Nitrogen accumulation, distribution and use efficiency of flue-cured tobacco under different soil texture A New Flat Peach Cultivar‘Zhongpantao 11’ Correlation analysis between meteorological factors and the ratio of vegetation cover Impact of free air ozone concentration enrichment on cooked rice (Wuyunjing 21) texture and palatability Studies on recommended fertilization methods of summer maize in different fluvo-aquic soil texture Artificial biological soil crust property and potential for rainwater harvest Studies on the Growth Response of Young Paulownia Plantationto Different Soil Texture Changes in Activities of Enzymes Associated with Starch Synthesis during Grain Filling of Winter Wheat Cultivars with Different Gluten Contents in the Different Soils Study on the Change of Texture and Color of Different Flue-cured Tobacco Varieties during the Bulk-curing A New Flat Peach Cultivar‘Zhongpantao 11’ Carbohydrate Metabolism and the Key Gene Expression in Apple During Fruit Texture Softening Carbohydrate Metabolism and the Key Gene Expression in Apple During Fruit Texture Softening Spatio-temporal changes of thermal landscape pattern based on a multifractal model: a case study of Zhengzhou City Effects of soil texture on variations of paddy soil physical and chemical properties under continuous no tillage Texture Changes and Regulation of Postharvest Loquat Fruit Nitrification inhibition effect of dicyandiamide on ammonium bicarbonate in red soils with different textures Dynamic Simulation about Tree Leaves Based on the Combination ofGrowth Regulation and Image Photosynthetic Characteristics of Summer Maize (Zea mays L.) during the Late Growth Stage in Different Soil Texture Biomass Estimation of Five Kinds of Mangrove Community with the KNN Method Based on the Spectral Information and Textural Features of TM Images Effect of Storage Temperature on the Quality of Three Breeds Sweet Potato Study on the Fruit Puncturing Texture and Its Influencing Factors of ‘Dongzao’ (Zizyphus jujuba Mill. ‘Dongzao’) Effects of Planting Methods and Overwintering Protection on Growth of Arundo donax The effects of plant hedgerows on soil erosion and soil fertility on sloping farmland in the purple soil area Application of Spatial Gray Level Cooccurrence Matrix in Wood Surface Texture Quantitative Analysis Study on origin and authentication of medicinal materials of Dalbergiae Lignum in crude drug‘s market VARIATIONS OF SOIL PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION WITH LAND-USE TYPES AND INFLUENCES ON SOIL ORGANIC CARBON AND NITROGEN Effects of biological soil crust on soil erodibility in Hilly Loess Plateau Region of Northwest China. THE EFFECTS OF IRRADIATION ON GRAIN COAT COLOR AND GRAIN TEXTURE IN WINTER WHEAT Research on nitrogen metabolism characteristics and use efficiency in different winter wheat cultivars grown on three soil textures Effects of different soil textures on the growth and distribution of root system and yield in peanut Nitrification inhibition of dicyandiamide on urea in the red soil of different textures STUDIES ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WHEAT GRAIN ENDOSPERM MICROSTRUCTURE AND WHEAT QUALITY Effect of Clear Lacquer on Textural Vision of Wood Surface Measurement of sown area of safflower based on PCA and texture features classification and remote sensing imagery Effects of simulated sea level rise on the mangrove Kandelia candel Adaptative Morphological Responses of Plant Water conducting System to Soil Texture and Radiation The influences of soil texture on penetration and dynamics of the cereal cyst nematode Heterodera avenae Analysis on the colonization of entophytic bacteria B47 and its control on tomato bacterial wilt Studies on the Post-harvested Fruit Texture Changes of ‘ Yali ’ and‘Jingbaili’Pears by Using Texture Analyzer Effect of Stone Cells Size and Flesh Texture in Pear Cultivars Spatial analysis of LAIe of montane evergreen broad-leaved forest in southwest Sichuan, Northwest China, based on image texture. Separated Frequency Features Extraction and Analysis of Wood Texture Based on Wavelet Changes of Cell Physiology and Texture of Tobacco Leaf during Bulk Flue- Curing Qualitative characteristics and classification study on commodity specification and grade standard of Panax notoginseng Error analysis of spatial interpolation of soil texture under different sampling schemes Cooked Rice Texture and Starch RVA Properties for Indica Rice under Different Ecological Conditions Response Surface Optimization of Conditions for Extraction and Gel Preparation of Salt-soluble Proteins from Dosidicus gigas Muscle RELATIONSHIPS BET WEEN THE TEXTURES AND MAIN PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FOUR TYPICAL THICK-GRO WING STRUCTURAL BAMBOOS IN YUNNAN ANALYSIS OF SATURATED SOIL HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY OF MOUNTAIN BROWN EARTH AND ELUVIAL CINNAMON SOIL IN BEIJING XISHAN HMW-GS Accumulation and GMP Size Distribution in Grains of SN12 Grown in Different Soil Conditions Effects of Soil Texture on Activities of SPS, SS, and Relationship with Starch Accumulation during Grain Filling in Wheat Allelic Variations of Puroindoline a and Puroindoline b Genes in New Type of Synthetic Hexaploid Wheats from CIMMYT Effect of Disulfide Bond-Containing Protein on Texture of Cooked Rice Effect of Covering Soil on the Germination Rate of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fischer. Nitrification inhibition and dose-dependent effect of dicyandiamide on sandy, loamy and clayey soils Spatial variability of soil texture in tobacco field Characteristics of nutrient absorption and distribution of maize under different soil textures Remote Sensing Estimation of Forest Canopy Density Combined with Texture Features A Comparison of Different Quickbird Image Information for Estimating the Effective Leaf Area Index of Robinia pseudoacacia Plantations Influence of elevation factor on soil profile texture configuration: a case study of the alluvial plain of Fengqiu County Texture Changes and Regulation of Postharvest Loquat Fruit The Relationship between Fruit Texture and Storage Character in Grapes

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