Two Sex Determining Genes and Their Inheritance in Cucumber Cloning of cs-acs1g Gene and Research on Expression of Different Periodsand Sites in Cucumber A New Cucumber Hybrid with Super Quality, Earliness and High Yield‘Zhongnong 16’ Analysis and Cloning of NBS Class Disease Resistant Gene Analog in Cucumber Effects of Spd and MGBG on Endogenous Polyamine Levels and Prote inProfiles in Ovary and Its Relationship with Parthenocarpy of Cucumber Effect of Heat Stress on Calcium Distribution, ABA Contents and the Synthesis of Proteins in Cucumber Anthers Biological Characteristic and the Response to Aluminum Toxicity of Cucumber Border Cells Effects of Ca2 + on Respira tory Metabolism in Roots of Cucumber Seedlingsunder Root-zone Hypoxia Stress Development of a Multiplex PCR Protocol for the Detection of Two Virusesof Banana The Evaluation of Allelopathic Potentia l of Cultured Cucumber Root Exudates Based on Extension Engineering Principles Studies on the Methods of Establishing Cucumber Core Collection Based on RAPD Analysis A New Cultivar for Export‘Dongnong 803’ Physiological Effects of Exogenous Salicylic Acid on Cucumber Seedlings under the Salt Stress Discrimination of Cucumber Anthracnose and Cucumber Brown Speck Base on Color Image Statistical Characteristics Effects of NaCl Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Three Cucumber Rootstock Seedlings Effect of Soybean-Cucumber and Wheat-Cucumber Rotation on Soil Microbial Community Species Diversity Discrimination of Cucumber Anthracnose and Cucumber Brown Speck Base on Color Image Statistical Characteristics Effects of NaCl Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Three Cucumber Rootstock Seedlings Effect of Cu2+ , Zn2++ and Mn2+ on SOD Activity of Cucumber Leaves Extraction after Low Temperature Stress Effects of potassium on sugar, vitamin C, nitrate contents and their relevant enzymes of cucumber in solar-greenhouse Effects of zeolite on growth and ionic contents of cucumber seedlings under NaCl stress Effect of different K sources and rates on the yield and quality of cucumber Effect of fertilization on distribution of nitrate in cucumber and soil in sunlight greenhouse Techniques of application of chemical fertilizer for cucumber cultivated in organic substrate under solar greenhouse Prokaryotic Expression of Cucumber CsERECTA Gene and Preparation of Its Polyclonal Antibody Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of Fatty Acid Desaturase Gene in Cucumber Genetic Diversity of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Germplasm by SSR Genome Dosage Effect on Three Kinds of Isozyme Expression Patterns in Cucumis Screening of Incompatible Isolate of Cladosporium cucumernium with Heat-resistance and Its Inducing Disease-resistance in Cucumber Influence of Rotation on Continuous Cropping Soil Environment and Cucumber Yield Genetic Diversity Analyses of Cucumis sativus L. var. xishuangbannanesisPopulation Based on SSR Markers Construction of Genetic Linkage Map and QTLs Analysis for the Related Traits of Plant Height in Cucumber The Differences of Subcellular Ca2+ Distribution in Root Meristem Region ofCucumber Seedling Under Different NO3- Concentrations Stress Proteomic Study on Grafted and Non-grafted Cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L. ) Proteomic Study on Grafted and Non-grafted Cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L. ) Effects of Exogenous Hydrogen Peroxide on Ultra structure of Chloroplastsand Activities of Antioxidant Enzymes in Greenhouse-ecotype CucumberUnder Drought Stress Changes of Chilling Tolerance in Different Sections of Cucumber Fruit Effects of Supplemental Lighting with Different Light Qualities on Growthand Physiological Characteristics of Cucumber , Pepper and Toma to Seedlings Effects of Supplemental Lighting with Different Light Qualities on Growthand Physiological Characteristics of Cucumber , Pepper and Toma to Seedlings Purification and Identification of a Pathogenesis-related Protein in Intercellular Fluids