A New System for Classify ing China Mei Cultivar Groups , with SpecialReference to Developing Super ior ities of Interspecific Hybrid OriginatedGroups Studies on Numerical Classification of Chaenomeles Cultivars Progress on the Molecular Biology of the Cladosporium fulvum and Its Resistance Genes in Tomato Screening of Incompatible Isolate of Cladosporium cucumernium with Heat-resistance and Its Inducing Disease-resistance in Cucumber A New Triterpenoid from Amoora dasyclada Lycopene β-cyclase Gene Cloning from Citrus sinensis Osbeck ‘Cara Cara‘ and Its Functional Expression in E. coli RESOURCES AND EXPLOITATIVE ASSUMPTION FOR HIPPOPHAE. L. IN GANSU PROVINCE A STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF NITROGEN PHOSPHORUS AND POTUSSIUM FERTILIZERS ON SEEDING(1+0) OF ORIENTAL ARBORVITAE(PLATYCLADUS ORIENTALIS (LINN) FRANCO) ANTAGONISM OF GLIOCLADIUM VIRENS (GVP) TO RHIZOCTONIA SOLANI OPTIMUM DESIGN OF CLAMPING TREE MECHANISN ON SEED COLLECTING STEPLADDER AN APPLICATION OF CLUSTERING ANALYSIS IN FOREST SITE CLASSIFICATION AND EVALUATION EXPERIMENTS OF TECHNIQUE OF SEX PHEROMONE PLUS VIRUS DISPENSER IN WIND TUNNEL A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE SEASONAL GROWTH DYNAMICS OF PLATYCLADUS ORIENTALIS AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH WATER AND THERMAL CONDITIONS DYNAMICS OF AN EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVED FOREST DOMINATED BY CYCLOBALANOPSIS GLAUCA IN SOUTHEAST CHINA STUDY ON BAMBOO UNDERGROUND STRUCTURE OF MIXED FOREST OF CHINESE FIR AND BAMBOO RESEARCH AND APPLICATION OF TREE VEGETATIVE ORGANS TO TREE CLASSIFICATION A STUDY ON SYNTHETIC SELECTION FOR MULTI-SHAPE AND PROPERTIES OF PHYLLOSTACHYS HETEROCYCLA CV. PUBESCENS STUDY ON NORTH-EAST FOREST RESOURCE SUSTAINABLE MODEL CULTURAL DISTRIBUTION AND SITE CLASSIFICATION FOR CAMELLIA OLEIFERA SAP FLOW FLUCTUATIONS OF PINUS TABULAEFORMIS AND PLATYCLADUS ORIENTALIS IN LATE AUTUMN A STUDY ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTER OF FLOWERING FOR DENDROCLAMOPSIS OLDHAMI THE TAXONOMIC POSITION OF GUANGDONG PLANTAIN A CLADISTIC ANALYSIS OF PUERARIA DC.(LEGUMINOSAE) The Classification of Vegetation in Piankou Nature Reserve Using Remote Sensing Evaluation and Classification on Fruit Quality of 19 Varieties of Longan Introduced to Guangzhou GIS-Based forest landscape quantitative classification Application of arbuscular mycorrhizas in land reclamation of coal spoil heaps Urban landscape pattern study based on sub-pixel estimation of impervious surface Calibration coefficients of Granier original formula based on sap flow of Platycladus orientalis Cytotaxonomic Studies on Alisma L. from Hubei Notes on the Genus Scorzonera L. from China The Compatibility Concept and Compatibility Analysis Method in Cladistics A new species and a new variety of Leymus Hochst.(Poaceae) from Qinghai, China Studies on comparison and classification of Angelica sinensis  from different areas in Gansu province Cycloartane triterpenoid of Cimicifuga foetida Effect of total flavonoids of Jiawei Wuzi Yanzong prescription on VGCCsinduced by amyloid-β25-35 peptide in CA1 pyramidal neurons of rat hippocampal slice Application of object-oriented image analysis to land-cover classification in hilly areas Research on methods for extracting change information of the fast-growing poplar in Dongting Lake Land utilization mapping in Guangdong Province based on integration of optical and SAR remote sensing data Chemical Components of Essential Oil in Clausena excavata leaves Nariclasine Effects on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters and Thylakoid-membrane