Comparative Studies on Transpiration Characteristics of Vitex negundo at Different Geomorphological Positions at Guilin Karst Experimental Site PRELIMINARY STUDY ON PHYSIOLOGICAL MECHANISM OF SALINE-ALKALI TOLERANCE OF PUCCINELLIA TENUIFLORA RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THORNTHWAITE‘S INDEXES AND DISTRIBUTION OF DOMINANTS AND COMPANIONS OF SUBTROPICAL EVERGREEN BROADLEAVED FOREST IN CHINA Study on leaf transpiration and stomatal structure of medicinal plant Tetrastigma hemsleyanum STUDY ON THE RESPONSE OF PINUS MASSONIANA SEEDLING TO ALUMINUM TRANSPIRATION RATE OF CONIFEROUS AND BROADLEAF YOUNG TREES AS A FUNCTION OF WATER POTENTIAL OF THEIR LEAVES AND OF ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Water Use Dynamic of Leymus chinensis Population Assessment of Evapotranspiration on Zoysia spp. Effects of Canopy Characteristics on Evapotranspiration of Turf:a review Stomatal Density and Bio-water Saving Measured Sap Flow and Estimated Evapotranspiration of Tropical Eucalyptus urophylla Plantations in South China The effect of environmental factors on American ginseng’S transpiration under different conditions A study on tea plant transpiration and its influencing factors in slop lands of red soil regions The changing laws of the diurnal evapo transpiration and soil evaporation between plan ts in the winter wheat field of the North China Plain Photosynthetic characteristic and quantitative simulation of high quality wheat“8901-11-14”at the jointing stage in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain Characteristics of evapotranspiration and energy budget of soybean field in the Sanjiang Plain Research on evapotranspiration of field ecological system of summer maize in Northern Plain Relationship between leaf transpiration rate of Lycium barbarum L.and its physiological factor as well as environmental micrometeorological factors Effects of sprinkler irrigation on the field mieroclimate Sapflow characteristics of Kandelia obovata and their controlling factors in Zhangjiang estuary, China. REASERCH ON RELATIONSHIP OF PHYSIO-ECOLOGICAL WATER TO DROUGHY RESISTANCE FOR SAXAUL STUDIES ON WATER ECOLOGY OF THE POPULUS HOPEIENSIS PLANTATION IN NORTHWESTERN SHANXI Effects of Simulated Acid Rain on Water Use Efficiency the Growth, Photosynthesis and in Tectona grandis Changes in Characteristics of Photosynthesis and Transpiration in Parakmeria omeiensis after Cutting Root and Branch in Different Seasons Physiological Characteristics of drought-Sensitive and Drought-Insensitive Rice Maintainers at florescence under Drought Stress Effects of tree height on sap flow, whole-tree transpiration and time lag of Schima superba Seasonal Variations in Photosynthesis and Water Use Efficiencyof Eucalyptus grandis × E. urophylla Effects of Pruning on Water Physiology of Poplar Clone Populus×euramericana cv.‘74/76’ Seasonal Variation in Water Use of Ziziphus jujuba in the South Aspect of Taihang Mountains with Deuterium Isotope Signature Evapotranspiration Characteristics of Two Lawn Species for Landscaping in Beijing Predictability Time Scale and Fractal Characteristics of Temporal \nVariation of Eucommia ulmoides Plantation Transpiration Calibration of relevant parameters of reference crop evapotranspiration with genetic algorithm The Responses of Euonymus fortunei var. radicans Sieb. Leaf Photosynthesis to Light in Different Soil Moisture Photosynthetic and Transpiration Features of Turf Grasses under Drought Effects of Sodium and Calcium Salt Stresses on Strawberry Photosynthesis Characteristic in photosynthesis,transpiration and water use efficiency of Haloxylon ammodendron and Calligonum mongolicum of desert species Evapotranspiration measurements of community using weighting method Simulation of the Physiological Responses of C3 Plant Leaves to Environmental Factors by a Model Which Combines Stomatal Conductance, Photosynthesis and Transpiration Quick Response to Salt Shock in Willow Monitoring Inter-annual Variation of Evapotranspiration with Meteorological Satellite Remote Sensing Method in China Monsoon Transect Study on ClimateVegetation Classification for Global Change in China Comparative Study on the Characteristics of