Comparison of the population structures between the natural forest and the high-yield forest of Phyllostachys heterocycla cv.pubescens in Wuyi Mountain Effects on the functions of ecosystem services of Dongting Lake from silt deposit and land reclamation Numerical soil classification using fuzzy K-means algorithm and predictive soil mapping at regional scale Estimating total nitrogen content in water body based on reflectance from wetland vegetation Preliminary delineation and classification of estuarine drainage areas for major coastal rivers in China Food waste management in China: status, problems and solutions Resource potential assessment of urban roof greening and development strategies: a case study in Futian central district, Shenzhen, China Emergy appraisal on the loss of ecosystem service caused by marine reclamation: a case study in the Taozi Bay Ecological damage assessment of jiaozhou bay reclamation based on habitat equivalency analysis Ecological reclamation and restoration of abandoned coal mine in the United States Spatial variability of forest soil total nitrogen of different soil layers The relationship between riparian vegetation and environmental factors in Heihe River Basin The Rectification of Three Illegal Names in the Genus Jungermannia (Hepaticae, Jungermanniaecae) New classification system of Yulania denudata Study on the classification of Elaeagnus in Xinjiang A study on Castanopsis fargesii forest classification in Guangxi Classification and nomenclature changes of the Chinese Vittariaceae A study on Castanopsis fargesii forest classification in Guangxi Outline of the classified system of the Chinese Leguminosae The research on classification and geographical distribution of Lomatogonium in Inner Mongolia A new combination of Caragana(Fabaceae)from China A NEW SPECBES OF ELACHANTHEMUM AND DISCUSSION ON THE CLASSIFICATION AND EVOLUTION OF THE GENUS THREE SPECIES OF MYRIACTULA (LEATHESIACEAE, PHAEOPHYTA)NEW TO CHINA EIGHT MARINE SPECIES OF THE CLADOPHORACEAE(CHLOROPHYTA) NEW TO CHINA CLASSIFICATION AND NUTRITIOUS VALUE OF KOTUR AMUT(PYRUS COMMUNIS. L) A PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS OF ROEGNERIA(POACEAE) THE STUDY PROGRESS ON THE GENUS CARAGANA FABR THE STUDY OF SEASONAL RAIN FOREST CLASSIFICATION IN ACID SOIL REGION OF GUANGXI QUANTIZING ANALYSIS ON DYNAMIC OF AGE-CLASS STRUCTURE OF ARBOR POPULATIONS IN QUERCUS LIAOTUNGENSIS FOREST RFLP ANALYSIS OF PAULOWNIA PLANTS Analysis of complexity in Chinese meteria medica industrial chain Isolation of Lycopene |?-Cyclase cDNA from Daucus carota and Its Differential Expression in Roots Cone and Ovule Development in Platycladus orientalis (Cupressaceae) (in English) Growth Response of Wheat Roots to Phosphorus Deficiency VEGETATION CLASSIFICATION OF EAST CHINA USING MULTI-TEMPORAL NOAA-AVHRR DATA LAND COVER CLASSIFICATION IN CHINA BASED ON THE NDVI_TSFEATURE SPACE LAND COVER CLASSIFICATION OF REMOTELY SENSED IMAGERY USING A METHOD BASED ON TOPOGRAPHICAL RESTRICTIVE FEATURES: A CASE STUDY OF THE JINHE WATERSHED TENTATIVE CLASSIFICATION SCHEME OF EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVED FORESTS OF CHINA Comparison of Simulated Vegetation Distribution in China Produced by Four Popular Climate-Vegetation Classification Models Nutrient Cycling in Pinus massonina Stands of Different Age Classes Analysis on the Characteristics of Urban Vegetation and Its Mapping Based on Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System Response of soil microbial functional diversity to different land-use types in wetland of Poyang Lake, China Species composition and community structure of the typical evergreen broad- leaved forest in the Wuyi Mountains of Southeastern China Ecological land use planning and management in Beijing Effects of different reclaimed measures on soil carbon mineralization and enzyme actives in mining areas Influence of land use on river water quality in the Ganjiang basin Study of ecological land in China: conception, classification, and spatial-temporal pattern Method for estimating the concentration of total suspended matter in lakes based on goci images using a classification system The potential vegetation spatial distributions and patterns in China Analysis on classified stem transformation characteristic of Larix gmelinii natural forest at Daxingan Mountains A research of land-cover change of Wenchuan Earthquake before and after based on object-oriented method Remote sense-based analysis of sand dredging impact on water clarity in Poyang Lake Application of self-organizing neural networks to classification of plant communities in Pangquangou Nature Reserve, North China The classification systems of soil seed banks and seed persistence in soil A review on mechanisms of soil organic carbon stabilization Understanding eco-complexity and promoting ecology of sustainability: Beijing
Ecosummit 2007 Review
Effects of marsh reclamation on methane and nitrous oxide emissions Adsorption and competitive adsorption of heavy metal ion by clay mineral The classification of Quercus liaotungensis communities and their niche in Loess Plateau of North Shaanxi Effects of soil Na content on plant diversity and dominance in the wetland of the Hangzhou Bay Biological cycling of nutrients in different ages classes of Acacia mangium plantation Effects of long-term fertilization on the availability of K adsorbed byclay minerals and profile distribution in brown soil Study on Classification System of NTFPs in China Water Stress Experiments of Platycladus orientalis and Pinus tablaeformis Young Trees The Diurnal Variation and Influence Factors of VOC of Platycladus orientalis in Spring Research on Quantitative Classification of Native Persimmon Varieties in Zhejiang Province Vegetation Change Monitoring for the Natural Forest Protection Based on Spatial Analysis Techniques Clad istic Ana lysis of Phylogenetic Rela tionships among 7 Spec ies ofLac In sects( Homoptera: Tachardiidae) DCA Ordination, Quantitative Classification and Environmental Interpretation of Spruce and Fir Communities in Northwest Sichuan and South Gansu DETECTING DESERTIFICATION PROCESSES USING TM AND ETM+ DATA, NORTH OF ISFAHAN, IRAN LEAF AREA CHARACTERISTICS OF PLANTATION STANDS IN SEMI-ARID LOESS HILL-GULLY REGION OF CHINA COMMUNITY STRUCTURE IN DIFFERENT SUCCESSIONAL STAGES IN NORTH TEMPERATE FORESTS OF CHANGBAI MOUNTAINS, CHINA Difference and inherent linkage of root characteristics in different root classification of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings Numerical classification of associations in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest based on multivariate regression trees―a case study of 24 hm2 Gutianshan forest plot in China Mortality of woody plants in tropical monsoon rainforests of Bawangling National Nature Reserve on Hainan Island, South China Application of self-organizing map to quantitative analysis of mountain meadow in the Songshan Nature Reserve of Beijing, China Spatial pattern of forest communities and environmental interpretation in Mulun National Nature Reserve, karst cluster-peak depression region Storm damage in a montane evergreen broadleaved forest of Chebaling National Nature Reserve, South China Recognition and proposal on the vegetation classification system of China Phosphorus solubilizing bacteria growth and effects on soil phosphorus adsorption-desorption characteristics in reclaimed soils

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