The Karyotype of Cyclorhiza peucedanifolia(Franch.) Endemic to China Genetic Diversity of Wide Cross Population of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Platycladu orientalis Micromorphological Features of Achene Surfaces of 16 Species Of Subgen Saussurea in the Eastern of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Notes on Carex sect.Planatae (Cyperaceae) of China Analysis and Classification of Glycyrrhiza L. Plants in China by RAPD The Transpiration Rate and Net Photosynthesis Changes in the Flowering Stages of Salvia sclarea and Their Effected Factors PRELIMINARY STUDIES ON THE STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS OF PLATYCLADUS ORIENTALIS POPULATION AT THE FOREST AREA IN LOESS PLATEAU OF NORTHERN SHAANXI PROVINCE A NUMERICAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE CULTIVARS OF CHINESE HERBACEOUS PEONY STUDIES ON THE PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS AMONG THE NYMPHAEACEAE A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE MICROSTRUCTURAL FEATURES OF SEED SURFACES OF CHINESE GLYCYRRHIZA STUDY ON CLADISTIC RELATIONSHIP OF THE TRUE CITRUS SPECIES CLADISTIC STUDIES ON THE GENUS OTTELIA (HYDROCHARITACEAE) APPLICATION OF GRAPH THEORY IN NUMERICAL CLASSIFICATION OF SAGITTARIA IN CHINA Response to classification numbers of vegetation types on correlative coefficients among landscape metrics APLICATION OF 13C LABELLING TECHNIQUE TO SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION Effects of long-term fertilization on organo-mineral complex status in soils Study of classification of the soil nutrient status of citrus orchard in Hubei Province The classification and its geographycal distribution of Tugarinovia STUDIES ONCLASSIFICATION OF CITRUS ROOTSTOCKS ON THEBASIS OF THEIR DWARFING CHARACTERISTICS Using random amplifiedpolymorphic DNA (RAPD)markers for lilac genetic analysis andclassification in lilac cultivars A phylogenetic analysis of Kengyilia (Poaceae) THE ANATOMY OF VEGETATIVE ORGANS OF THE SARUMA OLIV. (ARTISTOLOCHIACEAE)AND DISCUSSION TO ITS CLASSIFCATION POSITION STUDIES ON THE QUALITY APPRECIATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF WHEAT VARIETIES IN SHAANXI PROVINCE A TRENDFACE ANALYSIS OF GEOGRAPHICAL VARIATIONS IN NEW BAMBOO GROWTH OF PHYLLOSTACHYS HETEROCYCLA CV. PUBESCENS FROM DIFFERENT PROVENANCES APPLIED NUTRIENT SOLUTION EFFECT ON ULTRASTRUCTURE OF STOMA OF LEAVES OF PHYLLOSTACHYS HETEROCYCLA CV.PUBESCENS AFTER STUDY ON THE PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERS OF PHYLLOSTACHY HETEROCYCLA CV. PUBESCENS PROVENANCES QUANTITATIVE CLASSIFICATION AND ORDINATION OF PLANT COMMUNITIES IN BAOTIANMAN,HENAN PROVINCE ACQUISITION, CONSERVATION AND UTILIZATION OF GENETIC RESOURCES IN CHINESE FIR APPULICATION 0F R-Ⅲ EQUATION IN THE COMBUSITION CALCULATI0N AND CLASSIFICATION OF 40 KINDS OF TREES AND 8 SHRUBS STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF UNDERGROUND STRUCTURE ON THE YIELD OF BAMBOO SHOOTS STUDY ON PRODUCTIVITY AND SOIL PROPERTIES OF MIXED FORESTS OF CHINESE FIR AND PHYLLOSTACHYS HETEROCYCLA CV.PUBESCENS STUDY ON BIOMASS MODELS OF BRANCHES AND LEAVES OF PHYLLOSTACHYS HETEROCYCLA CV.PUBESCENS STUDY ON THE DENSITY STRUCTURE FOR BAMBOO FOREST MANAGEMENT STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF DENSITY ON HIGH-YIELD TIMBER USE FOREST OF PHYLLOSTACHYS HETEROCYCLA CV. PUBESCENS HORMONE CONTENT AND DISTRIBUTION IN PHYLLOSTACHYS HETEROCYCLA CV. PUBESCENS DURING PERIOD OF SHOOT EMERGENCE STUDY ON NUTRIENT SOLUTION‘S EFFECTS ON LEAVES OF PHYLLOSTACHYS HETEROCYCLA CV.PUBESCENS Ⅱ. NUTRIENT SOLUTION‘S EFFECTS ON THE PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF LESVES STRUDY ON NUTRIENT SOLUTION‘S EFFECTS ON LEAVES OF PHYLLOSTACHYS HETEROCYCLA CV.PUBESCENS Ⅰ.COMPARISON OF EFFECTS OF APPLYING NUTRIENT SOLUTION ON LEAF ANATOMY STUDY ON THE EXPLOITATION AND APPLICATION EFFECT OF NUTRIENT SOLUTION FOR PHYLLOSTACHYS