Study on the Characteristics of Photosynthetic Physio-ecology in Leaves of Heptacodium miconioides Seedlings Sap flow characteristics of four dominant tree species in a mixed conifer-broadleaf forest in Dinghushan Modeling soil moisture dynamics in different forest types in semiarid areas Variations of whole-tree transpiration at different diameter-classes in Acacia mangium during dry and wet seasons Relationship Between Photosynthetic Characteristics and Leaf Vein Density in Sorghum bicolor and Perilla frutescens Applicability of Evapotranspiration Simulation Models for Forest Ecosystems in Qianyanzhou Real-time irrigation forecast of cotton mulched with plastic film under drip irrigation based on meteorological date. Temporal-spatial variations of reference evapotranspiration in Anhui Province and the quantification of the causes. Radial variation and time lag of sap flow of Populus gansuensis in Minqin Oasis, Northwest China. Quantitative estimation of evapotranspiration from Tahe forest ecosystem, Northeast China. Progress in the Improvement of Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants Using Transgenic Approaches Environmental controls on water use efficiency of a poplar plantation under different soil water conditions Impact of vegetation interannual variability on evapotranspiration Photosynthetic physiological ecology characteristics of rare medicinal plants Bletilla striata Eco-physiological response of Phragmites communis to water table changes in the Horqin Sand Land Effect of different stubble height treatments on the annual growth index and physiological characteristics of Tetraena mongolica in two growing seasons RESPONSES OF WATER POTENTIAL, TRANSPIRATION RATE AND STOMATAL RESISTANCE OF LEAVES IN MAIZE, SORGHUM, SESAME AND COWPEA GROWN IN THE FIELD TO ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS A Comparison on the Transpiration Values Measured with Steady State Porometer and Other Three Methods Estimation Transpiration-water Requirement from An Apple Tree in Apple crop Intercropping System Model on Wheat Potential Evapotranspiration in Apple-Wheat Intercropping Character istics of Sap F lux Den sity andW a ter Use of P inus ca ribaeaP lan ta tion in Dry Sea son on the L eizhou Peninsula Evapotranspiration Characteristics of Apple Orchard at Peak Period of Fruiting in Loess Tableland Impact of Water Stress on Leaf Water Potential,Transpiration Rate(Tr) and Stomatal Conductance (Gs) of Alfalfa Study on Diurnal Photosynthetic Characteristics in Different Alfalfa Leaf Layers in Loess Plateau Study on the Diurnal Variations of Photosynthetic Characteristics and Water Use Efficiency of Stipa bungeana Trin.Under Drought Stress Effect of Mowing Height on Evapotraspiration of Festuca arundinacea and Zoysia sinica Physiological and biochemical characteristics of Myricaria laxiflora,an endangered species in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Effects of frequent uind-sand flow on photosynthesis and water metabolism of Pinus sylvestnis var. mongolica seedlings Research on characteristics and relationship of soil heat and moisture in summer on alpine grassland in Yellow River source region Modeling the evapotranspiration of an alpine meadow ecosystem in the northern Tibet Plateau based on MODIS images Effects of Several Ground Factors on Evapotranspiration from the Steppe Communities Climatic Gradiant of Main Vegetation Types in the Loess Plateau Region Comparative Studies on Relation of Photosynthesis to Water Status of Two Species of Haloxylon Under Controlled Environments Comparative Studies on Water Relations and Xeromorphic Structures of Some Plant Species in the Middle Part of the Desert Zone in China Evapotranspiration characteristics and crop coefficient of rain-fed maize agroecosystem. An operational remote sensing algorithm of land surface evapotranspiration based on NOAA PAL dataset Transpiration of Brassica chinensis L. in a plastic greenhouse covered with insect-proof nets in lower reaches of Yangtze River: A simulation study. Measurement and estimation of grassland evapotranspiration in a mountainous region at the upper reach of Heihe River basin, China. Spatiotemporal variation characteristics and related affecting factors of actual evapotranspiration in the Hun-Taizi River Basin, Northeast China. Estimation of regional evapotranspiration and ecological water requirement of vegetation by remote sensing in the Yellow River Delta wetland Effects of copper toxicity on photosynthesis and transpiration of three Elsholtzia splendens Nakai ex F.Maekawa populations Research on physiological adaptability of three mangrove species to salt stress
