A PCR-RFLP Method for Channa argus and Channa maculate Discrimination Testing two methods to detect voltage-gated sodium channels gene mutations in Tetranychus urticae PCR-RFLP genetic diversity of plants in Epimedium L. PCR-RFLP Method on Ginseng(Panax ginseng) Optimization and preliminary study on the PCR-RFLP parameter of polyploidy Siraitia grosvenorii Diversity and phylogeny of rhizobial strains isolated from root nodules of Lespedeza Michx in arid-hot valley of Jinsha River The impact of land use changes on soil fungal community and structure Identification of four Pratylenchus species based on morphology and PCR-RFLP of rDNA-ITS Genetic Diversity in Cymbidium Based on RAPD Markers and PCR-RFLP Analyses of Organellar DNAs Genetic diversity of rhizobia isolated from shrubby and herbaceous legumes in Shenmu arid area, Shaanxi, China. Identification of East Asian and European Types of Bursaphelenchus mucronatus by Morphological and ITS PCR-RFLP Methods Genetic Relationships of Diospyros kaki and Related Diospyros Species Using Chloroplast DNA PCR-RFLP Markers PCR-RFLP genetic diversity of plants in Epimedium L. Genetic Diversity in Cymbidium Based on RAPD Markers and PCR-RFLP Analyses of Organellar DNAs Diversity of Frankia in nodules of Alnus nepalensis at Gaoligong mountains revealed by IGS PCR-RFLP analysis Identification of Self-incompatibility and S Haplotypes of Brassica campestris ssp. Chinensis Studies on 16S rDNA Sequence of Citrus Huanglongbing Bacteria in China Studies on 16S rDNA Sequence of Citrus Huanglongbing Bacteria in China Vertical distribution of methanogen community structures in Phragmites australis marsh soil in the Min River estuary Genetic diversity and phylogeny of rhizobia isolated from white clover in Sichuan Province Diversity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria associated with the coral Pocillopora damicornis analyzed by PCR-RFLP Studies on Resources of Cry-type Genes of Bacillus thuringie-nsis from Different Soil of Forest Site Zone in China Genetic Relationships of Diospyros kaki and Related Diospyros Species Using Chloroplast DNA PCR-RFLP Markers Cloning and expression of cry 1C gene from Bt strain active to Lepidoptera pests Genetic diversity of peanut rhizobia isolated from Jianghan Plain and the adjacent area ANALYSIS OF INSECTICIDAL CRYSTAL PROTEIN AND ITS CRY-TYPE GENES OF BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS ISOLATES FROM CHINA MOLECULAR GENETIC DIVERSITY OF PATHOGENIC FUNGAL GROUP CAUSING TREE CANKER Ⅰ. ——EVIDENCE OF TAXA FOR DOTHIORELLA, DOTHICHIZA,CYTOSPORA AND CONIOTHYRIUM IN MOLECULAR LEVEL Identification of Gynostemma from their adulterant Cayratia japonica by PCR-RFLP Diversity and Phylogeny of Rhizobium Isolated from Root Nodules of Legumes in Jiuquan and Other Regions,Gansu Genetic Diversity of Frankia in Nodules of Hippophae rhamnoides ssp. Sinensis Phenotypic and genetic diversity of rhizobia isolated from root modules of Hedysarum spp. grown in the northern and northwestern regions of China

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