On the Classification of Forest Vegetation in Xishuangbanna, Southern Yunnnan
Advances in studies on active components of Saussurea lappa and their pharmacological actions Studies on the cell development and its function of microsporangium epiderm in Plantycladus orientalis SYSTEMATIC CLASSIFICATION OF THE GENUS LONICERA L. FROM GANSU Climatic Gradiant of Main Vegetation Types in the Loess Plateau Region Classification of Artificial Forest Site of Larix olgensis in Liaoning Province Studies on the Population and Community Characteristics in Platycladus orientalis Forest Studies on the Clausena dunniana Lévl Rutaceae , A New Resource of Isoanethole Soil C,N and P contents and their relationships with soil physical properties in wetlands of Dongting Lake floodplain Characteristic study on village landscape patterns in Sichuan Basin hilly region based on high resolution IKONOS remote sensing Dynamics of bud flow and bud bank of Phragmites communis population in dry land habitat of alkalinized meadow in the Songnen Plains of China Geographic distribution of winter wheat yield loss risk and its classification in North China Land cover classification in Xianghai Nature Reserve Ecological relationships among artificial vegetations during their restoration in Antaibao mining area Features of grassland resources and their classified management in Alatai region of Xinjiang Comprehensive evaluation and selection of urban eco-engineering virescent trees in Shenyang City Height structures of dominant species of different subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest communities in Wanmulin Natural Reserve Microbial eco-characteristics of reclaimed mining wasteland in red soil area of Southern ChinaⅠ.Effects on soil microbial activity Research on changes of dynamic characteristics of rainfall though Platycladus Orientalis plantation canopy in Beijing Mountain Area The Research of KFDA Based on Wilks Λ Criterion for Chinese Wolfberry Image Grading Study on Cross Fruitfulness of Ornamental Dendrobium Based on Molecular Classification The Molecular Characteristics and Phylogenetic Analysis of NCED Enzymes in the Asterid Clade Genetic Analysis and Gene Mapping of Rind and Flesh Color of Cucurbita maxima Cloning and Expression Analysis of GhCLASP1 Gene in Gossypium hirsutum L. Prelimilary Study on the Lichen Family Lichinaceae Nyl.in Xinjiang,China Relationship between Plant Community and Soil Factors in Spoil Bank of Coal Mine under Different Reclamation Modes Assessment the biocontrol efficacy of Gliocladium roseum on rice sheath blight using Real-time fluorescent PCR method Screening of Molecular Markers Linked to Cladosporium fulvum Resistant Gene Cf12 in Tomato and Identification of Germplasm Resource Screening of Molecular Markers Linked to Cladosporium fulvum Resistant Gene Cf12 in Tomato and Identification of Germplasm Resource Classification and Distribution of Bupleurum L.(Umbelliferae Juss.)in Mongolia A Preliminary Revision of Taxonomic System of Schisandra(Schisandraceae) Removal Effect of Two Species of Filamentous Green Algae on Phenol at Low Concentration On Monophyly,Paraphyly and Polyphyly Identification and antibacterial effect research of a Tolypocladium strain isolated from sclerotium of Ophiocordyceps gracilis in Xinjiang Uncontrolled factors of blood pressure in essential hypertension: from“patient’s high blood pressure”to“hypertensive patient” Research progress on standards of commodity classes of Chinese materia medica and discussion on several key problems Study on seed quality test and quality standard of Pesudostellaria heterophylla Impacts of multicomponent environment on solubility of puerarin in biopharmaceutics classification system of Chinese materia medica