Effects of nitrogen fertilization on leaching characteristics of NO3--N and base cations in latosol The Nitrate Content and Accumulation Character of the Yellow Chinese Chive and Chinese Chive from the North Bank of Dianchi Lake The Nitrate Content and Accumulation Character of the Yellow Chinese Chive and Chinese Chive from the North Bank of Dianchi Lake Effects of Exogenous Salicylic Acid on Nitrate Accumulation and Reduction and Assimilation in the Leaves of Chinese chive Effects of Exogenous Salicylic Acid on Nitrate Accumulation and Reduction and Assimilation in the Leaves of Chinese chive Membrane Transporters for Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potassium Uptake in Plants Gene Structure and Expression of the High-affinity Nitrate Transport System in Rice Roots AKINβ1 is Involved in the Regulation of Nitrogen Metabolism and Sugar Signaling in Arabidopsis Nitrate regulates rhizobial and mycorrhizal symbiosis in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Spatial and seasonal variations of nitrate-N concentration in groundwater within Chao Lake watershed Effects of water and fertilizers on nitrate content in tomato fruits under alternate partial root-zone irrigation Nitrate contamination and source tracing from NO-315N in groundwater in Weifang, Shandong Province Effects of simulated acid rain and its acidified soil on soluble sugar and nitrogen contents of wheat seedlings Desiccation and nitrate accumulation of apple orchard soil on the Weibei dryland Effect of reduced N application on N utilization and balance in winter wheat-summer maize cropping system Effects of Leaf-spraying Nitrate on Stomatal Dynamics and Photosynthesis of Syringa oblata Lindl. Leaves Effects of different cultivation methods on soil residual nitrate under winter wheatsummer maize cropping system Effects of NH4+-N/ NO3--N ratios on kinetics of nitrate uptake by two typical lettuce genotypes in hydroponics Effects of supplemental chloride on growth,nutrient absorption and nitrate content of sunflower seedlings Influence of N rates on nitrate accumulation and distribution in peanut Nitrogen management and its relation to leaf quality in production of flue-cured tobacco in China Effect of nitrogen on taste compounds,nitrate and yield of cucumber in solar-greenhouse Effects of nitrogen forms on nitrate and oxalate accumulation in edible parts of spinach Effects of N, K and Mo application on the nitrate accumulation at different growth stages of spinach Manurial effect of several controlled-release N fertilizers (CRNFs) on forage maize and its physiological effects Effect of partial replacement of NH4+ by NO3- on nitrogen uptake and utilization by different genotypes of rice at the seedling stage Genotypic difference of maize lateral roots in response to local nitrate supply Recovery of 15N-labeled nitrate injected into deep subsoil by maize in a Calcaric Cambisol in North China Plain Effects of several chemicals on nitrate accumulation and nutritive quality of Chinese cabbage Nitrogen topdressing and feedback control in greenhouse tomato Effect of long-term fertilizer application on yield, nitrogen uptake and soil NO3--N accumulation in wheat/maize intercropping Effect of nutrient management on nitrate accumulation of pakchoi under solution culture A Improved Testing Powder Method for Rapidly Determining Nitrate Content in Fresh Vegetable A Study of Dicyandiam ide Effect on the Accumulation of Nitrate in Soilless cultured Brassica campestris Effect of Nitrogen Application Level on Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Wheat and Soil Nitrate-N Content under Bed Planting Condition Effect of Shade on Nitrogen Metabolism and Its Mechanism in Cotton Plant at Flowering and Boll-forming Stage Progress on nitrogen uptake and transport in plant RACE cloning and bioinformatics analysis of nitrate reductase in Beta vulgaris STUDIES ON NITRATE REDUCTASE ACTIVITY AND NITROGEN RESPONSE IN CROP PLANTS Ⅲ.THE RELATION OF NITRATE REDUCTASE ACTIVITY WITH CHARACTERS OF CULTIVAR IN THE SUCCESSION OF RICE CULTIVATED IN NORTHERN