Bioinformatic Aanlysis of IDD Gene Family in Phyllostachys heterocycla A Study on the Influence ofM in imum Mea sured D iameter onDeterm in ing Spa tia l D istr ibution Pa tterns of Forest Trees Effect of returning straw added with straw-decomposing inoculants on soil melioration in low-yielding yellow clayey soil Impacts of Two Water Absorbents on Survival Rate and Growth of Platycladus orientalis in Nankou Wind-blown Sand Areas of Beijing Volatile Constituents from Platycladus orentalis and Their Antitumor Activities Characteristics of Soil Microbes in Reclaimed Mine Soil of Chai-He Zinc-lead Mine Wasteland Effects of different organic fertilization on fertility and enzyme activities of yellow clayey soil Effect of ecological factors on plant communities of the Cele River Basin on the north slope of the middle Kunlun mountains Application on classification of Qinghai grassland by advanced comprehensive and sequential classification A method for classification of natural grassland quality based on SOFM Study on grassland’s responses to global climate change and its carbon sequestration potentials An integrated orderly classification system of natural wetland and its application in China A study on community ecology and the restoration and reconstruction strategy of Tuohu wetland in the Anhui provincial nature reserve Studies on Numerical Taxonomy of the Malus halliana Koehne Cultivars inHenan Studies on Numerical Classification of Chaenomeles Cultivars Response of Chinese Wampee Axes and Maize Embryos to Dehydration at Different Rates Actin Dynamics Regulates Voltage-Dependent Calcium-Permeable Channels of the Vicia faba Guard Cell Plasma Membrane Isolation and Characterization of a Putative Class E Gene from Taihangia rupestris A New Method for Cladistic Analysis—Median Elimination Series (MES) An Algorithm for Cladistic Taxonomy—Method of Maximal Same Step Length A Conspectus of the Genus Bergenia Moench A Study on Dichocarpum (Ranunculaceae) Community Composition and Structure of Phoebe zhennan Forest in Enshi, Hubei Province A Cytotaxonomic Study on the Genus Aspidistra (Liliaceae) (1)—Karyotypes of 7 Species from Sichuan Evaluation of soil quality in reclaimed coastal regions in North Jiangsu Province Fundamental classification of eco-agricultural models Image analysis method in application of digital image on diagnosing wheat nitrogen status Study on feed product technology for three different vegetable residues Impact of reclamation-driven land use change on vegetation carbon store in mining areas Evaluation of farmland productivity after rural homestead reclamation in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area - A case study of Fuling District, Chongqing City Effects of soil warming and nitrogen addition on the  length distributions of different diameter class fine roots of Chinese fir seedlings. Comprehensive evaluation of improving effects of different organic wastes on a newly reclaimed cultivated land. South China Institute of Botany; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Guangzhou; China Effects of temperature and sunlight-length on growth and development of winterness wheat variety DS No.1 Classification and ordination analysis of plant communities in Inter-dune lowland in Hunshandak Sandy Land Comparative Study on Hydraulic Architecture Characteristic of Pinus tabulaeformis and Platycladus orientalis Seedlings Scheme of ecological regionalization in China CLADISTIC ANALYSIS OF ARTEMISIA LINN.WITH ITS ALLIES A NEW SPECIES OF CLADRASTIS RAF. THE CLASSIFICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF GYPSOPHILA (CARYOPHYLLACEAE) IN CHINA GENUS ANTROPHYUM KAULF. FROM CHINA AND NEIGHBORING REGIONS THE STUDY OF SEASONAL RAIN FOREST CLASSIFICATION IN ACID SOIL REGION OF GUANGXI Amending of importance value and its application on classification of Leymus chinensis communities Cluster analysis of the Haloxylon ammodendron communities in Junnger Basin Leaf epidermal characteristics and classification of sections of Leymus from China A cladistic analysis of Lycoris(Amaryllidaceae) Effects of Soil Particle Size on Catharanthus roseus Seedlings Under Heavy Drought Conditions Effect of NCS on enzyme activities in microbodies andcell ultra-structure of excised radish cotyledons Study on the evolutionary system of Spiraea genus in the Mongolian Plateau Studies on the development of tapetum and middle layer of microsporangium in Platycladus orientalis The application of RAPD technology in the genetic classification of Amaranthus A STUDY ON PHYSIOLOGICAL TRAITS IN NUTRITION OF CHINESE FIR (Cunninghamia lanceolata(Lamb)Hook)PLANTATIONS DISTRIBUTION AND GROWTH CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ROOT SYSTEMS OF POPLAR,WILLOW,ELM AND LOCUST ON SITE OF RENEWED LAND BY FINE ASH OF COAL OPINIONS ON CHINA FOREST SITE CLASSIFICATION AND EVALUATION AN APPROACH FOR USING THE AGE-CLASS-SPACE THEORY AND THE GENTAN PROBABILITY METHOD--PREDICTING STANDARD CUT OF THE COLLECTIVE-OWNED FOREST IN HUITONG COUNTY Dynamic Changes of Traits of Leaves from Elaeagnus mollis Undergrowth vegetation niche in scenic-recreational forest communities of Platycladus orientalis and Robinia pseudoacacia in Beijing suburb A comprehensive generic-level phylogeny of the sunflower family: Implications for the systematics of Chinese Asteraceae A worldwide phylogenetic classification of the Poaceae (Gramineae) A phylogeny of Bromeliaceae (Poales, Monocotyledoneae) derived from an evaluation of nine supertree methods Distinctive identification of Cladosporium sphaerospermum and Cladosporium halotolerans based on physiological methods Chromosome studies in the tribe Clauseneae and the cytological homogeneity in the orange subfamily (Aurantioideae, Rutaceae) Primary identifications and palynological observations of Perilla in China Cladocera in Bosten Lake: Community characteristics and driving factors. An object-based information extraction technology for dominant tree species group types. Distribution characteristics of soil nematodes in reclaimed  land of copperminetailings in different plant associations. Species composition and community structure of  a spruce-fir forest and a larch forest  on the northern slope of Changbai Mountains, Northeast China. Diversity and classification system of weed community in Harbin City, China. Colors for early warning of harmful algal blooms and hazard classification and grading Classification of ecological types of the Chinese yak Studies on vegetation restoration patterns and their relationships to disturbances on Giant Panda Corridor of Tudiling, Southwest China Community structure and ecological distribution of airborne microbes in summer in Beijing Concept and classification of coarse woody debris in forest ecosystems Sensitivity of Platycladus orientalis young tree to water stress and its transpiration efficiency at different growth stages during annual growth period The classify of the liquorice life cycle form Comparative Observation on the Characteristics of Leaves of Four Species in Chinese Isoetaceae Quantitative Classification and Ordination of Roadside Slope Vegetation in Sichuan Basin Spatial Pattern Analysis of Individuals in Different Age-classes of Pinus bungeana in Wulu Mountain Reserve,Shanxi,China Analysis of Spatial Pattern and Spatial Association of Pinus tabulaeformis Populations at Different Developmental Stages Analysis of Interspecific Relationships among the Dominant Populations of Platycladus orientalis Communities in Yanshan Nature Reserve in Shanxi

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