Effects of Four Chemical Regulators on Chilling Tolerance and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Tobacco Seedlings Effect of Different Light Qualities on Physiological Characteristics and Growth of Tobacco in vitro under Light Emitting Diodes(LEDs) Brief Report of a Wild tomato mosaic virus isolate infecting Nicotiana tabacum in Sichuan Influence of Exogenous Auxin on Microspore Embryogenesis in Tobacco STUDY ON CYTOKININ BINDING PROTEIN FROM CELL OF BAIBAILI TOBACCO CALLUS IN VITRO FLORAL BUD FORMATION ON BRACTLETS OF NICOTIANA TABACUM Hydrogen peroxide participates symbiosis between AM fungi and tobacco plants Cloning of HbWRKY1 Gene from Hevea brasiliensis and Its Transformation in Nicotiana tabacum Isolation and Identification of Viable Embryo Sacs in Several Angiosperm Species Exogenous Ca2+ Regulation of Pollen Tube Growth and Division of Generative Nucleus in Nicotiana tabacum Shoot Apex Demand Determines Assimilate and Nutrients Partitioning and Nutrient-uptake Rate in Tobacco Plants Effects of nanocarbon application on nitrogen absorption and utilization of flue-cured tobacco Comparative gene expression analysis for leaf trichomes of tobacco grown in two different regions in China IAA Distribution of Anther and Pollen during Flower Development of Nicotiana tabacum L. Effects of Tobacco Plastid Division Genes NtFtsZ1 and NtFtsZ2 on the Division and Morphology of Chloroplasts Construction of Vector with IMT1 and Its Gene Expression in Transgenic Tobacco Leaf Cells Associated with Salt Tolerance Effects of N and Ca Fertilizers on Root Morphology, Physiological Metabolism and Yield of Nicotiana tabacum Effects of Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium and Water on Lutein in Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) Leaves Relationship between Main Chemical Components in Leaf and Leaf Length in Different Positions in Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) Using Isolated Embryo Sacs and Early Proembryos for Localization of Calmodulin mRNA Before and After Fertilization in Nicotiana Distribution of Trans zeatin, GA7/4, (+)ABA and IAA in Tobacco Egg Cells Before and After Fertilization: Immunogold Electron Microscopic Observations Application of Comet Assay in Plant Protoplast Apoptosis Detection Establishment of an Experimental System for Artificial Germination and in vitro Pollination with De-Exined Pollen in Nicotiana tabacum In Vitro Divisions of Unfertilized Central Cells and Other Embryo Sac Cells in Nicotiana tabacum var macrophylla Isolation of Fertilized Embryo Sacs and Zygotes and Triggering of Zygote Division in Vitro in Nicotiana tabacum Pollen-Mesophyll Protoplast Fusion and Hybrid Plant Regeneration in Nicotiana Effects of Nifedipine on Pollen Germination, Pollen Tube Growth and Division of Generative Nucleus in Nicotiana tabacum Intrinsic GUS Activity in Various Tissues and During Pollen Development of Nicotiana tabacum Isolation of Pollen Protoplasts in Nicotiana tabacum Change in Cytokinin Levels in Reproductive Organs of Nicotiana tabacum Before and After Pollination REGULATION OF GENERATIVE NUCLEUS DIVISION BY CALCIUM IONOPHORE A23187 IN NICOTIANA TABACUM POLLEN TUBES Isolation and Early in Vitro Development of Young Pollen Protoplasts in Nicotiana tabacum The Relationship between Glycine Oxidation and Nitrate Reduction in Tobacco Leaves Expressed of hBMP-3m gene in tobacco Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) transformation of human bone morphogenetic proteins-3 mature peptide (hBMP-3m) mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens A new chain-like cembranoid diterpene from leaves of Nicotiana tabacum Study on the construction of antisense expression vector of Glycine max oleic acid desaturase gene and its transfer to Nicotiana tabacum Viewing Leaf Shape and Size Variation in Tobacco Plants under Different Temperatures from a Hydraulic Perspective Cloning, Expression Characterization and Subcellular Localization of NtOSA1 Gene from Nicotiana tabacum Functional Analysis of a