Patterns of Nitrate Accumulation in Different Garlic Varieties Allelopathic Effects of Aquatic Extracts from Solidago canadensis‘‘‘‘s Roots and Rhizospheric Soil on the Seed Germination and Early Seedling Growth of Chinese Cabbage and Radish A Method for Measuring Nitrogen Chemical Properties of Tree Stem-Flow with UV Spectrophotometer Effects of simulated N deposition on growth and Leaf N and P Content in Seedlings of Three Provenances of Schima superba under Phosphorous Deficit Stress Effects of Supplemental Chloride on Growth, Nutrient Absorption andUtilization of Tomato Seedlings Exogenous NO3- Enhanced Sugar Contents and Sucrose Correlated Enzymes Activity in Roots of Sweet Cherry under Water-logging Condition Effects of Lanthanum Nitrate and Orchid Mycorrhizal Fungi on Physiological Characteristics of Dendrobium officinale Growth and Physiological Responses of Cherry Tomato Seedlings under Nitrate Stress Effects of Compound Sodium Nitrophenolate on Growth and Nitrate Reduction and Assimilation in the Leaves of Chinese Chive Effect of cultivation pattern and nitrogen application rate on soil fertility and nitrate accumulation under maize-wheat rotation system Cloning and Expression Analysis of 14-3-3 Protein Gene of Spinach under Nitrate Stress Nitric Oxide Biosynthesis Pathway in Plant Study on the relationof NRA and nitrogen accumulationin leaves of different protein content wheats EFFECTS OF NITROGEN ON THE DYNAMIC CHANGE OF NITRATE REDUCTASE ACTIVITY AND GRAIN PROTEIN CONTENT OF WHEAT Reduction of Cytokinin Binding-protein in a Nitrate Reductase Deficient Mutant Cell Line of Datura inoxia Effects of low nitrogen stress on the physiological and morphological traits of roots of different low nitrogen tolerance maize varieties at seedling stage Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on fluorine content in tea garden soil and tea shoots Research progress on collocation planting of crops for decreasing the loss of soil nitrate nitrogen through leaching Effect of nitrate inhibitors on endogenous nitrate metabolism in Chinese cab-bage Effects of combined application of different nitrogen sources and magnesium fertilizers on cabbage yield, quality and nutrient uptake Effects of long-term fertilization modes on spatio-temporal distribution and accumulation of soil nitrate nitrogen in solar greenhouse Effects of waterlogging on the growth and physiological properties of juvenile oilseed rape Nitric oxide participates symbiosis between am fungi and tobacco plants On the ecological amplitude of nitrate of Alexandrium tamarense at different initial phosphate concentrations in laboratory cultures A review concerning nitrogen accumulation and leaching in agro-ecosystems of oasis Characteristics of Nitrogen Metabolism and Soil Nitrogen of Invasive Plants Mineral nitrogen in soil profiles under long-term wheat cultivation and alfalfa continuous cropping in the dry farming area Effects of nitrogen fertilization on nitrate content of spinach under the production safety standard Mechanisms of CO2 enrichment-induced decrease of nitrate accumulation in Chinese cabbage (Brassica chinensis L.) Influence of nitrate/ammonium on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense ofbanana wilt disease Effects of sulfur and salicylic acid on nitrate accumulation and nitrogen metabolism in leaves of Chinese chive Real-time nitrogen management for spring maize using the soil nitrate-N test Influence of nitrate / ammonium ratio on the plant growth of banana and related wilt disease development Effects of different fertilization on soil nitrogen and microbial community and function in Camellia oleifera forest Effect of NH+4 and NO-3supply on plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity of sorghum roots Effects of Magnesium Chloride Pretreatment on the Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase Activity and Nitrate Absorption Efficiency of Canna generalis in Farmland Wastewater Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on nitrate accumulation and nitrogen use characteristics in sweet sorghu Effects of dietary nitrate dosage on ruminal nitrate disappearance rate, fermentation parameters and concentration of blood methemoglobin of Hu Sheep Effects of exogenous nitrogen forms on root characteristics of alfalfa at different growth stages MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS