THE DETERMINATION OF KARYOTYPE AND ISOESTERASE ON TRIPLOID LILIUM DAVIDII Photosynthetic Characteristic of Three Varieties of Lilium (Liliaceae)“Oriental Hybrids”in the Middle of Yunnan Province Effect of foliage spraying of zinc, boron, manganese fertilizers on the accumulation and distribution of dry matter in Lilium davidii var. unicolor Three Coat Protein Gene-Mediated Resistance to Lily Viral Diseases EMBRYONIC CALLUS INDUCTION AND PLANT REGENERATION OF Lilium longiflorum Advances in Flower Color Mechanism of Lilium Advances in Flower Color Mechanism of Lilium A New Lilium Cultivar‘Storm’ A New Lilium Cultivar‘Red Feather’ Karyotypes of 12 Wild Populations of Lilium sargentiae from Yunnan Province Karyotypes of 12 Wild Populations of Lilium sargentiae from Yunnan Province A New Landscape Lily Cultivar‘Yunjing Red’ Cloning and Expression Analysis of LrPR10 Gene from Lilium regale Induced by Cucumber mosaic virus Preliminary Screening of Dormancy Regulation Related Genes from SSH
Library Constructed Using Dormant and Dormancy Breaking Bulbs of
Lilium pumilum
Induction of Haploid Plantlets for Lilium × formolongi Cytological Studies on Distant Hybridization Embryonic Development ofLilium A New Cultivar of Lilium Oriental Hybrid‘Joyous Event’ Genetic Relationship of Some Lilium Species and Cultivars Based on SRAP Marker Establishment of Cell Suspension Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Lilium regale Assessment of Phylogenetic Relationships of Some Lilium Species and Cultivars Using EST-SSR Markers Cloning and Expression Analysis of LlHSF1 from Lilium longiforum Assessment of Phylogenetic Relationships of Some Lilium Species and Cultivars Using EST-SSR Markers Research on Starch Phosphorylase Purification and Enzymatic Properties in Bulbs of Lilium Research on Starch Phosphorylase Purification and Enzymatic Properties in Bulbs of Lilium A New Cultivar of Lilium Asiatic Hybrid ‘Water Lily Dew’ A New Cultivar of Lilium Asiatic Hybrid ‘Water Lily Dew’ The Temporal and Spatial Changes of Flower Development Gene LLGLO1 in the Floral Buds of Lilium longiflorum The Temporal and Spatial Changes of Flower Development Gene LLGLO1 in the Floral Buds of Lilium longiflorum Research Advance in Relationship between Ethylene and Vase Life of Cut Lily Flowers Effect of Thidiazuron on Fruit Growth and Development of Lilium Oriental
Cloning of the lilyABC1 Protein Kinase Gene and Its Expression Patterns Under Abiotic Stresses in Lilium regale Karyotype Analysis on Bulbus Lilii Phenotypic Variation of Natural Populations in Lilium regale Wilson Data mining for simple sequence repeats marker development in expressed sequence tags from Lilium L. Physical Localization of 45S rDNA on the Chromosomes of 4 Species of the Genus Lilium A New Lilium oriental L. Cultivar ‘China Red’ Research on Substrates as Peat Substitute for Cut Flower Production of Oriental Lily Three Cultivars Karyotype Analysis of Lilium × formolongi ISSR Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Lilium brownii var. viridulum Baker in Jiangxi Province DNA Extraction and Optimization of RAPD Reaction System for Lilium brownii (Liliaceae) A Two-step Method for the Efficient Micropropagation of Lilium longiflorum Cytohistological Study of Morphogenesis in Thin Cell Layer Culture of Ovaryof Lilium‘Star Gazer’ Cytohistological Study of Morphogenesis in Thin Cell Layer Culture of Ovaryof Lilium‘Star Gazer’ Two New Vavieties of Lilium oriental L. ‘Hongyun 3’and‘Hongyun 5’ Character istics of Reproduction and Breeding of Lilium pumilum Cloning of Flavonoid-3‘, 5‘-hydroxylase Gene and Its Transformation into Lily ( Lilium longiforum ) Comparative study of physiological indexes of Lilium formolongi under different photoperiod conditions Bulblet formation and development of Lanzhou lily(Lilium davidii var. unicolor)by tissue culture Effect of Extracellular Calmodulin on the Cytosolic Ca2+ Concentration in Lily Pollen Grains STUDY ON POLLINATION BIOLOGY IN 10 SPECIES OF LILIUM Karyotypes of Four Lilium Species Cloning and Analysis of Chalcone Synthase Genes in Lilium Changes of Microtubular Skeleton in the Generative Cell in Pollen Tube During Mitosis of Lilium davidii Isolation and Purification of Viable Sperm Cells from Stored Bicellular Pollen of Lilium davidii Duch. Steroidal saponins and phenylic constituents from Lilium lancifolium and their anti-oxidant activities Immunoaffinity Chromatographic and ELISA determination of Cytokinins in Germinating Pollens in Lilium davidii Dach. STUDY ON CYTOLOGY IN LILIUM LANCIFOLIUM THUNB. A NEW SPECIES OF LILIUM FROM EMEISHAN Effect of different amounts of potassium fertilizer on the growth, nutrient uptake and quality of Lanzhou lily Establishment of an Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation system of Lilium speciosum Microscopic Observation of Starch Grains in the Middle Scales of Lilium formolongi During Low Temperature Storage and Flower Bud Differentiation A New Cultivar of Lilium Oriental Hybrid‘Joyous Event’ Induction of Haploid Plantlets for Lilium × formolongi Cytological Studies on Distant Hybridization Embryonic Development ofLilium Cloning and Expression Analysis of hsf from Lilium longiforum The Effects of the Photoperiods on the Bulblet Formation and Sugar Metabolism Change of Wild Lilium lancifolium in Vitro Three Cultivars Karyotype Analysis of Lilium × formolongi Molecular Cloning APX from Lilium longiforum and Overexpressing to Arabidopsis thaliana Enhanced Salt Tolerance A New Lilium oriental L. Cultivar‘Guiyang Red’ Study on Factors Influence Somatic Embryogenesis From Roots of Lilium spp. Karyotypes Analysis of Eight Wild Populations of Lilium sargentiae from Yunnan Provice Study on Tissue Culture of Lilium japonicum cv.‘Louvre‘ CYTOMORPHOLOGICAL OBSERVATION ON THE STORE SUBSTANCE IN THE BULB CELL OF LILIUM LIJIANGENSE NOTES ON CHINESE LILIACEAE XII A NEW SPECIES OF LILIUM FROM YUNNAN RAPID PR0PAGATI0N OF LILIUM L0NGIFLORUM THUNB. BY USING THE lN VITR0 CULTURE 0F STEM SEGMENTS Cytochemical Localization of Adenosine Triphosphataes Activity During Cytomixis in Pollen Mother Cells of David Lily and Its Relation to the Intercellular Migrating Chromatin Substance Morphological Observation and Anatomical Study on Bulbil Development of Lilium sulphureum Cloning and Expression Analysis of MDHAR from Lilium longiflorum LILIUM FLORIDUM——A NEW SPECIES OF LILIACEAE FROM LIAONING, CHINA