HETEROCYCLA CV. PUBESCENS STUDY ON ENERGY DISTRIBUTION OF PHYLLOSTACHYS HETEROCYCLA CV. PUBESCENS FOREST ECOLOGICAL LAND CLASSIFICATION AND ITS APPLICATION TO FORESTRY AN EXPERT SYSTEM FOR WOOD CLASSIFICATION AND GRADING CHANGES OF SPECIES DIVERSITY OF CHINESE FIR PLANTATION DURING COMMUNITY PROCESS WITH AGE CLASS STUDY ON VARIATION IN BAMBOO WOOD PROPERTIES OF PHYLLOSYACHYS HETEROCYCLA VAR.PUBESCENS CHARACTERISTICS AND MECHANISM OF DROUGHT TOLERANCE Of PLATlYCLADUS 0RJENTALJlS PROVENANCES FIELD TESTS OF THE FEASIBILITY OF SEX PHEROMONE PLUS VIRUS DISPENSER TECHNIQUE STUDIES ON THE STANDARD PROFILES OF CRYO-BROWN SOIL IN THE NORTH AREA OF DAXING‘ ANLING MOUNTAIN STUDY ON NUTRIENT CHARACTERlSTlCS OF THE FOREST TREE IN A LOBLOLLY PINE PLANTATl0N Research on Quantitative Taxonomy of Cultivars in Pingyin Rose Progress on the Molecular Biology of the Cladosporium fulvum and Its Resistance Genes in Tomato Present research status of classification of Termitomyces and Sinotermitomyces Comparative physiological responses of cadmium stress on Enteromorpha clathrata and Enteromorpha linza The growth and distrubution of Platycladus orientalis Seed-base seedling root in different culture periods Marshclassification mapping at a community scale using high-resolution imagery SOFM-based nutrient cycling classification of forest ecosystems in the Loess Plateau Effects of different seedling stock types on root growth of Platycladus orientalis and Ulmus pumila′s transplants Effect of thinning on Platycladus orientalis plantation and the diversity of undergrowth vegetation Comparison of the drought resistance characters at Seedling Stage between Dongxiang Common Wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.) and cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) A Preliminary Study on 13C Enrichment of in Cunninghamia lanceolata Using Pulse Labeling Technique Relationship Between Vigour of Seeds and Age of Old Platycladus orientalis A Genetic Frame Map of Salix suchowensis × S. erioclada Based on SSR and SRAP Markers Ecological Studies on Vegetation Quantity in the Semi-Arid Valley Region of Lasa Object-Oriented Classification of Forest Cover Using SPOT5 Imagery Character of Coarse Woody Debris in a Mixed Broad-Leaved Korean Pine Forest in Xiaoxing’an Mountains, China Quantitative Classification and Ordination of Juglans mandshurica Communities in Lishan Nature Reserve, Shanxi Mathematic Classification of 46 Species in Rhododendron with the Morphologic Characters Effect of Cupreous and Zincous Preparations Treatment on the Root Control for Container Seedlings of Ginkgo biloba THE METHODS OF GRASSLAND RESOURCE INVESTIGATION USING REMOTE SENSING Spiradiclis yangchunensis (Rubiaceae), a new species from Guangdong, China(英文稿) Study on the Anatomical Structures of Rhododendron protistum var. giganteum with an Extremely Small Population Ecological and Evolutionary Studies on Sagittaria (Alismataceae) A New Combination Species of Freshwater Cladophorales and Its Phylogenetic Analysis Micromorphological Features of the Seed Surface of the Genus Hippophae L. Spatial Pattern Analysis of Individuals in Different Age-classes of Betula platyphylla in Huoshan Mountain of Shanxi Province Discussion on the Taxonomic Position and Nomenclature of Liaodong Oak(Fagaceae) Quantitative Classification and Ordination of Wetland Vegetations in Oxbows,Yangtze River Anatomical Study of the Stems of the 10 Selaginella Species and Its Taxonomic Significance Study on Species Diversity during the Succession of Plant Communities on Abandoned Farmlands in Guancen Mountains,Shanxi Population Structure and Dynamics of Pinus tabulaeformis in Huoshan Mountain of Shanxi Province Identification of and Study on Wide Compatibility in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Classification for Some Sterile Lines and Their Restorers of Hybrid Rice with SSR Markers

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