AND ENVIRONMENTAL INTERPRETATION OF PLANT COMMUNITIES IN MAQU, SOUTH GANSU The analysis of relationships between the contents of nitrate and nitrite in flue-cured tobacco leaves and the soil nutrient conditions Characteristics of nitrous oxide (N2O) emission from a headstream in the upper Taihu Lake Basin Relationship between vegetable nutrition and nitrate content Distribution and accumulation of mineral nitrogen in apple orchard soils in dry plateau of eastern Gansu Province. Effects of applying controlled-release fertilizer blended with conventional nitrogen fertilizer on Chinese cabbage yield and quality as well as nitrogen losses. Effects of litters and tannin on forest soil inorganic nitrogen. Impact of localized compaction and ridge fertilization on field nitrate transport and nitrate use efficiency Effects of elemental sulphur and dicyandiamide on mitigating NO3-N leaching loss from vegetable soil Effects of calcium nitrate on leaf senescence in fruiting nodes and yield and quality of fruits of muskmelon Study on nitrate leaching characteristics in arable soils in subtropical region Effect of different potassium on phenol metabolism of tomato seedlings Effects of partial replacing NO-3-N with amino acid on yield, quality and root secretion of pakchoi (Brassica chinensis L.) Effects of water management patterns and nitrogen fertilizer levels on nitrogen use efficiency of rice Effects of organic manures on dynamic changes of nitrate contents of soil profile in greenhouse Efficiency analysis of slow/controlled release fertilizer on wheat-maize in North China Effects of nitrogen application and irrigation on soil nitrate accumulation, nitrogen balance and use efficiency in summer maize Genotypic variation of leaf SPAD value, nitrogen and nitrate content in maize Effects of fallow and plant growth in summer on the movement of residual nitrate in aquic soil on North China Plain Experimental study on nitrogen leaching in a direct-seeding rice paddy of Taihu Lake Basin Utilization of residual nitrogen by plants and its movement in different soil layers Effects of AMF on key enzymes of nitrogen assimilation in maize
under different ammonium to nitrate ratios
Effects of NO3- on respiratory rate and enzyme activities of roots of sweet cherry under waterlogging conditions Effects of Nitrogen Rate on Plant Growth of Autumn Potato Crop and Gene Expression of Nitrate Reductase and Ammonium Transporter Effect of Nitrate Reductase (NR) Inhibitor on NR Activity in Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.) and Its Relation to Nitrate Content Study on the Effect Of Different Fertilizer on the Stable Nitrogen Isotope of Soil, Leaf and Cucumber Spatial distribution of soil nitrogen in gully hillsides of Sejila Mountain, Southeastern Tibet Effects of elevated temperature and CO2 concentration doubling on soil total soluble nitrogen in subalpine coniferous forest of western Sichuan, China The synergetic and competitive mechanism andthe dominant factors of dissimilatory nitrate reduction processes: a review Effects of biochar and biochar-based ammonium nitrate fertilizers on soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen and enzyme activities Research on nitrate concentrations of sea surface by remote sensing in the Northern South China Sea Function and Regulation Mechanisms of Nitrate Transporters in Higher Plants A comparison of the use of residual soil nitrate by winter wheat and alfalfa in the drylands of China’s Loess Plateau Effect of nitrate nitrogen leaching of paddy field based on swing manure application in the Yellow River irrigation district of Ningxia The cause of nitrate accumulation in leafy vegetables Efforts of nitrogen fertilizer application rate on nitrate dynamics in saline soil Effects of Cerium Sulfate Foliar Spray on Antioxidant Activities and Photosynthesis of Tomato Seedling Leaves under Calcium Nitrate Stress Comparative study of ammonium and nitrate on banana wilt disease development Cloning of Nitrate Reductase Gene of Lettuce and Effect of Exogenous γ-Aminobutyric Acid on Gene Expression and Nitrate Content in Leaves under High Nitrogen Level Eco-physiological mechanism on nitrogen use efficiency difference of corn varieties Response of root growth of rice genotypes with different N use efficiency to enhanced nitrate nutrition

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