LIAO Yan, CHEN Gui-Zhu*
The impact of water stress on transpiration indices in Hippophae rhamnoides and Caragana intermedia Mathematical simulation of canopy transpiration rate of peach tree canopy The prediction on reed swamp evapotranspiration in Zhalong wetland, China Effects of Soil Water Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics in Five Provenances of Chinese Pine(Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.) Light Response Photosynthesis Characteristics of Zhenzhuyouxing Apricot under Different Soil Water Conditions Photosynthetic and Physiological Characteristics of Three Shrubs Species in Shell Islands of Yellow River Delta Application of the Thermal Dissipation Probe Technique in Studying the Sap Flow in Taproot of Caragana korshinskii Variation in Transpiration of Populus bolleana and the Influence Factors in Maowusu Sandy Area Diurnal Dynamics of Photosynthetic and Transpiration Rates of Medicago falcata L. and Their Relationships with Environmental Factors Study on the Photosynthetic Characteristics of Alfalfa with Different Fall-dormancy Levels in the Southwest Region of Hunan Province On the Characteristics of Transpiration and Its Responses to Shade in Ginkgo biloba Study on the Transpiration Eco-physiological Characteristics of Degenerated Haloxylon ammodendron in Jilantai Alfalfa’s Pre-blossoming Transpiration Coefficients and Comparison of the Water Consumption Coefficients Between Alfalfa and Maize in Terms of Economic Yield Water Use of Leymus chinensis Community PARTITIONING OF NIGHT SAP FLOW OF ACACIA MANGIUMAND ITS IMPLICATION FOR ESTIMATING WHOLE-TREE TRANSPIRATION NEW METHOD FOR MEASURING EVAPOTRANSPIRATION AND CO2 ABSORPTION IN GRASSLAND CO MMUNITIES USING LI-6262 CO2/H2O ANALYSER CHARACTERISTICS OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND BIOMASS ALLOCATION OF SPRING EPHEMERALS IN THE JUNGGAR DESERT SIMULATING SEASONAL AND INTERANNUAL VARIATIONS OF ECOSYS- TEM EVAPOTRANSPIRATION AND ITS COMPONENTS IN INNER MONG- OLIA STEPPE WITH VIP MODEL TRANSPIRATION CHARACTERISTICS OF INDIVIDUAL SHRUBS OF CARAGANA INTERMEDIA IN MU US SANDY LAND OF NORTH-CENTRAL CHINA Eco-physiological traits of different-age needles of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantation in Horqin sandy land of China Photosynthetic characteristics of Prinsepia uniflora Batal. Effects of silicon application on growth and transpiration rate of maize The changes of photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate of maize seedling under soil progressive drought Transpiration characters of Caragana korshinskii and its influence factors Spatiotemporal changes of potential evapotranspiration in Songnen Plain of Northeast China. Daily dynamics of photosynthesis in alfalfa varieties under dry farming conditions Studies on water vapor flux characteristic and the relationship with environment factors over a planted coniferous forest in Qianyanzhou station Soil moisture affects energy allocation and diurnal evapotranspiration of a poplar plantation-an eddy-covariance-based study Characteristics of sap flow and transpiration of Salix gordejevii and Caragana microphylla in Horqin Sandy Land, northeast China The variations of sap flux density and whole-tree transpiration across individuals of Acacia mangium Sensitivity of Platycladus orientalis young tree to water stress and its transpiration efficiency at different growth stages during annual growth period Rule of apple trees transpiration and its relation to the micrometeorology on the canopy Evaporation and transpiration in re-vegetated desert area Water demand evaluation of riverside ecosystem in arid inland river basin: the case of Heihe River Basin Researches on laws of water balance at transitional zone between oasis and desert in Minqin Trees transpiration response to meteorological variables in arid regions of Northwest China Relationships between nutrition uptake characteristics and photosynthetic physiology under different water managements of mulching upland rice Effects of Trunk Spiral Girdling on Photosynthesis and Transpiration of Young‘Guiwei’Litchi During Fruit Development Period

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