Protein Complexes in In vitro Virescent Cotyledons of Radish Effects of Different Management Practices on Population Structure and Dynamics of Quercus liaotungensis Relationships among Undergrowths, Contents of Chemical Substances in Leaves and Arthropod Community in Phyllostachys heterocycla cv. Pubescens Forest Spatial Variation of Sap Flow of Platycladus orientalis and Its Affecting Factors Response of Ring Width and Ring Density of Platycladus orientalis to Climate Change in Beijing Component of Volatile Oils in 10 Chinese Species of Yulania Genus and Its Phylogenetic Implication Study on Classification of Forest Landscape Components Based on Forest Resource Inventory Data for Management Study on Suitable Irrigation Norms of Pinus tabulaeformis and Platycladus orientalis Plantation STUDY ON BIOLOGICAL CYCLING OF MICROELEMENTS IN PINUS MASSONIANA PLANTATIONS A STUDY ON THE COMPOUND FERTILIZER FOR PHYLLOSTACHYS HETEROCYCLA CV. PUBESCENS A CLADISTIC STUDY ON SOME DENDRANTHEMA SPP. IN CHINA NEW SYSTEM FOR LOTUS VARIETY CLASSIFICATION THE SOUTH BIRCH FOREST,WEST BIRCH FOREST IN GUANGXI AND THEIR SUCCESSIONAL TREND A STUDY ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF JUJUBE AND WILD JUJUBE BY PEROXIDASE ISOZYME INCREASING PHYCOBILIPROTEIN PRODUCTION IN MASTIGOCLADUS LAMINOSUS WITH THE IMPROVED CULTURE The Course of Change and Development of the Classification Systems of the Araceae The Characteristics of Tree Layer Structure of the Rare Plant Community in Houhe Nature Reserve Quantitative Analysis of Plant Communities in Water- level-fluctuation Zone within Three Gorges Reservoir Area of Changjiang River The Character of Inward K+-channels in the Plasma Membrane from Tobacco Root Cortex Protoplasts The Pollen Morphology of the genus Polygonum s.str.(Polygonaceae)in China and its Classific Significance Quantitative Classification and Ordination of Wetland Vegetation from the Mouth of Fen River to the Yellow River Antioxidant and Anticancer Activities of Extracts Derived from Four Kinds of Lichen Classification and Diversity of Echinochloa in Paddy Fields of Main Agricultural Regions in China Studies on the Forest Vegetation of Xishuangbanna A NUMERICAL STUDY OF THE VEGETATION SUCCESSION ON THE ABANDONED ARABLE LANDS OF THE SUBALPINE MEADOWS IN GANNAN PREFECTURE OF GANSU PROVINCE IV.ANALYSIS OF NICHE OF COMPONENT SPECIES THE COMPARISON OF CLASSIFICATION WITH THE DIFFERENT METHODS TO THE GRASSLAND WITH SHRUBS IN BEIJING MOUNTAINS DCA Ordination, Quantitative Classification and Environmental Interpretation of Plant Communities in Dongling Mountain Study on Life-Form Spectrum of Plant Community in Dongling Mountain The Element Contents of Platycladus orientalis plantation in Beijing Application of Numerical Classification to Study the Grazing Retrogressive Succession Stages of the Kobresia Vegetation on the Subalpine Meadow Notulae De Ranunculaceis Sinensibus(ⅩⅩⅡ) Studies on Morphological Evolution, Classification and Distribution of the Triticeae in China Research progress in structure-activity relationship of flavoniods Optimization of Preparing Technology for Qiju Dihuang Oral Liquid hy Orthogonal Method Studies on the Sapogenins and Prosapogenins in Ardisia pusilla A. DC Tissue culture of Swertia bimaculata Morphological variation of inflorescence paraclades of Ainsliaea latifolia and taxonomic status of A. latifolia var. ramifera THE STUDY OF CLASSIFICATION AND SUCCESSION OF ALNIPHYLLUM FORTUNEI FOREST IN GUANGXI STUDY ON LIFE TABLE OF DIOSCOREA NIPPONICA POPULATION ANALYSIS OF COMPOUND IN TWO LICHEN PLANT

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