Zinc-finger-like Gene from Nicotiana tabacum INDUCTION OF ADVENTITIOUS BUDS FROM LEAF EXPLANT OF NICOTIANA TABACUM IN VITRO AMITOSIS IN THE LEAVES OF NICOTIANA TABACUM L. AND LYCIUM BARBARUM L. DURING TISSUE CULTURE INTERSPECIES TEST-TUBE FERTILIZATION IN NICOTIANA TABACUM X N.REPANDA A Study on OpZFP Increasing Salt Tolerance of Nicotiana tabacum Comparison of Metabolic Differences of Trehalose in Nicotiana tabacum Seedlings Under Drought and Chilling Stress Cloning and Expression Analysis of Cytosolic 6-phosphogluconate Dehydrogenase Gene in Tobacco(Nicotiana tabacum) Expression Analysis of Fusion Gene Sulphur-amino acid Protein with Green Fluorescent Protein Spray Camptothecin impact the stomatal movement of leaves of plant The Association Analysis of Aroma Components with SSR Markers in Flue-cured Tobacco(Nicotiana tabacum) Functional Study of a DREB homologous gene SsDREB from Suaeda salsa L. Nicotine Concentration in Leaves of Flue-cured Tobacco Plants as Affected by Removal of the Shoot Apex and Lateral Buds Floral Buds Induction in Thin Cell Layer Cultures of Tobacco Plants and Study on the Floral Gradient The Maternal-to-Zygotic Transition in Higher Plants Analysis of Transgenic Tobacco with Overexpression of Arabidopsis WUSCHEL Gene Expression of Strictosidine Synthase in Selected Subcellular Compartments of Tobacco Plant Intergeneric Somatic Hybrid Plants of Nicotiana tabacum L. and Lycium barbarum L. by Protoplast Electrofusion Single-Pair Fusion of Various Combinations Between Female Gametoplasts and Other Protoplasts in Nicotiana tabacum Immuno-localization of Calmodulin in Unfertilized and Fertilized Embryo Sacs in Nicotiana tabacum var.macrophylla Distribution of Gibberellins A7 and A4 in Tobacco Proembryos Using Immunoelectron Microscopy Effect of Cu stress on nitrogen metabolism of Nicotiana labacum L. seedling ISOLATION, EXPRESSION AND ANTIBODY PREPARATION OF WRKY12 FROM Nicotiana Tabacum K326 LINE The Tolerance to Abiotic Stresses Mediated by DREB-like Transcription Factors in Nicotiana tabacum Effects of Arabinogalactan Proteins on Pollen Germination and Pollen Tube Growth of Torenia fourieri and Nicotiana tabacum L. A High-frequency in vivo-in vitro Experimental System for Embryogenesis Study Genetic Diversity and Evolutionary Analysis of Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) Germplasm Resources Based on ISSR and SRAP Markers Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci Underlying Six Agronomic Traits in Flue-Cured Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) Nitrogen Uptake of Flue-Cured Tobacco in Typical Types of Soil in Southwest China TRANSIENT EXPRESSION OF GUS GENE DELIVERED INTO DE-EXINED POLLEN IN NICOTIANA TABACUM BY MICROPROJECTILE BOMBARDMENT THE CYTOCHEMICAL CHANGES OF IN VIVO AND IN VITRO DEVELOPED UNFERTILIZED CENTRAL CELLS IN NICOTIANA TABACUM Effects of bio-organic fertilizer on neutral aroma component content in flue-cured tobacco in east of Gansu Province and its mechanisms Identification and Expression Analysis of the ARF Gene Family in Nicotiana Tabacum Chemical structure and bioactivity of cis-5‘-oxopropylnicotine Effects of reduced ultraviolet-B radiation on morphology, photosynthesis and some other physiological and biochemical characteristics in tobacco Genetic Diversity of Agronomic Traits and Association Analysis with SRAP Markers in Flue-Cured Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Varieties from Home and Abroad Expression of Potassium Metabolism-Related Gene in Tobacco Isolation of Two Populations of Sperm Cells from the Pollen Tube of Tobacco Selection of Streptomycin-Resistant With Abnomal Flower Mutant and Their Progeny of Nicotiana tabacum A New Method for Embryo Sac Isolation and In Situ Fusion of Egg and Synergid Protoplasts in Nicotiana tabacurn Selenium Content in Seedling and Selenium Forms in Rhizospheric Soil of Nicotiana tabacum L. Genome-wide sequence identification and expression analysis of the LBD gene family in Nicotiana Tabacum

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