CHINA The Effects of Temperature Stress on Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Reduction of Alfalfa and Guyana Stylosanthes Study on the uptake kinetics of ammonium and nitrate In Lolium multiflorum Lam. Isolation and Expression Analysis of a High-Affinity Nitrate Transporter TaNRT2.3 from Roots of Wheat Preliminary Studies on the Acting Mechanism of Stabilizing Factor of Nitrare Reductase Activity (NR-SF) Effect of plant-based fungicide coated compound fertilizer on tomato growth, nitrogen use efficiency and disease incidence Effect of water-logging and nitrogen form on substrates of sugar and nitrogen metabolism in maize (Zea mays L.) at seedling stage Effects of soil fumigants on soil nitrification and denitrification Effects of different cultivation patterns on yield, nitrate accumulation and nitrogen balance in winter wheat and summer maize rotation system. Effect of nitrate leaching of winter wheat field based on straw application in the Yellow River irrigation area of Ningxia Spatial distribution of soil nitrogen in a jujube-crop intercropping ecosystem Effects of two forms of mineral nitrogenous fertilizers on nematode community composition and diversity in rhizosphere of cucumber in greenhouses EFFECT OF DIFFERENT FERTILIZERS ON STABLE NITROGEN
NITROGEN UTILIZATION MECHANISM OF DIFFERENT GENOTYPE MAIZE Study on content of chlorophyll and activation of nitrate-reductase about Elaeagnus mollis,an endangered plant Advances of studies on the regulation of nitrate metabolism of plants at nitrate reductase level The Nitrate Uptake and Accum ulation 0f Pal choi Efects of Rare-earth Elements Cerium on ‘Red Globe’ Grape Plantlets in Vitro A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON NITRATE REDUCTASE IN THE LEAVES OF POPLAR Comparative Study on Chlorophyll Content and Nitrate Reductase Activity between Male Sterile and Fertile Plants in Cunninghamia lanceolata Effects of fertilization on nitrogen loss with different forms via runoff and seepage under Phyllostachy praecox stands The response of euhalophyte Salicornia europaea L. to different nitrogen forms Effects of Nitrogen Rate on Plant Growth of Autumn Potato Crop and Gene Expression of Nitrate Reductase and Ammonium Transporter Kinetic Characteristics of Inorganic Nitrogen Uptake by Cerasus cerasoides Cuttings and Seedlings Kinetic Characteristics of Inorganic Nitrogen Uptake by Cerasus cerasoides Cuttings and Seedlings MEASUREMENT OF NITRATE REDUCTASE ACTIVITY OF POPULUS LEAVES IN VITRO Change of soil nutrients under greenhouses under long-term fertilization condition Influence of initial nitrate-nitrogen on methods of measuring soil nitrogen supplying capacity in calcareous soils Competition adsorption of NO3- with Cl- on constant charge soils and variable charge soils Uptake capacity of several vegetable crops to nitrate and ammonium Nitrate and Nitrite Accumulation and Nutritional Quality of Platycodon grandiflorum with Different Nitrogen Forms and Ratios Effect of in-Season Nitrogen Management on Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Wheat Effects of summer fallow in Guanzhong irrigation area Effects of long term plant Medicago sativa Linn. on soil nitrogen nutrient Effects of nitrogen fertilization on population dynamics and yield of high-yielding wheat and on alteration of soil nitrogen. Effects of several chemicals on yield, nitrate content and nutritive quality of lettuce Effects of several new-type compound fertilizers on the quality of romaine lettuce cultivated soillessly Progress in Inorganic Nitrogen Transport Proteins and Their Phosphorylation Regulatory Mechanism in Arabidopsis Effects of different applying amounts of N fertilizer on the accumulated content of nitrate in the Chinese cabbage Effect of applying fertilizer on nitrate accumulation in vegetables Efects of N,P,K combinations on nitrate accumulation and nutrient quuality of foliage vegetables grown in soil-less culture Contents of nitrate and mineral elements and their relationships in leafy-vegetables

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