Effects of plastic film mulching periods on the soil nitrogen availability in semiarid areas CONTENTS OF NITRATE AND NITRITE IN VEGETABLES AND THEIR RELATIONS TO THE ENVRONMENTAL FACTORS IN CHONGQING AREA Nitric oxide is involved in the induced stomatal closure of tomato by    high level of carbon dioxide Research advances in nitrate uptake and transport in plants Relationships between nitrogen application rate soil nitrate-nitrogen, plant nitrogen concentration and wheat scab Effect of municipal green waste biochar addition on the growth, nitrate content and nitrogen use efficiency of greenhouse pakchoi Effect of special controlled release fertilizer application on nitrogen and potassium uptakes of tomato and their residue in soil with drip irrigation in the greenhouse Regulation of Nitrate Reductase Activity in Leaves of Soybean Bragg and Its Nodulated Mutants The Accelerative Effects of Cytokinin on Nitrate Reductase Induction The Relationship between Glycine Oxidation and Nitrate Reduction in Tobacco Leaves Efficiency of fertilizing biogas slurry on nitrate accumulation and N utilization of Pennisetum Effects of Exogenous Spd on NO3--N,NH4+-N Contents and Nitrate Reductase Activity of Salt Stressed Leaves and Roots of Cucumber Seedlings Effect of NO3/NH4+ Ratio in Culture Solution on Nitrate and Ammonium Uptake in Seedlings of Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Characterization and Expression of Nitrate Transporter Gene OsTNrt2.1 in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Effect of Different Nitrogen Forms on Root Growth and Dynamic Kinetics Characteristics for Citrus sinensis×Poncirus trifoliata Effects of N fertilization on winter wheat grain yield and its crude protein content and apparent N losses Soil chemical property changes in vegetable greenhouse fields Leaching loss of nitrate from semiarid area agroecosystem Soil NO3--N transport under field unsaturated flow condition——a simulation study Study on photosynthetic physio-ecological characteristics of five broad-leaf species Effects of dairy effluents irrigation on yield and nitrogen use efficiency of winter wheat and soil nitrate nitrogen Effects of mulching and fertilization on maize yield, soil temperature and nitrate-N distribution Studies on the Main Nitrogen Assimilation Enzymes Activities and Nodule Cell Ultrastructure in the Nodule of Alnus cremastogyne Effects of Nitrogen Forms on the Nitrogen Metabolism of Alfalfa ‘Gannong No. 3’ Varity at Different Growth Stages Effects of Three Kinds of Foreign Media Materials on the Activity of Alfalfa Rhizobium Nitrate and Nitrite Contents of Forage Silages from Hulunbuir Grassland Physiological Effect of Nitrate or Ammonia Top-dressing on Hybrid and Conventional Rice Varieties at the Late Growth Stage Studies on the Nitrate Reductase Activity (NRA) and the Nitrogenase Activity (NA) in the Nodules of Groundnut (A.hypogaea L.) STUDIES ON CORRELATION BETWEEN VEGETABLE NITRATE ACCUMULATION AND FERTILIZER APPLICATION Progress on Nitrate and Oligopeptide Transporters in Plants The Effect of Silver Nitrate on Genetic Transformation in White Mulberry (Morus alba L.) THE MECHANISM OF PHOTOPROTECTION DURING LIGHT ENERGY TRANSFORMATION ASSOCIATED WITH META- BOLISM OF DISSIPATING ENERGY IN PHOTOSYNTHESIS A Study of Dicyandiam ide Effect on the Accumulation of Nitrate in Soilless cultured Brassica campestris Studies on the Difference of Nitrate Accumulations of Different Varieties ofChinese Cabbage Studies on the Difference of Nitrate Accumulations of Different Varieties ofChinese Cabbage Effects of Nitrogen Forms on Content and Distribution of Nitrate and Oxalate Forms in Spinach Plants Effects of Supplemental Chloride on Growth, Nutrient Absorption andUtilization of Tomato Seedlings Cloning and Expression Pattern Analysis of NRT2 Gene in Non-heading Chinese Cabbage Diversity analysis of bacteria capable of removing nitrate/nitrite in a shrimp plnd Effects of nitrogen rate on nitrogen fertilizer use of winter wheat and content of soil nitrate-N under different fertility condition THE NITRATE REDUCTASE ACTIVITY OF Myric rubra The Absorption, Utilization and Distribution of Nitrate 15N and Ammonium 15N in Populus Tomentosa Seedlings DYNAMIC CHANGE OF NO-3-N IN WHEAT/MAIZE INTER CROPING
