT STAGE IN COMMON WHEAT(T.aestivum L.) Biology of Orb-weaver Spider Araneus ventricosusand Its Role in Insect Pest Control Isolation, identification and biological characteristics of Aureobasidium zeae in Liaoning Province Application of Trichoderma granules in the control of corn stalk rot Induction and characteristics of Botrytis cinerea resistant mutants to boscalid Effects of pseP gene on Bacillus cereus 0-9 biofilm formation and its control to wheat sharp eyespot Screening of endophytic antagonistic bacterium and its biocontrol effect on dieback fungus Cenangium ferruginosum and physiological response of Chinese white pine Pinus armandii Susceptibility of the egg parasitoid Trichogramma dendrolimi (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) to three kinds of insecticides commonly used in fields The effects of short-time food acclimation on the functional response of Orius sauteri reared to Corcyra cephalonica eggs Efficacy of multicolored Asian lady beetle Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) against green peach aphid Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on vegetables under greenhouse conditions Identification and biological characteristics of Neoscytalidium dimidiatum causing pitaya canker Effects of different colour backgrounds on spawning biology of Grapholita molesta Control effect of the antinematode endophytic bacteria and rhizosphere actinomycetes to root-knot nematodes of tomato plant Screening and identifying antagonistic bacteria against Rhizoctonia solani and their biological control effects on soil-born damping-off disease of cucumber Evaluation of herbicidal activity of florasulam and its safety to various wheat varieties Development of the artificial diet for coconut leaf beetle, Brontispa longissima and the efficacy for mass rearing Toxicity of spirotetramat to Bemisia tabaci biotype B and the impact on the biological parameters Biological characteristics of metalaxyl-resistant isolates of Phytophthora capsici Identification and biological characteristics of macadamia leaf spot caused by Pestalotiopsis versicolor Biological activity of eight herbicides to eight species of major grasses in wheat fields Effect of sublethal dose of emamectin benzoate on growth and development of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) The negative cross-resistance and biological characteristics of pyridaben to imidacloprid-resistant population of Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae) Identification of the endophytic bacterial isolate Itb57 from tobacco plant and its control efficacy on tobacco black shank caused byPhytophthora nicotianae Resistance of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.fragariae to carbendazim and the biological characters of carbendazim-resistant strain Endophytic colonization of biocontrol bacterium FJAT-346-PA and its efficiency against banana Fusarium wilt Biological characteristics of strawberry Fusarium wilt and inhibitory effects of seven fungicides Identification of biocontrol strain Snef85 and virulence of fermented broth on different nematodes Biogeochemical mechanism of particulate organic carbon(POC) variations in seawaters LANDSCAPE ECOLOGICAL SECURITY PATTERNS IN BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION FRONTIERS IN BIODIVERSITY SCIENCE INTERACTION BETWEEN EARTHWORMS AND MICROORGANISMS Study of Biological Effect of Ion Implantation on Salvia splendens Effect of Peanut Straw Addition on Fruit Body Yield and Material Transformation of Pleurotus geesteranus Translation and elucidation of common terms in pollination biology Advances in the study of breeding system and pollination biology of gingers (Zingiberaceae and Costaceae) A comparison of several methods used in the field for nectar collection and concentration analysis
Invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides: biology, ecology and management Observations on the anatomy of reproductive organs and the pollinators of Viburnum macrocephalum f. keteleeri (Caprifoliaceae) Characteristics of soil nematode community in Abies georgei var. smithii forest gaps in southeast Tibet, China. Characteristics of soil microbial community under different vegetation types in Wuyishan National Nature Reserve, East China. Effects of biological organic fertilizer on microbial community’s metabolic activity in a soil planted with chestnut (Castanea mollissima). Effects of biological soil crust at different succession stages in hilly region of Loess Plateau on soil CO2 flux. Effects of different treatment methods of housefly pupae for the reproduction of Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae Rondani. Diversity of carbon source metabolism of microbial community in farmland soils in an arsenic mining area. Effects of nitrogen fertilization and straw amendment on  soil microbial biomass and soil functions after heat stress.  Effects of biological soil crust on soil erodibility in Hilly Loess Plateau Region of Northwest China. Effects of Festuca arundinacea on the microbial community in crude oil-contaminated saline-alkaline soil. Community characteristics of soil nematode in Abies georgei var. smithii forest in Sejila Mountain of Tibet, Southwest China. Ecological effects of wheat-oilseed rape intercropping combined with methyl salicylate release on Sitobion avenae and its main natural enemies. Research Progress of Controlling Conifer Root and Butt Rots by Phlebiopsis gigantea Advances in Synthetic Biology Advances on Honeybee Proteome Study Research Progress on Biological Functions of Long Non-coding RNA in Plants The Proceeding on Exploiting and Utilization of Feed Microalgae in Mariculture Marine biological damage assessment of oil spill based on resources equivalency analysis Current status of research on morphological structure, biological function and formation mechanism of plant crystals Study on the bionomics and habitat of Luehdorfia taibai (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) Effects of Intercropping on Biological Features, Yield and Qualities of Mungbean Progresses in the Research of Chlorogenic Acids INDUCTION AND BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CARBENDAZIM-RESISTANT MUTANTS OF Beauveria bassiana