Effect of triadimefon on cucumber seedlings growth and their resistance to chilling injury Effects of silicon supply and Sphaerotheca fuliginea inoculation on resistance of cucumber seedlings against powdery mildew Effect of long-term suboptimal temperature and short-term low temperature under low light density on cucumber growth and its photosynthesis GENETIC TRANSFORMATION OF CUCUMBER BY AGROBACTERIUM RHIZOGENES WITH RI-PLASMID Prokaryotic Expression and Polyclonal Antibody Preparation of Cucumber CsHIR1 Gene Studies on Physiological Mechanism of Salt Resistance Improved by Silicon in Cucumber Effect of Exogenous SA on Photosynthesis Characteristics in Cucumber Seedling Leaves during the Recovery of the Day after Night Chilling Stress Complete genomic sequences-based recombination and phylogenetic analysis of Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus Expression characteristics of cucumber miRNA related to Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus infection Identification of the resistance of tobacco varieties to Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) Transgenic tobacco plants resistant to two peanut viruses via RNA mediated virus
Effect of Available Silicon in Soil on Cucumber Seed Germination and SeedlingGrowth Metabolism Genetic Analysis of Some Seedling Characters in Protected Cucumber Effect of Available Silicon in Soil on Cucumber Seed Germination and SeedlingGrowth Metabolism High Temperature Induced Resistance to Cladosporium cucumerinum in Cucumbers High Temperature Induced Resistance to Cladosporium cucumerinum in Cucumbers A New Cucumber Cultivar‘Shannong No. 5’ A New Cucumber Hybrid for Late Autumn Season‘Zhongnong 10’ A New Cucumber Hybrid for Late Autumn Season‘Zhongnong 10’ A New Cucumber F1 Hybrid —‘Zhongnong 201’ The Genetic Relationship Between Glabrous Foliage Character and Warty FruitCharacter of Cucumber A New Cucumber Variety——‘Zhongnong 202’ Breeding of a New Cucumber Variety‘Jinyou 10’ Genetic Diversity Analysis of Seedingand Early Flowering Stage Morphological Marker in Cucumber Core Germplasm Effects of Si on the mitochondria respiration and lipid peroxidation of cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.) roots under salt stress Effects of NPK rates and ratios on activities of metabolism enzymes in leaves of cucumber in greenhouse Mode of action of two candidate strobilurin fungicides against cucumber downy mildew Structural resistance in cucumber induced by pathogen Allelopathy of diseased survival on cucumber Fusarium wilt Relationship between LOX activity and JA accumulations in cucumber leaves induced by pathogen INDUCED RESISTANCE TO DOWNY MILDEW OF CUCUMBER BY CHEMICALS Impact of weather on vegetable price resilience— A case study of the local cucumber in Shijiazhuang City Construction of Genetic Recombination for Sea Cucumber Lysozyme in Bacillus subtilis LIPOSOME-MEDIATED GENE TRANSFER AND TRANSIENT EXPRESSION IN CUCUMBER SUSPENSION PROTOPLASTS LOW DOSE γ RAY RADIATION INDUCED SEEDS ULTRAWEAK LUMINESCENCE EFFECTS OF NEW AQUASORB ON CUCUMBER GROWTH AND YIELD Construction of RNA Interference Vector Against Tobacco Mosaic Virus, Potato Virus M and Cucumber Mosaic Virus and Transformation in Pepino (Solanum muricatum Ait.) Effects of organic fertilizer on photosynthesis of the cucumber under autotoxicity stress Mineral elements absorption and distribution of winter-spring cucumber in modern greenhouse Effect of nitrogen on taste compounds,nitrate and yield of cucumber in solar-greenhouse Effects of nitrogen fertilization on quality of self-rooted and grafted cucumber Effects of soil compaction stress on the growth,yield and nutrient uptake of cucumber Effect of soil moisture on water requirement rule and water use efficiency of cucumber in greenhouse Study on virus identification and controlled effect on some virus diseases in vegetable of Cucurbitaceae Studies on effects of two cucumber scions on growth situation at same rootstock Respones of photosynthetic electron transfer to water stress in cucumber leaves Effects of temperature stress on membrane protective system of cucumber seedlings Effect of high temperature on membrane lipid peroxidation in leaf of cucumber seedling Physiological effects of salicylic acid (SA) on high quality seedling forming and chilling resistance of cucumber seedlings Two new triterpene glycosides from Stichopus variegatus Metabolic distribution and stability of cucurbitacin C in Cucumber sativus Effects of solarization on the cucumber root knot nematodes and soil environment under solar greenhouse Effect of water treatments on ABA and polyamine content of cucumber growing in solar greenhouse The Genetic Relationship Between Glabrous Foliage Character and Warty FruitCharacter of Cucumber A New Cucumber Variety——‘Zhongnong 202’ Breeding of a New Cucumber Variety‘Jinyou 10’ Effects of Magnesium Deficiency on Growth and Active Oxygen Scav􀀁enging System in Cucumber under Different Light Intensities A New Cucumber Cultivar‘Shannong No. 5’ Effects of Low Temperature and Low Light Intensity Stress on Photosynthesis in Seedlings of Different Cucumber Varieties Effects of Different Low Temperature Treatments on Compositions of Polar Lipids in Cucumber Cotyledons A New Cucumber Hybrid—‘Zhongnong 14’ Study on Characteristic of Glabrous Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Ploidy Determination in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) The Relationship Between Heat Injury and Polyamines or Proline ContentsDuring Anther Development and Pollen Germination in Cucumber Effects of iso-osmotic Ca(NO3)2 and NaCl stress on growth and physiological characteristics of cucumber seedlings Seasonal variation of functional diversity of microbial communities in sediment and shelter of sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus) cultural ponds Studies on outbreak regularity of cucumber leafminer in greenhouse in Loess Plateau Effect of different proceding crops on yield, quality of cucumber and soil enzyme activity in solar greenhouse Effect of root-knot nematode inoculation on rhizospheric soil pH and microbial community of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. ) plant Nitrogen metabolites in cucumber leaves treated with parsley root extracts Influence of over expression of CsRCA on photosynthesis of cucumber seedlings under high temperature stress. Effect of exogenous melatonin on physiological and biochemical characteristics of cucumber radicles under p-hydroxybenzoic acid. Effects of doubled CO2 concentration on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system of cucumber seedlings under drought stresses Effects of AM fungi on leaf photosynthetic physiological parameters and antioxidant enzyme activities under low temperature Transgenic Tobacco Plants Resistant to Two Viruses via RNA Silencing Inheritance of the Chlorophyll Content in Immature Fruit Color of Cucumber Studies on the Anatomical and Cytological Characteristics of Blunted with Blossom Cucumber Effects of Cinnamic Acid on Photosynthesis and Cell Ultrastructure ofCucumber Seedling Effects of Salicylic Acid and Oxalate on Photosynthetic System and Xanthophyll Cycle in Cucumber Leaves under Photooxidative Stress The Genetic Mechanism of Resistance to Powdery Mildew in Cucumber

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