EFFECT OF PREHARVEST SPRAYS WITH CHITOSAN ON QUALITY AND ENDOGENOUS HORMONE OF RED GLOBE GRAPE EFFECT OF COMBINED APPLICATION N,P AND K FERTILIZER ON AGRONOMIC CHARACTERS AND THE MAIN CHEMICAL COMPONENTS OF FLUE-CURED TOBACCO THE LATEST PROGRESS IN SINGLE CELL GEL ELECTROPHORESIS (SCGE) BASED ON DNA DAMAGE DETECTION BREEDING OF CUT ROSES BY 60Co γ-RAYS IRRADIATION EFFECTS OF CU STRESS ON MAIZE SEEDLINGS USING X-RAY ENERGY SPECTRUM AND FTIR SPECTRA METHODS EFFECT OF 60CO γ-RAYS IRRADIATION ON ANTIOXIDANT ENZYMES ACTIVITIES IN TRANSGENIC AND NON-TRANSGENIC TOBACCO SEEDLINGS Effects of Calcium on Resistance to Gray Mold and Aactivities of Defensive Eenzymes Induced by Salicylic Acid in Tomato Leaves The Impact of Different Ca2+ Spraying Period on Alleviating Pepper Injury Under the Waterlogging Stress A Novel Agaricus blazei Cultivar‘Fuji 5’ RECENT ADVANCE IN THE STUDY ON ANGLED BITTERSWEED——AN INSECT ANTIFEEDANT FROM PLANT ^6^0Co—γ射线辐照谷象不育剂量的研究 Polymorphism of the soluble protein and isozyme in gray leaf spot pathogen of maize Influence of droplet densities and spray methods on the efficiency of chlorpyrifos against brown planthopper Research about effect of spray drying conditions on hygroscopicity of spray dry powder of Gubi compound’s water extract and its mechanism Effect of spray drying process on physical properties and dissolution of tanshinone DNA microarray analysis of protective mechanism of Buyang Huanwu decoction on focal cerebral ischemia/reperfusion in rats Experimental study on xue-bao capsules against injury of radiation or cyclophosphamide in mice Study the effects of flavonoids of Rhizoma Drynariae on gene level of rats without ovaries by technology of cDNA array The inhibition of 20(R)-ginsenoside Rg3 on the expressions of angiogenesis factors proteins in human lung adenocarcinoma cell line A549 and HUVEC304 cell Studies on using spray drying technique in preparing Ophiopogon Japonicus saponin enteric microsphere by orthogonal experimental design Cytology of eleven species in the genus Ranunculus L. and five in its four related genera from China Content and evolution characteristics of organic carbon associated with particle-size fractions of grey desert soil under long-term fertilization. Analysis on the responses of flood storage capacity of Dongting Lake to the changes of landscape patterns in Dongting Lake area Effects of Spraying Uniconazole on Morphological and Yield of Groups in Maize-soybean Strip Intercropping System Decomposition of Okadaic Acid in Water and Scallops by 60Co-γ Irradiation Profiling of Genes Encoding Cold Stress-related Transcription Factors in Peanut Mutants Resistant to Barley Yellow Mosaic Virus (BaYMV) Created by Mutagenesis Combined With Microspore Culture Effect of 60Co-γ rays on Physiological Index and Molecule Characteristic of Poncirus trifoliata Effect of 137Cs-γ Rays Irradiation on Germination and Seedling Growth and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Grape The Variation of DNA Cytosine Methylation in Wheat Genome Induced by 60Co-γ Rays The role of reactive oxygen species metabolism in resistance mechanism to gray leaf spot in maize The technique for identification of resistance to gray leaf spot on maize Disease development of sheath blight in directly row-seeded Japonica rice and its management with two bio-pesticides Detection of the bearing rate of Liberobacter asiaticum, in Citrus psylla and its host plant Murraya panciculata by Nested PCR MASS APPLICATION OF ENTOMOGENOUS NEMATODE AGAINST LICHI STEM BORER A STUDY ON VA MYCORRHIZAE FORMED ON THE TISSUE-CULTURED PLANTLETS OF PAULOWNIA Study on the Aerial Equipment of Spraying Pesticide and the Techniques of Monitoring Ⅰ.Property Test of the Aerial Equipement of Spraying Pesticide K+ Accumulation in Poplar Roots Induced by Osmotic Stress Study on the Aerial Equipment of Spraying Pesticide and Techniques of MonitoringⅡ.Controlling Dendrolimus punctatus by the Aerial Equipment of Spraying Pesticide Construction of a Cucumber cDNA Microarray and Its Application in the Study of Response of Cucumber