Improvement of HIMS evapotranspiration module and its application in Haihe River Basin Vertical infiltration characteristics of reclaimed farmland soils with Yellow River sediment fill Improvement of AMMRR interpolation and application in CSCS classification of Inner Mongolia grassland Hierarchical extraction of land cover information from fully polarimetric SAR image of coal mining areas Social value evaluation of cultivated land resources in land reclamation project area Effects of long-term fertilization on weed community characteristics andcarbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry during winter-springseason in yellow-clay paddy fields of South China Halophyte resources and community characteristics in different habitats with subsurface pipe drainage system Character evolution and branch classification of Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. et Coss. Landscape classification system based on climate, landform, ecosystem:a case study of Xinjiang area Diversity of vascular plant and classification system of vegetation in wetlands of Anhui Province Carbon storage of forest vegetation under the Natural Forest Protection Program in Northeast China Tree community characteristics and spatial patterns of the forms Pinus tabuliformis -Quercus wutaishanica in Lingkong Mountain Object-oriented forest classification based on combination of HJ-1 CCD and MODIS-NDVI data Classification system of China land cover for carbon budget Analysis of seasonal changes of wetland landscape patterns derived from remote sensing data Discus for classification of plant association STUDY ON THE MOLECULAR DIFFERENCE OF ENDOSYMBIONTS FROM Bemisia tabaci(GENNADIUS) AND Trialeurodes vaporariorum(WESTWOOD) The different characteristics of soil fixed ammonium from south to north on the Loess Plateau The Successional Recovery Process of Plant Communities in Ziwuling Are and Classification and Ordination of Environmental Factors Classification and Morphological Characteristics of Tannin Cells in Some Persimmon Species and Varieties Preliminary Study of Hyophila (Musci, Pottiaceae)in Henan Province, China Influence of Anti-Sense LYC-B Gene on Lycopene Synthesis in Daucus carota A STUDY ON POLYSACCHARIDE OF THE LETHARIELLA CLADONIOIDES Identification of the antagonistic actinomycetes strain 10-4 against tomato early blight STUDIES ON NUMERICAL CLASSIFICATION OF ROSE CULTIVARS Phylogeny and subgeneric classification of Bouteloua with a new species, B. herrera-arrietae (Poaceae: Chloridoideae: Cynodonteae: Boutelouinae) Monocladus, Genus Novum Bambusoidearum (Poaceae) Chemotaxonomic Relationship Between Murraya and Merrillia (Rutaceae) The Chemical Constituents in Dacrydium pierrei Naked Oat×Maize Hybridization Relation Between Desiccation Sensitivity and Membrane Permeability of Developing Clausena lansium Seeds The Community Types and Biomass of Sibiraea angustata Scrub and Their Relationship with Environmental Factors in Northwestern Sichuan Isolation and Nomenclature of Pigment-Protein Complexes from the Brown Alga (Undaria pinnatifida Harv.) Genetic Variation and Differentiation of Larix decidua Populations in Swiss Alps (in English) Markov process of vegetation cover change in arid area of Northwest China based on FVC index. Spatiotemporal dynamics of land use and land cover changes in different reclamation zones of Yangtze Estuary. Natural regeneration characteristics of Sorbus pohuashanensis in forest region of eastern Northeast China. Wetland landscape ecological classification: Research progress. Splash erosion of black soil with different reclamation years and its relations to soil aggregates selective characteristics Community structure and distribution of riparian Bambusa rigida along lower Gongjiang River, China. Characteristics of the mineralization and transformation of autotrophic microbes-assimilated carbon in upland and paddy soils. Influence of reclaimed water on the bacterial community structure of sediment from an urban river Biomass estimation modeling and adaptability analysis of organ allocation in six common shrub species in Tianshan Mountains forests, China Footprint family: current practices, challenges and future prospects Modeling the total allowable area for coastal reclamation:a case study of Xiamen, China Effects of reclamation on tidal flat and land use on soil microbial community Dynamics of carbon storage at different aged Koelreuteria paniclata tree in Xiangtan Mn mining wasteland Threshold effect of soil moisture on photosynthetic and physiological parameters in Rosa xanthina L. and its photosynthetic productivity classification Quantitative classification and ordination of Jinping hydropower station, Sichuan Province,China Influence of topography on coarse woody debris in a mixed broadleaved-Korean pine forest in Xiaoxing′an Mountains, China Effects of different fertilization treatments on reclaimed soil microbial community structure in core-mining subsidence area Based on image processing technology estimatingleaves stomatal density of Populus euphratica and analysis of its ecological significance Effect of DEM data at different scales on the accuracy of forest Ecological Classification system Soil organic carbon storage and profile inventory in the different vegetation types of Luya Mountain Self-organizing feature map classification and ordination of Larix principis- rupprechtii forest in Pangquangou Nature Reserve Nitrogen transformation and its residue in pot experiments amended with organic and inorganic 15N cross labeled fertilizers Size-class and Age-class Structures of Larix chinensis Forests Nomenclatural Notes on the Infrageneric Names of Ephedra (Ephedraceae) Pollen Morphologies of Typhonium Schott and Its Genetically Close Genera (Araceae) Summary on phytogenetic classification of Trib.Polygoneae from China A Correction of the Scientific Name of Dryopteris bissetiana (Baker) C. Chr. vs Dryopteris setosa (Thunb.) Akasawa in Chinese Fern Flora A study on the biomass of herbs at the initial natural reclamation stage of plants in gangue fields Determination of the upper threshold value for 5 main control indexes in reclaimed water irrigation Effect of combined application of microbial inoculum and fertilizer on white clover growth in reclaimed mine soil Stochastic simulation and uncertainty assessment of spatial variation in soil salinity in coastal reclamation regions Evaluation of the rainfall effectiveness for reclaim of saline soil by subsurface pipe drainage system in coastal saline regions of Hebei Province Ecological carrying capacity assessment of large-scale open coal mines in loess zones- A case study of Antaibao Opencast Mine in Pingshuo Effect of bacterial manure on soil biological activity, yield and quality of rape in reclaimed core-mining areas Effect of changing spatial grain size and land-use classification on landscape index — A case study of Wenxi County, Shanxi Province Effects of cultivation regimes on weed community structures in newly reclaimed sandy farmlands Analysis,Comparison and Classification of Metagenomic Samples Effects of GC Clamps on RpoB-PCR-DGGE Fingerprint of Three Types of Food Borne Pathogens The Effects of Microcarrier Concentration and Cell Density on the Growth of Swine Testicle Cells Isolation and Identification of a Deep-sea-derived Fungus FS86 and Its Biological Activities Effects of marsh reclamation on soil respiration in the Sanjiang Plain The extraction of wetland hydrophytes types based on medium resolution TM data Classified conservation and restoration of vegetation in Wuhan urban lake wetlands based on plant diversity characteristics Community types and ecological adaptation characteristics of the riparian forest in upper reach of Wenyuhe Watershed Conception and function classification of regional ecological land Analyses of peri\|urban landscape dynamics in the rapid urbanizing process: a case study of Xiamen

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