Photosynthesis and Transpiration in Aneurolepidium chinense of Different Soil Types Coupling effects of water and fertilizer on diurnal variation of photosynthesis of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim ‘hanyuan‘ seedling leaf Characteristics of leaf photosynthesis in Leymus chinensis grown in the saline-sodic soil area of the Songnen Plain, at different groundwater depths Modeling evapotranspiration and its components in qianyanzhou plantation based on modified SW model Effects of coal dust deposition on seedling growth of Hedysarum laeve Maxim., a dominant plant species on Ordos Plateau Temporal dynamics of vegetation NDVI and its response to drought conditions in Yunnan Province Dynamic change and influencing factors of potential evapotranspiration in the middle arid region of Ningxia Energy balance and evapotranspiration in a natural secondary forest in Eastern Liaoning Province, China Water use efficiency and its influential factor over Horqin Meadow Hydraulic responses of whole tree transpiration of Schima superba to soil moisture in dry and wet seasons Photosynthetic Characteristics of Grapvine Leaves Under Different Soil Moistures Further Study of Physiological Mechanism of the Saline-alkali Tolerance of Puccinellia tenuiflora Dynamic studies on photosynthetic characteristics and growth development of Perilla frutescens Transpiration Rule of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica and Its Relation to the Canopy Micrometeorology in Mu Us Sandy Area The Influence of Environment Factors on Photosynthetic and Transpiration Rate of Amorpha fruticosa in Maowusu Sandland The Relationship between Transpiration Regularity of Psammophytes in Growth Season and Environmental Factors in Maowusu Sandy Land The Photosynthesis and Water Use Efficiency of Eight Garden Tree Species A Study on Transpiration of Some Tree Species Planted in Hot and Arid Valley of Jinsha River Study on Evapo-transpiration on Agroforestry Changes of Leaf Physiology and Anatomy of Poinsettia Plantlet in Transplantation Change of Trunk Sap Flow of Ginkgo biloba and Its Response to Inhibiting Transpiration Temporal Patterns of Precipitation, Evapotranspiration and the Meaning to Land Use in Mu Us Sandland Transpiration Variation and Relationship between Supply and Demand of Water for Cornus officinalis Plantations in the Rocky Mountainous Area of North China Variation of Sap Flow among Individual Trees and Scaling Up for Estimationof Transpiration of Larix principis rupprechtii Stand Photosynthetic and Ecophysiological Characteristics of Snow Lotus (Saussuea involucrata)in Its Natural Conditions in the Central Part of Tianshan Mountains Effect of elevated CO2 concentration and increased temperature on physiology and production of crops Drought indices and prediction models for winter wheat Using Gene-Expression Programming method and geographical location information to simulate evapotranspiration in Hunan and Hubei Provinces Variation characteristics and influencing factors of actual evapotranspiration under various vegetation types: A case study in the Huaihe River Basin, China. Applicability of established drought index in Huang-Huai-Hai region based on actual evapotranspiration. Rainfall effects on the sap flow of Hedysarum scoparium Scaling up for transpiration of Pinaceae schrenkiana stands based on 8hm2 permanent plots in Tianshan Mountains Seasonal variations and environmental control impacts of evapotranspiration in a hilly plantation in the mountain areas of North China Water consumption and annual variation of transpiration in mature Acacia mangium Plantation The characteristic of salt excretion and its affected factors on Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb under desert saline-alkali habitat in Xinjiang Province A modeling study of evapotranspiration from maize cropping system and its response to climate change Trends in reference crop evapotranspiration and possible climatic factors in the North China Plain Response of Gas Exchange Parameters of Periploca sepium Bunge to Soil Water Content in Loess Plateau Progress and Prospects for Application of Antitranspirant in Forestry

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