The 13C-NMR Features of Natural Taxane Diterpenoid Compounds Seed Recalcitrance: a Current Assessment Anatomical and nutrient features of plant leaves in Yuanjiang savanna valley Scale domain recognition for land use spatial fractal feature based on genetic algorithm Effects of Intercropping on Biological Features, Yield and Qualities of Mungbean Forest Community Structural Features of Jincheng Mountain in Nanchong Region in Jialing River Basin Micromorphological Features of Achene Surfaces of 16 Species Of Subgen Saussurea in the Eastern of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Distribution and morphological features of lipid bodies in pea root nodules Studies on the shape features of gutta-containing cells of Eucommia ulmoides Electron microscopic observation on mitochondria of an especial cold-hardened plant in winter THE EFFECTS OF INCREASING AIR TEMPERATURE ON PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND GROWTH IN SALIX MATSUDANA The 1H-NMR Features of Natural Taxane Diterpenoid Compounds Pharmacognostic studies on root of Ampelopsis brevi pedunculata var.kulingensis Experimental feeding ecology studies of the edible sea urchin (Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus) off the coast of Qingdao, China Effects of Restoration Measures on Vegetation Features of Alpine Degraded Grassland of Amdo County in Tibet Construction and analysis of the EWE model of the wetland ecosystem in lake buffering zone of Zhushan Bay, China. Variation features of micro-waterlogged topographic and ecological agriculture models in Jianghan Plain Effects of 60Co-r ray radiation on the growth Speed and chlorophyll content of Begonia tuberhybrida Voss ,Ph.viotlacea Rchb.,Cyclamen persicum Mil1.,Dahlia pinnata Chlav Preliminary studies on phytocoenological features of the needle and broad-leaved mixed evergreen forest in Niumulin Nature Reserve Zone of FujJan Province Observation on variety feature and phenological character of ginkgo in Guangdong Features of seasonal wind and sand eroded soil with development of friut trees on the land Analysis of the Ecoagricultural Models in Major Type of Regions in China Surver of Yunnans Trachycarpus nana and its biological features Distributional features of inorganic nitrogen in the Zhelin bay Research Progress on Plant Rab Family Analysis,Comparison and Classification of Metagenomic Samples Integrating geographic features and weather data for methodology of rasterizing spring maize growth stages Concentration of O3 at the atmospheric surface affects the changes characters of antioxidant enzyme activities in Triticum aestivum Self-organizing feature map classification and ordination of Larix principis- rupprechtii forest in Pangquangou Nature Reserve Extracting Farmland Shelterbelt Automatically Based on ZY-3 Remote Sensing Images THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION AND FLORISTIC FEATURES OF THE LEGUME IN MT. SHENNONGJIA A REVISION OF THE GENUS NECHAMANDRA (HYDROCHARITACEAE) FROM CHINA THE BASIC FEATURES OF ZHUXI VEGETATION IN WESTERN HUBEI THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION AND FLOKA FEATURE OF THE MEDICINAL PTERIDOPHYTES IN JIANGXI,CHINA A STUDY OF CASTANOPSIS EYERI COMMUNITY AT THE TIANTAI MOUNTAIN IN ZHEJIANG A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON FEATURES OF AMENTOTAXUS ARGOTAENIA COMMUNITY AT MT. SHENPOSHAN IN SHUINING COUNTY, HUNAN Micromorphological Features of Fruit Epidermis of Malus in China and Their Relationship with Phylogenesis of the Genus Recognition of Tomato Foliage Disease Based on Computer Vision Technology Molecular Cloning and Function Analyses of Two Ammonium Transporter Protein Genes from Pyrus calleryana Leaf Epidermal Features of 29 Species of the Genus Vicia L.from China Fruit Features of Twenty Species of Ligusticum (Apiaceae) and Their Taxonomic Significance Tree-Ring Chronology Features of Korean Pine after Fired in Changbai Mountain Degraded Features of Pinus massoniana Forest Stressed by Compound-pollution due to particulate, SO2 and NOX Study on Some Features of Artemisia ordosica Community at The Different Successional Stages Studies on the Features of Energy Value and the Factors of Affecting Measuring Energy Value of Neosinocalamus affinis Clone Population Study of the Castanopsis kawakamii Forest in the Wakeng Area of Sanming City, Fujian Province Fractal features of scenic spatial construction in Wuyishan World Natural and Culture Heritage Regulatory effect of GA and KT on seeds germination of Nitraria tangutorum Bobr. Impact of stand features of short-rotation poplar plantations on canker disease incidence at a mesoscale landscape: a case study in Qingfeng County, Henan Province, China Phenotypic Difference among Species and a Variation Type of Azadirachta SOFM-based nutrient cycling classification of forest ecosystems in the Loess Plateau The tolerance to imazethapyr in different leaf stages of dayflower, Commelina communis L. Structural Feature and Biodiversity of Plant Community in the Cultivated Grasslands of Two Seeding Methods with the Same Planting Fixed Number of Year The accumulation of dry matter and phosphorus efficiencies in wheat chromosome B ditelosomic lines under both sufficient- and low-Pi conditions Screening and identification of endophytic fungi with growth promoting effect on Dendrobium officinale Influence of mycorrhizal inoculation on water stable aggregates traits Spatial-temporal distribution of planktonic copepod in the Jiaozhou Bay Estimation of soil moisture from Ts\|EVI feature space Leaf Epidermal Features of Five Species Plants of Huperzia THE LEAF EPIDERMAL FEATURES AND THEIR SYSTEMATIC SIGNIFICANCE OF THE GENUS CLINTONIA RAF THE PHYT0GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES OF PTERID0PHYTES OF SICHUAN, CHINA WITH S0ME REMARKS ON THE POLYSTICHO-DROPTERIS FLORA Karyotype Analysis of Six Banana Cultivars in Relation to A Genomes Molecular Cloning and Function Analyses of Two Ammonium Transporter Protein Genes from Pyrus calleryana Effects of microenvironmental factors on rooting of Juniperus scopulorum cuttings Different sizes of particulate matters deposited on leaf of typical subtropical evergreen species Annual change of phytoplankton ecological features in Fangchenggang Bay of Guangxi, South China. Canopy spectral features and fruit amount estimation of apple tree at fruit stage based on hyperspectral data THE BIOLOGY FEATURES AND CONSERVATION OF ELAEAGNUS MOLLIS A RARE AND ENDANGERED PLANT SPECIES THE PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE MICROMORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF ACHENE SURFACES OF SAUSSUREA A study on the burrow features and functions of plateau pika Tropical Geographical Elements of Woody Seed Flora in Shaanxi, China Studies on Bryoflora and Distribution Features in Shanxi Province,North China Studies on the community feature comparison and phylogeography of relic plant Bretschneidera sinensis in Nankun and Daling Mountain, Guangdong Province  Leaf Epidermal Microfeatures of Chelonopsis (Lamiaceae: Lamioideae) and Its Taxonomical Significance Extraction of spectral difference characteristics of Stellera chamaejasme in Qilian County of Qinghai Province, Northwest China. Spatial-temporal evolution of urban thermal environment based on spatial statistical features. Individual Tree Size Distribution and Species Diversity of Quercus aliena var.acuteserrata Community in the West of Qinling Regional characteristics of the alpine meadow degradation succession on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Extraction and analysis of hyper-spectral data from typical desert grassland in Xinjiang Study on origin and authentication of medicinal materials of Dalbergiae Lignum in crude drug‘s market

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