Effect of nitrate levels on dynamic changes of root morphology in different maize inbred lines Studies on the techniques of promoting the quality of agricultural products and reducing the pollution of nitrate by applying fertilizers Effects of different proportions of N,P,and K on nitrate contents in rape On the nitrate-N accumulated characteristics in deep soil layer of winter wheat field in Taihang Piedmont Changes of Nitrate-N Accumulated in soil profile after changing grain crop land into vegetables land Stable isotope composition of particulate organic matters and dissolved nitrate in the Jinshui River, Upper Han River Basin Effect of Ammonium and Nitrate Nitrogen and Its Combined Application on Protein Components and GMP Content in Speciality Wheat Cultivars Genetic Analysis of Nitrate Content in Radish(Raphanus Sativus L.) EFFECT OF POTASSIUM NITRATE AND SULPHATE ON GROWTH,ROOT MORPHOLOGICAL TRAITS,POTASSIUM UPTAKE AND UTILIZATION EFFICIENCY OF TOMATO SEEDLINGS Effect of nitrogen stress on the membrane permeability and some other physiological characteristics of corn and sunflower Studies on the Nitrate Content of Different Pak-choi Genotypes Effect of Cerium on Aged Seed Germination of Rice Effect of Some Environmental Conditions on the Activity of the Nitrate Reductase-Stabi-lizing Factor (NRsf.) Studies on the Alkaloids of Stephania succifera Lo. et Tsoong Effect of Potassium Nitrate on Chilling Resistance and Green Period of Eremochloa ophiuroides(Munro.) Hack Effects of Nitrogen Application on Nitrate Nitrogen Accumulation and Forage Yield of Sorghum bicolor×S. sudanense Effect of Different Additives on the Quality of Triticale Silage Effect of Salicylic Acid on Salinity-induced Changes in Brassica juncea Regulation of the High-Affinity Nitrate Transport System in Wheat Roots by Exogenous Abscisic Acid and Glutamine Impacts of Elevated CO2 Concentration on Biochemical Composition, Carbonic Anhydrase, and Nitrate Reductase Activity of Freshwater Green Algae Effect of Cytokinin on the Enhancement of Nitrate Reductase NR Activity in Tobacco Callus Tissues and Wheat Seedlings Primary Analysis of Components in Different Soybean Nodulating Mutants and their Effects on Nitrate Reductase Activity and Nodulation Nitrate leaching characteristics of wheat-corn rotation farmland in Guanzhong area of Shaanxi. Alleviation effects of LaCl3 on photosynthetic characteristics of cucumber seedlings under nitrate stress Effects of different salinity and iron concentration on growth, nitrate reductase activity and its expression in Chlorella The uptake of nitrate and ammonium by the root of Vallisneria natans Comprehensive Evaluation Analysis on Cultivation Effects of Lettuce under Different Nitrogen Levels Effects of Ethylene on Some Physiological Characteristics of Maize at Rehydration after Drought Stress Nitrogen effect and leaching under nitrogen-application or plastic film mulching planting in wheat cropland of dryland Uptake capacity of ammonium and nitrate to several crops Effect of Exogenous Melatonin on the Antioxidant System of Cucumber Seedlings Under Nitrate Stress Effects of Ammonium︰Nitrate Ratios on Growth and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities of Chinese Cabbage Seedling Under Low Light Intensity Effects of Nitrogen Application on Nitrate Accumulation and Yield of Euchlaena mexicana Interactive effects of irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer on nitrogen fertilizer recovery and nitrate-N movement across soil profile in a winter wheat field Dynamic variation of nitrate-nitrogen content in groundwater under two different agricultural cropping systems Effect of nitrogen application time on dynamics of nitrate content and apparent nitrogen budget in the soil of summer maize fields Studies on processing technology of Chloriti Lapis Studies on processing technology of Chloriti Lapis Content of soil mineral nitrogen as influenced by sample extraction and preservation Studies on Nitrate Reductase in Plasma Membrane of Maize Roots Effects of fertilization method and nitrogen application rate on soil nitrogen vertical migration in a Populus ×euramericana cv. ‘Guariento’ plantation. Nitrification of biological soil crusts and soil system during drought process and its response to temperature and moisture: A case study in the Shapotou region, Northwest China. Effects of biochar application on the vertical transport of NO3-N in the red soil and its simulation.  