Study on spore and leaf epidermis morphology of Pteris (Pteridaceae) from China Supplemental study on pollen morphology of Opithandra(Gesneriaceae) Leaf epidermal characters and their taxonomic significance in Balsaminaceae, China Hymenochaete in China. 5. Two new records from Yunnan Province Taxonomi crevision on some easily confused species of Saccharinae(Poaceae, Panicoideae)from China Two species of Hymenochaete new to China Pollen-ovule ratio and scanning electron microscope observation to pollen morphology of Feijoa sellowiana Study on intraspecific variation of Vitex rotundifolia growed in China with numerical taxonomy method Records of Bamboo Diseases and the Taxonomy of Their Pathogens in China(I) Hydnochaete tabacina(Hymenochaetaceae,Aphyllophorales),A New Record in China A Study on Bisflavone Constituents and Chemotaxonomy of Cephalotaxus Cytotaxonomical Studies of Tea Plants Studies on Taxonomy and Evolution of Citrus and Its Related Genera by Isozyme Analysis Chromosome Studies of Chinese Species of Malus Mill. A Taxonomic Study on the Genus Lasianthus Jack in China Phylogenetic inference of the genus Bupleurum (Apiaceae) in Hengduan Mountains based on chromosome counts and nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS sequences A Taxonomic Study on the Fern Genus Polystichum Roth Sect. Metapolystichum Tagawa from China (I) (To be continued) Essential Oil Components in Leaves of Seven Species in Calycanthaceae and Their Significance for Taxonomy The Embryological Studies of Comastoma pulmonarium (Gentianaceae) A Cytogeographical Study on Clintonia udensis (Liliaceae) Leaf morphology of 29 Chinese and one Thailand species of the Selaginellaceae and its taxonomic significance A pharmacophylogenetic study of Aconitum L. (Ranunculaceae) from China Taxonomic study on Pseudotaxus (Taxaceae) Taxonomic notes on water bloom forming Microcystis species (Cyanophyta) from China—An example from samples of the Dianchi Lake
A revision of the genus Pternopetalum Franch. (Apiaceae) Contributions to the seed morphology and taxonomy of Justicia (Acanthaceae) from Thailand A morphological and molecular assessment of the genus Sinotubimorpha (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) A Study on the Genus Astilbe Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don from China Taxonomic study of dinoflagellate cysts in Changjiang Estuary in the winter of 2006 What is the Basionym of Litsea rotundifolia var. oblongifolia (Nees) Allen (Lauraceae) Numerical Analysis of the Euphorbiaceae TAXONOMY AND LIFECYCLE OF GENUS PHAEOCYSTIS (PRYMNESIOPHYCEAE) THE DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF PQ-INFORMIS-AN PICTURE/TEXT INFORMATION AND AUXILLIARY IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM FOR PLANT QUARANTINE INSECT PESTS TAXONOMIC AND PHYTOGEOGRAPHIC STUDY ON THE SPECIES COLYSIS ELLIPTICA(THUNB.)CHING TAXONOMIC REVISION ON SEVERAL TAXA INTHE GENUS RUBUS(ROSACEAE) Gemma Morphology of Family Bryaceae(Musci) and Its Taxonomic Significance Observation of Morphological Characteristics of the Genus Cyrtogonellum Ching(Dryopteridaceae) Nutlet Morphology and Taxonomic Significance of Boraginoideae in China Research on the Identification of Penis et Testis Cervi with Molecular Taxonomy Preliminary Studies on Chemotaxonomy of Caprifoliaceae L Progress of studies on medicinal fungus Phellinus A STUDY OF CHINESE PUERHRIA STUDY ON THE CHEMOTAXONOMY OF ARTEMISIA L. (COMPOSITAE) IN CHINA--The Correlation of Chemical Constitution of the Essential Oil wish the Plant Classification Notes on the Species Status of Begonia menglianensis YY. Qian (Begoniaceae) Revision on Cephalostachyum Munro (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) in China Notes on Melanoseris lessertiana (Lactucinae, Asteraceae) and Morphologically Allied Species in the PanHimalayan Region Seed Micromorphology and Its Taxonomic Significance of Begonia (Begoniaceae) in China and Vietnam Taxonomy Significance Based on Pollen Morphology Observation of 19 Species of Manglietia Taxonomic Position of Horsfieldia pandurifolia Hu(Myristicaceae) Discussions on “Micromorphological features of the seed surface of Schisandraceae and their systematic significance” put forwarded by SUN Cheng-Ren PLANT BIOSYSTEMATICS:INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS AND OUR RESPONSE A NUMERICAL TAXONOMIC STUDY ON VARIATION IN POPULATIONS OF COMMON WILD RICE (ORYZA RUFIPOGON GRIFF.) IN HUNAN AND JIANGXI PROVINCE, CHINA Systematic classification and community research techniques of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: A review. Character of Leaf Epidermis and Their Systematic Significance of Daphne and Wikstroemia (Thymelaeaceae) Cyclopeptides from Three Arctic Caryophyllaceae Plants, Chemotaxonomy and Distribution Significance of Caryophyllaceae Cyclopeptides Interspecific Transition Among Caragana microphylla, C. davazamcii and C. korshinskii Along Geographic Gradient. Ⅰ. Ecological and RAPD Evidence Study on the Pollen Morphology, Taxonomy and Clustering of the Local varieties of Apples Survey on the Resources and Taxonomic Significance of Desmos (Desmos Lour.) in China Application of new DELTA system in plant taxonomy——Study on Festuca an example Optimization and formation SRAP system in Hedychium TAXON0MY AND PHYT0G0GRAPHY 0F CHIOGENES SALISBURY CHEMOTAXONOMY OF DIURANTHERA, AN ENDEMIC GENUS IN CHINA The Genus Battarrea ( Tulostomatales, Basidiomycota) in China Goodyera pendula Maxim. A New Record of Orchidaceae from Mailand China A preliminary study on the taxonomy and distribution of Entodon in Hebei Province,China Prelimilary Study on the Lichen Genus Psora in Xinjiang, China Pollen Characteristics and Taxonomic Significance of Chinese Epimedium Medicinal Plant Biocontrol effect and taxonomy of antagonistic Streptomyces strain B28 A Numerical Taxonomic Study on Morphological Characters of Populus tomentosa and Its Relative Species Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Polyrhachis Mayr of China (Hymenoptcra.Formicidae STUDY ON THE RUST FUNGI FLORA OF WOODY PLANT IN BEIJING AREA TAXONOMIC STUDIES ON THE GENUS FORMICA L. OF CHINA (HYMENOPTERA:FORMICIDAE) A Comparative Study of Esterase Isoenzymes in Selected Ants (Hymenoptera:Formicidae) RAPD Analysis of Germplasm Resources on Canna Numerical taxonamy of Paris plants Evaluation of LC-MS chromatograms of pericarps from Illium species RAPD Polymorphism and Authentication of Medicinal Plants from Turmeric (Curcuma L.) in China Study on Ecotype Classification of Garlic Varieties The Chemical Components of Essential Oils from the Leaves of 110 Species and Cultivars of Citrus Plants Spectral Profiles on the Protease Activities in Laminaria,Undaria and Porphyra