A STUDY ON POLLEN MORPHOLOGY OF TRIBE SENECIONEAE IN XINJIANG Construction of a full-length cDNA library for Senecio scandens Ecological significance of fruit heteromorphism in the annual ephemeral Senecio subdentatus Antibacterial constituents of Senecio cannabifolius(Ⅱ) Study on embryonic toxicity of Senecio scandens,Qianbai Biyanpianand total alkaloid from S. scandens in rats Simultaneous quantitation of adonifoline and senecionine in Senecio herbs by UPLC-MS Pyrrolizidine alkaloids of Senecio cannabifolius var. integrilifolius Construction of a full-length cDNA library for Senecio scandens In vitro Propagation of Senecio cineraria cv. Silver Dust Characteristics of Soil Nutrients and Distribution Pattern of Sinosenecio jishouensis Population MICRO, MEGASPOROGENESISES AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF MALE AND FEMALE GAMETOPHYTES IN PARASENECIO ROBOROWSKII Leaf morphology and PSⅡchlorophyll fluorescence parameters in leaves of Sinosenecio jishouensis in Different Habitats Breeding System and Clonal Architecture of Sinosenecio jishouensis Effects of Drought Stress on Photosynthetic Apparatus in Sinosenecio jishouensis Isolation and Expression Analysis of GST Gene Encoding Glutathione S-transferase from Senecio cruentus A new eremophilane derivative from Senecio dianthus Eight New Species of the Tribe Senecioneae (Compositae) from China Bioinformatic Analysis of Tubulin-beta Gene in Senecio scandens Buch. -Ham. ex D. Don Analysis on Quantitative Trait of Antibacterial Roles in Senecio scandens Buch-Ham SEED DORMANCY AND GERMINATION IN MEDITERRANEAN SENECIO VULGARIS POLLEN WALL ULTRASTRUCTURES OF THE SUBTRIBE TUSSILAGININAE (ASTERACEAE: SENECIONEAE) OF THE EASTERN ASIA AND THEIR SYSTEMATIC AND TAXONOMIC SIGNIFICANCE Functional Roles of Heat Shock Proteins 90-3(Hsp90-3) in Senecio scandens Buch.-Ham.ex D.Don Based on Its Bioinformatics FLORAL MICROCHARACTERS OF THE SUBTRIBE TUSSILAGININAE(ASTERACEAE:SENECIONEAE) OF THE EASTERN ASIA AND THEIR SYSTEMATIC AND TAXONOMIC SIGNIFICANCE In Vitro Selection and Identification of Heat-Tolerant Clonal Line Z1-1-1 of Senecio cruentus Isolation and Expression Analysis of Key Genes Involved in Anthocyanin Biosynthesis of Cineraria General situation of the toxicity researches on Senecio Studies on constituents in herb of Senecio scandens The reproductive ecological characteristics of Sinosenecio jishouensis (Compositae) and its endangerment mechanisms The New Species of the Tribe Senecioneae (Compositae) from China (II) Response of biomass allocation and morphological characteristics to light and nutrient resources for seedlings of three alpine species Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Ligularia Cass. (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) from China (IV): The Identities of L. kangtingensis and Senecio ficariifolius The Identity of Synotis cordifolia (Asteraceae-Senecioneae) The Identity of Senecio daochengensis (Asteraceae-Senecioneae) Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Ligularia Cass. (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) from China (Ⅲ): The Identities of L. brassicoides, L. ianthochaeta, and L. paradoxa var. palmatifida Chemical constituents in Senecio vulgaris Functional analysis of α-Importin in Senecio scandens, based on sequence and putative structural domain A Preliminary Study on in Vitro Selection of Heat-tolerant Clonal Lines in Senecio × hybridus HPLC fingerprint of Herba Senecionis Scandentis and its ESI-MS analysis KARYOMORPHOLOGY OF TUSSILAGO L. (ASTERACEAE:SENECIONEAE) AND ITS SYSTEMATIC SIGNIFICANCE A new species of Sinosenecio B. Nord. (Asteraceae: Senecioneae) Karyomorphology of Ligulariopsis Y. L. Chen (Asteraceae: Senecioneae) The New Speciets of the Tribe Senecioneae (Compositae) from China Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Ligularia Cass. (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) from China (II): The Identity of L. fangiana Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Ligularia Cass. (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) from China (I): The Identity of L. angustiligulata Alkaloids from Senecio scandens Jacaranone Derivatives from Senecio laetus (Compositae) Functional Analysis of Actin Gene from Senecio scandens Buch.-Ham.ex D.Do Based on Its Bioinformatics Karyomorphology of Farfugium japonicum (Asteraceae:Senecioneae) and its systematic implication A Preliminary Study on in Vitro Selection of Heat-tolerant Clonal Lines in Senecio × hybridus Anthocyanins Present in Flowers of Senecio cruentus with Different Colors Advances in Studies on Chemical Constituents of Seneclo DNA barcodes identify Chinese medicinal plants and detect geographical patterns of Sinosenecio (Asteraceae) The pollen characteristics under SEM in Farfugium and Ligulariopsis and their taxonomic significane Isolation and Expression Analysis of GST Gene Encoding Glutathione S-transferase from Senecio cruentus Study on HPLC fingerprints of Senecio scandens and S. scandens One new lignan glycoside from whole plants of Senecio chrysanthemoides Antidepression constituents from Angelica Sinensis Radix in Xiaoyao Powder

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