Plants to Magnesium Deficiency Stress Construction of a Cucumber cDNA Microarray and Its Application in the Study of Response of Cucumber Plants to Magnesium Deficiency Stress Evalu tion of Growth and Ornamental Value for Introduced Perennial Ornamental Grass in Beijing Evalu tion of Growth and Ornamental Value for Introduced Perennial Ornamental Grass in Beijing Preparation of S-RNase cDNA Microarray and Its Application in Identifying Pear Cultivars S-genotypes Effects of High-pressure Electric Spraying Technique on the Mechanical Properties of Cut Tree Peonies The Theory and Practice of Shoot Cutting Propagation in Ramie X-Ray Energy Spectrum Analysis on Organ Distribution of Lanthanum and Other Elements in Wheat Seedling Identification of an Endothelium-specific Gene GhIAA16 in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) A High-throughput Genomic Tool: Diversity Array Technology Complementary for Rice Genotyping Gene Networks in Plant Ozone Stress Response and Tolerance Determination of Anthocyanins and Exploration of Relationship between Their Composition and Petal Coloration in Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia hybrid) Optimization for vacuum belt drying process of Panax notoginseng extract Prepared evening primrose oil microspheres by spay drying Study on Xinyueshu spray drying assisted with copovidone and its effect on powder property Studies on absorption kinetics characteristics of diterpenoid alkaloids in rats after oral administration of Sini Tang powder Studies on new co-processed excipient consisting of lactose and gelatinized starch Global Identification of Significantly Expressed Genes in Developing Endosperm of Rice by Expression Sequence Tags and cDNA Array Approaches Analysis of Global Expression Profiles of Arabidopsis Genes Under Abscisic Acid and H2O2 Applications Diversity Suppression-Subtractive Hybridization Array for Profiling Genomic DNA Polymorphisms Transcriptional Responses to Gibberellin and Abscisic Acid in Barley Aleurone Identification of Novel Stress-responsive Transcription Factor Genes in Rice by cDNA Array Analysis Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes During Anther Abortion of Taigu Genic Male Sterile Wheat by Combining Suppression Subtractive Hybridization and cDNA Array Direct Determination of Arsenic Species in Arsenic Hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata by EXAFS Cabomba Aublet. (Cabombaceae), a newly naturalized genus of China On the Classification of Ixeris Group (Compositae) from China Cytology of the tribe Trollieae and of the tribe Cimicifugeae in the Ranunculaceae: a comparative study Contribution of molecular cladistics to the taxonomy of Rutaceae in China* Level indicators construction and temporal-spatial distribution features of agricultural flood in the southwest of China. Impacts of leaf fertilizer application on taxol and 10-DAB contents in the needles of cultivated Taxus chinensis var. mairei The mechanism of biological control of strawberry gray mould using the marine bacterial NH-8 strain and analysis of the antifungal substances from the strain Observation of Vessel Elements in Secondary Xylem of Phyllanthus emblica A STUDY ON IMAGE PROCESSING SYSTEM OF NON-DESTRUCTIVE LOG DETECTION A STUDY ON THE ULTRASTRUCTURE OF BAMBOO CELL WALL BY X RAY STUDIES ON BIOLOGY AND THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF APONYCHUS CORPUZAE RIMANDO STUDIES ON XRAY CONTRAST METHOD WITH WATER FOR TESTING VIABILITY OF YUNNAN PINE SEED THE RELATION BETWEEN WOOD CELL STRUCTURE OF CASUARINA AND THE RESISTANCE FOR ANOPLOPHORA CHlNENSlS RESEARCH ON WOOD PROPERTIES IMPROVEMENT V. GENETIC PARAMETER ESTIMATES FOR RING DENSITY COMPONENT TRAITS OF NEW CLONES IN POPULUS DELTOIDES×P.SIMONII RESEARCH ON WOOD PROPERTIES IMPROVEMENT Ⅰ. MEASUREMENT OF WOOD DENSITY WITH X-RAY WOOD DENSITIOMETER Study on 3 Species of Marine Algae about the Changes of Elements by SR-XRF in Qingdao of China Analysis of the Chemical Constituents of Hypericum hubeiense by HPLC/DAD/ESI-MS

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