Spatial variation of soil water and the key impact factors in dry season in Karst cluster-peak-depression region Analysis on chemical constituents in Xiaochaihu metabolites in depressed rats Decoction and their in vivo Analysis on endogenous metabolites in cecal tissue of CUMS-induced depression rats after Xiaoyao San intervention by GC-MS metabolomics Effects of Zuogui Jiangtang Jieyu Formula on protein expression of CoIV, ZO-1, and α-SMA in hippocampal blood-brain barrier of diabetes mellitus rats with depression Advances in studies on synthesis and neuropharmacology of hyperforin and its derivatives MIDDAY DEPRESSION OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS OF AZALEA (RHODODENERON MUCRONATUM VAR,PLENUM) AND APPLICATION FOR LANDSCAPE DESIGN A Study on the Characteristics of Photosynthesis of Cornin a Shelterbelt Network Ecofield SEXUAL INTERFERENCE IN COSEXUAL PLANTS AND ITS EVOLUTIONARY IMPLICATIONS Analysis on chemical constituents in Xiaochaihu Decoction and their in vivo metabolites in depressed rats 1H-NMR metabonomics on antidepression of Xiaoyao Powder composed of Bupleurum scorzonerifolium or Bupleurum chinense Soil microbial properties under different grain-for-green patterns in depressions between karst hills The causes of spatial variability of surface soil organic matter in different forests in depressions between karst hills Litter C ∶ N ∶ P ecological stoichiometry character of plant communities in typical Karst Peak-Cluster Depression COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON THE INTENSITY OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS BETWEEN Bt TRANSGENIC HYBRID COTTON AND ITS PARENTS Clinical observation of Kuntai Capsule on female menopause insomnia associated with anxiety and depression Spatiotemporal heterogeneity and its formation causes of soil physical properties in karst peak-cluster depression area of northwest Guangxi, China. Effects of Betel shisanwei ingredients pill on AC-cAMP-PKA signal transduction pathways in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex of depressive rats Anti-depressant effect and mechanism of supercritical CO2 extract from Compound Chaigui Fang The Effects of Banxia Houpu Decoctionin a Chronic Mild Stress Model of Depression Mating System Evolution, Resource Allocation, and Genetic Diversity in Plants Path analysis on the factors affectting salt accumulation of topsoil in a depression of Hai River Plain Profile distribution characteristics of soil organic carbon in secondary forests in depressions between Karst hills Effects of Zuogui Jiangtang Jieyu Fang on blood glucose and lipids in diabetes mellitus rats with depression Research progress on antidepressive mechanism of Xiaoyaosan via metabolic network regulation Pathological study on depression mechanism based on endogenous metabolite changes of chronic unpredictable mild stress model Effects of Guanyu capsule on the behavior and cerebral cortex monoamine neurotransmitters in depressive model of olfactory bulb damage rats Effect of Shugan Jiannao Tiaoyu tablets (SJTT) on hypothalamiccorticotrophin releasing hormone gene expression in model ratof post-stroke depression THE RESPONSE OF MIDDAY DEPRESSION OF DIURNAL VARIATION OF NET PHOTOSYNTHETIC RATE OF WHEAT LEAVES ON ECOLOGICAL FACTORS IN THE FIELD ENVIRONMENT OF QINGHAI PLATEAU Research on spatial distribution and influencing factor of soil moisture in typical depression area of karst region Spatiotemporal variation of soil moisture under different land use types in a typical karst hill region Effects of modified Ganmai Dazao decoction on neuroendocrine system in patients with climacteric depression Plant community characteristics and its coupling relationships with soil in depressions between karst hills, North Guangxi, China Compositional characteristics and roles of soil mineral substances in depressions between hills in karst region.  Analysis of Causes of Midday Depression of Photosynthesis in Soybean Leaves Diurnal Variations and Light Response of Photosynthesis in Three Cultivars and Wild Type of Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. Diurnal Variations and Light Response of Photosynthesis in Three Cultivars and Wild Type of Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. Effect of continuous cropping on Angelica sinensis diurnal photosynthetic dynamics Dynamics of nutrient elements in different types of forests in depressions between karst hills The correlations among arable land, settlement and karst rocky desertification-cases study based on typical peak-cluster depression STUDY ON THE STOMATAL AND NONSTOMATAL LIMITATION DURING THE DIURNAL COURSE OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS IN SOYBEAN LEAVES Analysis of Selfing Depression in Liriodendron with SSR Markers Study of Diurnal Changes in Photosynthetic Rate and Quantum Efficiency of Grapevine Leaves and Their Utilization in Canopy Management Effects of Jingqianshu granule on expression of estrogen receptor α and β mRNA in hypothalamus and hippocampus of PMSrats with Liver-qi depression Research progress on therapeutic mechanism of depression treated by traditional Chinese medicine Advances in antidepressants and research methods of depression Studies on Diurnal Change and Midday Depression of Photosynthetic Rate in Chinese Cabbage Leaves Under Field Conditions Characteristics of soil microbial populations in depressions between karst hills under different land use patterns. Soil nutrient accumulation and its affecting factors during vegetation succession in karst peak-cluster depressions of South China. Profile distribution of soil aggregates organic carbon in primary forests in Karst cluster-peak depression region. Spatial variability of soil organic carbon and available phosphorus in a typical Karst depression, northwest of Guangxi Effects of Jingqianshu granule on expression of 5-HT1AR of PMS model rats with Liver-qi stagnation Better than nothing: Evolution of autonomous selfing under strong inbreeding depression in an alpine annual from the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau Traditional Chinese medicine syndrome distribution and neuroendocrine mechanisms of irritable bowel syndrome: cross-sectional study Spatial pattern of forest communities and environmental interpretation in Mulun National Nature Reserve, karst cluster-peak depression region Stoichiometric characteristics of plant and soil C, N and P in different forest types in depressions between karst hills, southwest China. Mating system of Sinocalycanthus chinensis (Cheng et S.Y. Chang) Cheng et S.Y. Chang, an endangered, indigenous species in China 1H-NMR metabonomic study on fecal of chronic unpredicted mild stress model of depression in rats Preliminary research on multi-neurotransmitters’change regulation in 120 depression patients’brains Advance in diagnosis and treatment of psycho-cardiological abnormality of patients with coronary heart disease with traditional Chinese medicines Studies on the Diurnal variations of the Photosynthesis of Tea Plant(Camellia Sinensis) Behaviour on effect of herb pair of Bupleuri Radix and Paeoniae Alba Radix in chronic unpredictable mild stress depression model of rats Research progress on antidepressive active ingredients of Xiaoyaosan and their mechanism Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of topsoil nutrients in Karst Peak-Cluster depression area of Northwest Guangxi, China Soil urease activity during different vegetation successions in karst peak-cluster depression area of northwest Guangxi, China MATING SYSTEM AND INFERRED INBREEDING DEPRESSION OF A CYCLOBALANOPSIS GLAUCA POPULATION IN DIAOQIAO,HUANGSHAN Carbon storage and its controlling factors under different vegetation types in depressions between karst hills, southwest China Characteristics of soil fertility in different ecosystems in depressions between karst hills STUDY ON THE CHARACTERISTICS OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS IN GINKGO BILOBA L Research progress on bergamot essential oil and its related product development Effects of Kaixinsan on behavior and expression of p-CREB in hippocampus of chronic stress rats Effects of Pingyu capsule on signal transduction of rats with chronic stress-induced depression PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PURE ARTIFICIAL LARIX OLGENSlS FOREST AND ITS MIXED FOREST WITH NATURAL FRAXINUS MANDSHURICA RUPR.MIXED FOREST Research progress on biological mechanisms of curcumin in teatment of central nervous system diseases Experimental study of the total flavonoid in Hypericum perforatum on depression Effects of Kaixin San formulas on behavioristics and central monoamine neurotransmitters of chronic stress rats Daily changs of photosynthetic ecophysiological characteristics of dominant species of restoration sere in a peak cluster depression region:a case study of Nongla, Mashan County, Guangxi Nonstomatic limitations in midday depression of photosynthesis in winter wheat leaves Population genetics and breeding system of Tupistra pingbianensis (Liliaceae), a naturally rare plant endemic to SW China Effects of severity of water stress on gas exchange characteristics of Caragana intermedia seedlings THE EFFECT OF INBREEDING ON SEED GERMINATION AND SEEDLING HEIGHT GROWTH OF CHINESE FIR

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