Economic Dynamics Performance Evaluation of Lignin Diesel Clone and Characterization of A Glutathione-s-transferase Gene in Muscari armeniacum Characteristics of Osmunda vachellii Communities and Species Diversity from Mount Maluanshan in Shenzhen Comparison of Species Composition and Diversity of Four Successional Forest Communities in Zhejiang Province,East China Synopsis of Technical Standards for Collecting Seeds from Wild Plants Comparative Morphology of Development of the Gametophyte and Juvenile Sporophyte of Phymatopteris Analysis of Factors Influencing Yield Variability of Major Crops in China Phylogeography of Angelica nitida (Apiaceae), an endemic to the QinghaiTibet Plateau Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Cluster Analysis for the Weedy Rice in Ningxia Province Comparative Analysis of the Main Agronomic Characters of Plateau Japonica Rice backbone of Parents and their Derivative Cultivars Collection and Phenotypic Traits Analysis of Vigna Minima Identification and Expression Analysis of the AQPs Gene Family in Pyrus communis Genome-wide sequence identification and expression analysis of the LBD gene family in Nicotiana Tabacum Effect of Low Temperature on Flower Color and Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Tree Peony(Paeonia suffruticosa) ‘Luoyang Hong’ Cut Flower Studies on Female Flower Development and Embryonic Development of Dioscorea fordii Prain et Burk. in Hainan Analysis on Combining Ability of Yield Traits Between China and South Asia in Rice Restorer Lines Functional Nutrition Quality Analysis of Japonica Rice Varieties in the Cold Region The Analysis of Combining Ability and Breeding Strategy with Pb Content in Maize under different Lead pollution Levels Study on the main Agronomic Characters in two types of Male Sterile Lines of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) Cloning and Expression Analysis of AmDREB2C in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Cloning and expression analysis of the wheat gene TaRop2 encoding a small GTP-binding protein The investigation for botanical characters, berry quality and plant resistance of introduced America wine grapes grown in Beijing Genetic Diversity Analysis of Japonica Rice Landraces (Oryza sativa L.) from Shanghai Based on DUS Testing Comparative study on drought resistance and salt tolerance of Medicago ruthenica and Medicago sativa at seed germination period Combining Ability Analysis of Rice Hybrids Using AMMI Model Assessment of Agrobacterium sensitivity for different soybean genotypes and excellent germplasm screening Studies on Cooking and Eating Quality of F2 Population of Indica/Javanica Rice The Study on Potato Shoot Tips Viabilities during Cryopreservation by TTC Staining MethodResources Development and evaluation of genic-SSR markers based on shoot tip transcriptome information of Gossypium hirsutum L. QTL Analysis of Panicle Exsertion in Rice under Different Growing Environments Genetic Diversity Analysis of Natural Populations in Paeonia Delavayi The Research Progress of Epigenetic insights into the molecular bases Bases of Heterosis Comprehensive evaluation of waterlogging tolerance of progenies between Brassica napus and Rorippa indica Cloning and Expression Characterization of a SbDREB gene from Salicornia bigelovii Torr. Genotypic Difference of Rice Leaf Color in Response to Nitrogen The Research Progress Of Candidate Genes For Improving Plant Phosphorus-Effiency Genetic Diversity Analysis of Medicago ruthenica by ISSRs in China Study on Mutagenic Effects of 60Co-γ Irradiation on Apple Shoot Research Progress on Application of Hyperspectral Imaging Techniques in Tea Science Effect of the Pre-chilling Time of Cold Seawater on the Quality Changes of Trachurus japonicas During Frozen Storage Effects of Fermentation of Lactobacillus plantarum on the Nutrient Composition of Exopalaemon carinicauda Cloning and Identification of OsSeh1 Gene With Function in Rice Resistance to Sheath Blight Effects of Dry Matter Accumulation and Photosynthate Transporation of Stem and Sheath and Grain