Effects of DA-6 on Growth and Leaf Nitrogen Metabolism of Dendranthema morifolium cv ‘chuju’Seedlings Plant Growth, Nitrate Content and Ca Signaling in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Roots under Different Nitrate Supply Effects of Ammonium︰Nitrate Ratios on Growth and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities of Chinese Cabbage Seedling Under Low Light Intensity Preparation and evaluation of pilocarpine nitrate in situ gel for ophthalmic use Numerical simulation on nitrate leaching at field scale during the growth of winter wheat Simulation and prediction of nitrate-nitrogen leaching from soils under the growth period of winter wheat using transfer function model 灌溉与施氮对黑河中游新垦农田土壤硝态氮积累及氮素利用率的影响 The morphological responses of the root system to the nitrogen stress Effect of sugarcane//soybean intercropping and reduced nitrogen rates on sugarcane yield, plant and soil nitrogen Study on Nitrate Reductase and Nitrite Reductase Coupled Regulation of Sugar Beet NITRATE REDUCTASE ACTIVITY AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH APPLIED NITROGEN IN SOYBEAN MEASUREMENT OF NITRATE AND ITS NITROGEN AND OXYGEN ISOTOPE COMPOSITION USING DENITRIFIER METHOD 施用猪粪对油麦菜产量、硝酸盐含量及土壤养分的影响 Effects of Saline-alkali Stress on Nitrogen Metabolism Activity and Root Yield and Sugar Content of Suger Beet Changes and Correlations between Yield and Partial Physiological Char-acters in Leaves of Soybean Cultivars Released from 1923 to 2005 in Jilin Province NITROGEN NUTRITION AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH GROWTH IN LARIX OLGENSIS HENRY Characteristics of Absorbing Ammonium and Nitrate Nitrogen of Six Crops at Different Growth Stages Influence of Cytokinin and Ammonium Nitrate on Elongation of Adventitious Buds in Norway Spruce(Picea abies) Statistical modeling of nitrogen-dependent modulation of root system architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana Long-distance nitrate signaling displays cytokinin dependent and independent branches A putative 6-transmembrane nitrate transporter OsNRT1.1b plays a key role in rice under low nitrogen Changes of soil nitrogen supply in black loessial in Loess Plateau under long-term fertilization Effect of water and nitrogen coupling on soil nitrate movement and nitrogen uptake of muskmelon Nitrogen recommendation for dryland winter wheat by monitoring nitrate in 1 m soil and based on nitrogen balance Effects of nitrogen fertilization on potato tuber yield, N uptake and soil NO3--N accumulation under plastic cover with drip irrigation Effects of different water and nitrogen amounts on nitrate leaching in sunlight greenhouse during cucumber growing season Leaching and transport of nitrate in vegetable production systems in Suburbs of Wuhan Effects of combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers on yield and quality of celery and soil nitrate leaching under greenhouse condition Effect of urease/nitrification inhibitors on transformation of urea-N in albic soil Enzyme activities responsible for nitrogen metabolization in different peanut cultivars Effects of Sulfur and 6-Benzvladeine on the Nitrate Reductase Activity in Rice Seedlings Effects of irrigation amount and nitrogen fertilization rate on wheat yield and soil nitrate content. Spatial heterogeneity of soil inorganic nitrogen in a broadleaved-Korean pine mixed forest in Changbai Mountains of Northeast China Changes in photosynthetic properties, ultrastructure and root vigor of Dendrobium candidum tissue culture seedlings during transplantation Dynamic changes of soil moisture and nitrate nitrogen in wheat and maize intercropping field under different nitrogen supply STUDIES ON CHARACTERISTICS OF LEAVES GROWTH AND PHOTOSYNTHESIS PHYSIOECOLOGY OF SARGENTODOXA CUNEATA Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on Nitrate Nitrogen Contents and Nitrate Reductase Activities in the Plants of Different Winter Wheat Varieties

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