STUDIES ON THE POPULATION DIFFERENTIATION OF ARALIA ELATA (Miq.) SEEM.(Ⅰ) ANALYSIS OF THE KEY TAXONOMIC CHARACTERS A STUDY ON THE GENUS YINSHANIA STUDIES ON SYSTEMATIC OF THE FAMILY PINACEAE LINDL.(Ⅰ) STUDIES ON THE CLASSIFICATION AND ECOLOGY OF ZOYSIA JAPONICA COMMUNITY INH LIAODONG PENINSULA THE PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE MICROMORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF ACHENE SURFACES OF SAUSSUREA A STUDY ON CLADISTIC TAXONOMY OF ZIZANIA L.(Gramineae) TWO MATHEMATICAL TECHNIQUES FOR SIMULATING COMMUNITY TABLES OF SPECIES AND QUADRATS NUMERICAL CLASSIFICATION FOR THE VEGETATION ON BEILUN, NINGBO STUDIES ON THE CONTROLING TECHNIQUE FOR BLAST OF RICE BY DRILLING RICE SEEDLING IN TRICYCLAZOLE Classification and Floristic Ecological and Geographical Distribution of Genus Hylotelephium in Mongolia Plateau Antifungal Activity of Ethanol Extract from Platycladus orientalis Effects of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria on Physio-Ecological Characteristics of Platycladus orientalis under Drought Stress Application of Self-Organizing Feature Map to Classification and Ordination of Picea wilsonii Forest in Luya Mountain Nature Reserve Impacts of Different Logging Methods on Phylogenetic Structure in Tropical Montane Ra inforest of Hainan Island, China Diversity of Botryosphaeria spp., as Endophytes in Poplars in Beijing, Based on Molecular Operational Taxonomic Units A Review of the Concept and Research Status in Scenic Forests High accuracy simulation of aboveground biomass in Northern China based on IOCSG Abstraction and analysis of vegetation information based on object-oriented and spectra features Effects of different irrigation modes with reclaimed water on soil eco-hydrological characteristics of reed land Spatial pattern of the trees in a natural Pinus tabulaeformis forest in Taiyue Mountain Effects of land use types on particle size distribution of reclaimed alluvial soils of the Yangtze Estuary Determination of volatiles in Platycladus orientalis L. phloem by a purge and trap injector -GC/MS A Phylogenetic Analysis of Families in the Hamamelidae Pollen Morphology of the Genus Malus and Its Taxonomic and Evolutionary Significance Systematic Study on Lomatogonium A. Br. (Gentianaceae) Nomenclatural notes on Exbucklandia (Hamamelidaceae) Systematic position of Nannoglottis Maxim. s.l. (Asteraceae): karyomorphological data Cladistic systematics and phylogenetic species A vertical gradient analysis of the flora of Dalaoling Mountain in the Three Gorges region, China On the Classification of Ixeris Group (Compositae) from China Phylogeny Classification and Geographic Distribution of Rodgersia Gray A Taxonomical Study of the Genus Polystichum Roth Section Haplopolystichum Tagawa from Yunnan Phylogeny and Phytogeography of the Betulaceae (to be continued) To address the problem of infraspecific classification of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. using RAPD data Taxonomic notes on some species of Deyeuxia Clarion ex Beauv. (Poaceae) from China Notulae de Plantis Tribus Cynarearum Familiae Compositarum Sinicae (II)(Cont.) A Study on the Genus Ribes L. in China Cladistics and Biogeography of Artemisia sect. Viscidipubes and sect. Albiraotea (Compositae) On the Phylogeny of the Fagaceae Cladistic Analysis of Euglenoids A Review of Current Theories and Methods in Cladistics and a Cladistic Study of Twelve Lindera Species in Eastern China Notes on the publication date of four names of Lauraceae from China Nomenclatural notes on some ginkgoalean fossil plants from China Paeonia rockii and Its One New Subspecies from Mt. Taibai, Shaanxi of China Extinguishment of harmful algae by organo-clay Removal of different species of red tide organisms with an effective clay-complex system Temporal and spatial change characteristics of soil elements in reclaimed slope forestland Population structure and dynamics of Larix chinenesis in Qinling Mountain Analysis on landscape ecology literatures in China during recent ten years Effect of EGTA and La2+ on induction of sesquiterpene cyclase gene expression in leaves of Capsicum annuum by several abiotic elicitors CHANGE IN THE ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT OF RECLAIMED LATERITIC RED EARTH The Classification and Geographical Distribution of Rubus Species in Jiangxi THE EXPRESSION OF SESQUITERPENE CYCLASE GENE AND LIPID PEROXIDATION UNDER THE TREATMENT OF Cu2+ IN DETACHED LEAVES OF CAPSICUM ANNUUM A CLADISTIC ANALYSIS OF MAGNOLIACEAE NEW RECORDS AND CLARIFICATION OF SOME NAMES OF PTERIDOPHYTA IN HONG KONG (Ⅰ) Screening and identification of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria from reclaimed soil in Shanxi mining area Classification of Damage Level for Italian Coast Forestry Using Remote Sensing Data Study on Dynamic Change Detection of Tropical Forest Using Remote Sensing Data in Hainan Island Ana lysis on Cla ssif ied Stem Growing Character isticsof L a rix gm e lin ii Na tura l Forest An Improved Algorithm of Veneer Knot Image Recognition Based on Mathematical Morphology community successional series in the Ziwuling area on the Loess Plateau Application and comparison of generalized models and classification and regression tree in simulating tree species distribution Classification model of natural grassland quality based on projection pursuit Influence of application of GC-clamp on study of soil microbial diversity by PCR-DGGE A new taxonomic system of the Campanulaceae s.s. Morphology and taxonomy of leaf papillae and mammillae in Pottiaceae of China A classification study for chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum ×grandiflorum Tzvelv.) cultivars based on multivariate statistical analyses Effects of reclamation on net ecosystem CO2 exchange in wetland in the Yellow River Delta, China Classification of Pinus massoniana and secondary deciduous tree species in northern subtropical region based on high resolution and hyperspectral remotely sensed data Spatial pattern of riparian vegetation in desert of the lower Tarim River basin Quantitative classification of the subtropical evergreen-deciduous broadleaved mixed forest and the deciduous and evergreen species composition structure across two national nature reserves in the southwest of Hubei, China Analysis on carbon stock distribution patterns of forest ecosystems in Shaanxi Province Impact of Phyllostachys heterocycla ‘Pubescens’ expansion on mycorrhizal associations of the adjacent forests Responses of radial growth to fire disturbance in alpine pine (Pinus densata) of different age classes in Nang County, Xizang, China Theoretical basis of eco-agriculture construction in China Classification, Prediction and Database Construction of Plant Transcription Factors Research Tool for the Genetic Relationship and Classification System Based on the Whole Genome CVTree3 Cloning,Expression and Characterization of Glucoamylase from Gliocladium roseum Applications of Environmental DNA Approaches to Ecological Researches Studies on the Accumulation and Transformation of Assimilation Product of Heavy Panicle Type Rice Using 13C Labeling Technique

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