Production Under Different Water and Nitrogen Management in Rice Research on Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Multi-residues of Nitroimidazoles in Foods of Animal Origin Deodorization Effects of Metal Reagents Pd/Al3O2on the Powder of LWT Different SSR Detection Techniques and their Application in Genetic Diversity Analysis of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Cultivars Genetic diversity of Switchgrass(Panicum virgatum L. ) germplasms detected by SCoT Markers Genetic Diversity Evaluation of Cassava and Primary Screening of High-yielding Germplasm Comparative Analysis of Genetic Diversity for Different Period Rice Varieties in Ningxia Pedigree Analysis and Evolution of Agronomic Traits for Peanut Varieties Registered in Liaoning loning and expression analysis of chalcone synthase gene(AeCHS) in Abelmoschus esculentus L. The Sequence Variation and Expression Profiles of Dihydroflavonol Reductase in Red Flesh and White Flesh Radish Germplasm The study on genetic diversity of Populus szechuanica var. tibetica population from different altitude Screening and Evaluation for High Anthocyanin Content And Antioxidant Activity of Fruit Mulberry Germplasm Resources Fine Mapping of the Panicle Apical Abortion PAA2 in Rice (Oryza sativa) Inheritance of Blast Resistance in New Germplasm Kangfeng A from Indica-Japonica Crosses Study on the Distribution of High Quality Glutenin Subunits in Xinjiang Wheat Varieties Resources DEVELOPMENT AND CHARACTER OBSERVATION OF AUTOTETRAPLOID POLYEMBRYONIC MUTANT RICE INDUCED BY ION BEAM IMPLANTATIOON UPTAKE OF DIFFERENT FORMS OF NITROGEN BY HYPHAE OF ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI EFFECTS OF SHADING AND ETHEPHON ON CARBON ASSIMILATES DISTRIBUTION PARTITIONING IN FRUIT LIMB OF GREENHOUSE-GROWN ‘DAJIUBAO‘ PEACH EFFECTS OF IRRADIATION ON HYGIENE QUALITY OF MOON CAKE THE BREEDING OF MINI-CUCUMBER LINE BY SPACE MUTATION Sap flow characteristics of four dominant tree species in a mixed conifer-broadleaf forest in Dinghushan Responses of photosynthetic traits in Cinnamomum longepaniculatum seedlings to forest gap size in a Masson pine plantation The relationship between spatial structure and DBH of close-to-nature Phyllostachys edulis stands in Tianmu Mountain Leaf traits and nutrient resorption of major woody species in the karst limestone area of Chongqing Effects of wind on hydraulic properties and growth of Artemisia annua Linn Nitrogen absorption/distribution and physiological characteristics of Salix matsudana seedlings grown in hydroponic solution Variation of heavy metal enrichment efficiency in roadside trees of Sophora japonica L. with different diameters at breast height Effects of exotic plant Rhus typhina invasion on soil properties in different forest types Nitrogen resorption efficiency of perennial plant decreases with warming and nitrogen addition in desert steppe Effects of nitrogen application on carbon metabolism of soil microbial communities in eucalyptus plantations with different levels of soil organic carbon Effects of nitrogen application on soil greenhouse gas fluxes in a Eucalyptus plantation during the growing season Effect of nitrogen addition and mowing on soil nitrogen mineralization in abandoned grasslands in Inner Mongolia Mechanical factors influencing soil-reinforcement by roots and identifying appropriate plant species for erosion control Effects of forest conversion on quantities and spectroscopic characteristics of soil dissolved organic matter in subtropical China Short term responses of photosynthetic pigments and nonstructural carbohydrates to simulated nitrogen deposition in three provenances of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. seedlings Effects of endophytic fungi from common ragweed on seed germination and seedling development of its host plant Effect of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer on CH4 emission in transgenic rice from a paddy soil Analysis of soil respiration and influencing factors in maize farmland under different tillage patterns in hilly area in Southwest China