of Cucumber Leaves Induced by BTH Multiple Statistics Analysis of Low Light Tolerance in Cucumber(Cucumissativus L. ) Effects of Space Electro Static Field and CO2 on Photosynthetic Characteristics in Cucumber Seedings Embryoid Induction and Plant Regeneration of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) through Microspore Culture Effects of Low-temperature Stress on the Ascorbate-glutahione Cycle in the Grafted Cucumber Leaves A New Pumpk in Cultivar Used as Cucumber Stock‘Jizhen 10’ Embryoid Induction and Plant Regeneration of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) through Microspore Culture Effects of Low-temperature Stress on the Ascorbate-glutahione Cycle in the Grafted Cucumber Leaves Construction of cDNA Library from Cucumber Leaves Infection by Pseudoperonospora cubensis and Screening of Resistance-related Genes Influence of Water Supply Tension on Yield and Quality of Potted Cucumber in Greenhouse Development of a Multiplex PCR Protocol for the Detection of Three Viruses in Banana Effects of Exogenous Calcium on K+,Ca2+,Mg2+ Content and ATPase Activity in Cucumber Seedlings Under Root-zone Hypoxic Stress Identification and Biocontrol Effects of Antagonistic Bacterium DS-1 Strain Against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum Induction of Hairy Root on Cucumber Inbred Line NC-46 with High Frequency and Construction of a Hairy Root cDNA Library Ultrastructural Changes of Pericarp of Cucumber in Vivo During Senescence A New Cucumber Variety‘J inong 4’ A New Cucumber Hybrid‘Chuanlü1’ Studies on a Gynoecious-specific ACC Synthase Gene in Different Sexual Phenotypes of Cucumber Genome Effects of Cucumber Mosaic Virus Infection on Photosynthetic Activities of Tobacco Leaves and Chloroplasts Measurement and Simulation of Cucumber Canopy Transpiration in a Subtropical Modern Greenhouse Under Winter Climate Conditions Changes of organic soil substrate properties with different cultivation years and their effects on cucumber growth in solar greenhouse. Evaluation of cucumber’s chilling tolerance at germination and seedling stages. Effects of soil compaction stress on the growth and nitrogen metabolism of cucumber roots. Effects of Chinese onion’s root exudates on cucumber seedlings growth and rhizosphere soil microorganisms. Effects of brassinolide on the leaf mitochondria and chloroplast ultrastructure and photosynthesis of cucumber seedlings under hypoxia stress. EFFECTS OF THIODAN ON PHOTOSYNTHETIC PIGMENTS AND ON THE ACTIVITIES OF SEVERAL RELATED ENZYMES IN LEAVES OF CUCUMBER SEEDLINGS Genetic Analysis and Gene Mapping of White Fruit Skin in Cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.) Relationships between Ascorbic Acid Content and Relative Physiologic Indices during Senescence of Cucumber Leaves Growth and Physiological Indexes of Cucumber Seedlings with Na2CO3 Stress Distribution of EST-SSRs in Cucumber Genome and Development of EST-SSR Marker Effects of Calcium on Polyamines Contents and Polyamines Oxidase Activity of Cucumber Seedlings with Hypoxia Stress MICROSCOPICAL AND ULTRASTRUCTURAL STUDIES ON THE RESISTANCE OF CUCUMBER TO PSEUDOPERONOSPORA CUBENSIS A STUDY ON THE NUTRIENT FILM TECHNIQUE OF TOMATOES AND CUCUMBERS EFFECTS OF ROCKWOOL CULTURE ON RAISING CUCUMBER SEEDLINGS Effects of Different Microbial Agents on Growth and Wilt Disease Resistance of Cucumber Seedlings in Substrates MAIN FACTORS AND THE MODEL FOR FORECASTING OF TOBACCO VIRAL DISEASES TRANSMITTEDBY APIHDS Virulence and host preference of Phytophthora melonis populations in South China Physiological and Biochemical Mechanism of Prevention for Cucumber Downy Mildew by High Temperature Treatment Effects of Iso-osmotic Ca(NO3)2 and NaCl Stress on the Growth and Osmotic Substances of Cucumber Seedlings Isolation and Identification of the Pathogen That Causes Mosaic on Periwinkle Studies on the Photosynthetic Characteristic and Protective Enzyme of GraftedCucumber Leaves in Solar Greenhouse

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