Effects of nitrogen management on maize nitrogen utilization and residual nitrate nitrogen in soil under maize/soybean and maize/sweet potato relay strip intercropping systems. NO3-/NO2-  inhibits sulfatereducing activity of the enrichment culture of sulfatereducing prokaryotes from an offshore oil reservoir at Bohai Bay, China. Effect of swine manure application on nitrate leaching in winter wheat field in the Yellow River irrigation area of Ningxia, China. Effcet of N rates applied to summer maize on soil nitrate content during the following crop season and winter theat grain yield in Huang-Huai-Hai Plains Effects of nitrogen fertilizer rate and ration of base and topdressing on yield of wheat, content of soil nitrate and nitrogen balance Effects of different nitrogen forms on key enzyme activity involved in nitrogen metabolism and grain protein content in speciality wheat cultivars Soil NH4+/NO3- nitrogen characteristics in primary forests and the adaptability of some coniferous species Effects of different wheat cultivation methods on residual nitrate nitrogen in soil in dryland RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN NITRATE REDUCTASE ACTIVITY AND YIELD CHARACTER OF HYBRID RICE DURING GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Effect of Nitrate Nitrogen on Activities of Glutamine Synthetase and Glutamate Dehydrogenase during Development of Cucumber Cotyledon Effects of NH+4-N/NO-3-N ratio in applied supplementary fertilizer on nitrogen metabolism, photosynthesis and growth of Isatis indigotica Response of Soil Microbe Flora to Simulated Nitrogen Deposition at a Plantation of Cunninghamia lanceolata Effect of In-Season Nitrogen Management Strategy on Maize Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency Effects of Integrated Agronomic Practices on Nitrogen Efficiency and Soil Nitrate Nitrogen of Summer Maize Effects of Straw Returning Plus Nitrogen Fertilizer on Nitrogen Utilization and Grain Yield in Winter Wheat Effect of intercropping three legume crops with maize on soil nitrate-N accumulation and distribution in the soil profile The dynamics of nitrate nitrogen leaching through soil in high-yield farmland ecosystem Effect of anaerobic fermentation residues on nitrate accumulation in leaf vegetables Effect of fallow and fertilization on soil mineral nitrogen in summer maize Effects of different fertilizer application countermeasures on the soil nitrate nitrogen accumulation in dryland maize. Effects of inositol and silver nitrate on the shoots proliferation of Jojoba cultured in vitro The nitrate-nitrogen leachingamount in paddy winter-spring fallow period Effect of high temperature on enzymic activity, pigment content and chlorophyll fluorescence of two Kappaphycus species The effects of mannitol and AgNO3 for perennial ryegrass transformation
mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens
Effects of different N application methods and levels on the biologicalcharacteristics and nitrate content of ryegrass Root distribution characteristics of three turfgrasses and their impact on soil nutrient content Effects of Different Nitrogen Sources on Transformation and Availability of Inorganic Phosphorus in the Root-Soil Interface of Pinus thunbergii Seedlings Effects of Nitrogen Forms on Foliar Photosynthesis, Nutrient Status and Nitrogen Metabolism of Torreya grandis Seedlings Different nitrogen fertilizers and ratios effect on growth, safety and quality of spinach Effects of three amino acids on yield and quality of Chinese cabbage Effect of optimum fertilization on nitrogen use efficiency and nitrateleaching in the greenhouses Response of canola seedlings to salt stress under different nitrogen forms Effects of N application with dripping irrigation on N absorption and utilization of apple Effect of nitrogen fertilization on nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase activities of sugar beet The mechanisms underlying plant lateral root development in response to nitrate Genotypic differences in response of wheat lateral root growth to nitrate supply Research on the mechanism of different nitrate accumulation in Chinese cabbage with different genotypes

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