Karyotypes of 15 Introduced Bramble Cultivars (Rubus) A Method for Direct Determination of Ploidy Level of Somatic Cells in Different Layers of Cytochimeral Tissue of Pelargonium zonale Chromosome Localization of 45S rDNA in Different Ploidy Citrus grandis byFluorescence in situ Hybridization A Study on Obtaining and Identifying Chinese Cabbage-Cabbage Addition Lines Cytoembryological Studies in the Development of Endosperm and Embryo in Plantago major L. Effects of Subculture Media on Embryogenic Callus Growth and Regenera- tion of Zoysia matrella CHROMOSOME NUMBERS AND PLOIDY OF SEVERAL PLANTS IN HIBISCUS L. Tetraploidy Inducement of Codonopsis pilosula (Franch.) Nannf. by Colchicine Preliminary Study of Anther Culture of Platycodon grandiflorum Study on Factors Affecting Embryo Rescue of Seedless Grape Comparison of 7 Genetic Similarity Coefficients Based on Microsatellite Markers in Rose Variety The Review and Prospect of Plant Polyploid Research The Chromosome Variation of Barnardia japonica Polyploid Complex Uncovered by Giemsa-C Banding Distribution Pattern of Ploidy Variation of Actinidia chinensis and A.deliciosa Somatic Embryogenesis and Analysis of the Genetic Stability of RegenerationSystem in Grapevine ‘Sinsaut’ Somatic Embryogenesis and Analysis of the Genetic Stability of RegenerationSystem in Grapevine ‘Sinsaut’ Analysis of Ploidy and Homozygous Genotype of Apple Plants Obtained byAnther Culture Advances in Ploidy Breeding of Fruit Trees Optimization and preliminary study on the PCR-RFLP parameter of polyploidy Siraitia grosvenorii Dynamic change rules in fruit growth and mogrol glycoside content of Siraitia grosvenorii with different ploidies OBSERVATIONS ON THE CHROMOSOME NUMBERS OF 4 SPECIES IN ACTINIDIA Cloning and Characterization of a Differentially Expressed Phenylalanine Ammonialyase Gene (IiPAL) After Genome Duplication from Tetraploid Isatis indigotica Fort. Changes in Root Hydraulic Conductivity During Wheat Evolution Phylogeny and molecular evolution of the DMC1 gene in the polyploid genus Leymus (Triticeae: Poaceae) and its diploid relatives Molecular and morphological evidence for a new grass genus, Dupontiopsis (Poaceae tribe Poeae subtribe Poinae s.l.), endemic to alpine Japan, and implications for the reticulate origin of Dupontia and Arctophila within Poinae s.l. Phylogenomics of polyploid Fothergilla (Hamamelidaceae) by RAD-tag based GBS—insights into species origin and effects of software pipelines Phylogenetic relationships in Leymus (Triticeae; Poaceae): Evidence from chloroplast trnH-psbA and mitochondrial coxII intron sequences Morphological characteristics of leaf epidermis and size variation of leaf, flower and fruit in different ploidy levels in Buddleja macrostachya (Buddlejaceae) Cytological study on the genus Syncalathium (Asteraceae-Lactuceae), an endemic taxon to alpine scree of the Sino-Himalayas Polyploid Mutant Seedlings Induction and Ploidy Identification of Chinese Fir Studies on the Development of Microspores in Carrot Isolated Microspore Culture Observation on Ploidy Levels of Lily Cultivars ISSR Analysis of Genetic Background of Polyploidy Seedless Siraitia grosvenorii and Their Parents Karyotype analysis and polyploidy in Palaua and a comparison with its sister group Fuertesimalva (Malvaceae) Identification of Kumquats(Fortunella crassifolia)new varieties by ploidy analysis and AFLP Phylogenetic and cytogenetic studies reveal hybrid speciation in Saxifraga subsect. Triplinervium (Saxifragaceae) Ploidy Variation and Karyological Diversity in Rose Germplasm In Vitro Induction of Tetraploid Watermelon Using Dinitroanilines Analysis of Ploidy and Homozygous Genotype of Apple Plants Obtained byAnther Culture Analysis on Chromosome Number and Morphology of Varieties in Phalaenopsis Identification and Genetic Expressions of Lily Hybrids Obtained by Different Ploidy Cross Combinations Identification and Genetic Expressions of Lily Hybrids Obtained by Different Ploidy Cross Combinations Karyotypes of Five Leontopodium Species from the Southeastern QinghaiTibet Plateau, Southwest China Cytology of Thirteen Taxa in the Genus Isodon (Lamiaceae: Nepetoideae) from China The genetic diversity of 9 populations of dry-desert Agropyron mongolicum collected in northern China EFFECTS OF 60Co γ-IRRADIATION ON MANILAGRASS in vitro MUTAGENESIS Karyotype Analysis of Rosa laxa,Modern Rose and Their Interspecific Hybrids A Cytogeological Study of Genus Camellia The genomic imprinting in ployploid plants In Vitro Induction of Tetraploid Watermelon Using Dinitroanilines Progress in Chromosome Research in Lily Cross-breeding A comparative study on intraspecific competitiveness of different ploidy wheats The Morphological Comparison of Abaxial Epidermis of Leaf in Three Oryza Species Detection of the DNA Methylation Difference Between the Triploid and Diploid Poplar Trees CYTOLOGICAL OBSERVATION ON HYBRID-EMBRYO-DERIVED CALLI AND REGENERATED PLANTS OF HORDEUM VULGARE×TRITICUM AESTIVUM KARYOTYPE STUDIES AND OBSERVATION ON PLOID VARIATION IN FOUR CUCUMBER CULTIVARS(CUCUMIS SATIVUS L.) Endopolyploidization Phenomenon of Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis) Studies on the Development of Microspores in Carrot Isolated Microspore Culture Effects of Water Deficit on Fluorescence Parameters of Different Wheats Ploids Identification of Kiwifruit Ploidy Using Flow Cytometry Comparison of agronomical traits between the wild diploid and its autotetraploid in the Dactylis glomerata subsp. Himalayensis Preliminary Studies on Polyploidy Mutation of Cut Flower Gerbera jamesonii Bolus Preliminary Studies on Polyploidy Mutation of Cut Flower Gerbera jamesonii Bolus A Study on Obtaining and Identifying Chinese Cabbage-Cabbage Addition Lines Morphology, distribution and chromosome counts of two varieties of Hedychium villosum (Zingiberaceae) Unexpected Ploidy Variation of the Somatic Hybrid Plants Between Citrus sinensis and Clausena lansium