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Effects of Exogenous Putrescine on PSⅡ Photochemistry and Ion Distribution of Cucumber Seedlings Under Salt Stress
A New Cucumber Hybrid‘Zhongnong 29’
Construction of cDNA Library from Cucumber Leaves Infection by Pseudoperonospora cubensis and Screening of Resistance-related Genes
Effects of Calcium on Antioxidant Enzymes Activities of Cucumber Seedlings Under Salt Stress
Effects of Seedling Growth and Nutrient Uptake of Cucumber with Different Rates of Controlled Release Fertilizer
Effects of Low Temperature and Low Light Intensity Stress on Photosynthesis in Seedlings of Different Cucumber Varieties
Head-space Solid Phase Microextraction and GC-MS Analysis of Fragrance ofCucumber
Changes of Soluble Sugars, Pr and POD Activities in the Early DevelopingOvaries of Three Gourd Crops
Genetic Analysis of Some Seedling Characters in Protected Cucumber
Effect of Soil Water on the Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Cucumber during Fruit Stage in Greenhouse
The Relationship Between Heat Injury and Polyamines or Proline ContentsDuring Anther Development and Pollen Germination in Cucumber
Photosynthetic Characteristic and Nutrient Absorption Characteristic of TwoGrafted Cucumber Seedlings
Efficient Culture and Plan t Regeneration from Cotyledon Protoplasts of ‘Cuixiu’Cucmnber
C-banding of Prometaphase Chromosomes in Cucumber and the Procedure for Slide Preparation
A New Cucumber Cultivar —‘Lüdao 1’
Effect of Water Deficiency on Growth and Metabolization of Some Matter ofCucumber in Solar Greenhouse
Advances in the Study on Cucumber Flavor Compounds
Studies on Genetic Relationship among Local Cucumber Germplasm of Shandong Province by AFLP Analysis
Development of a SCAR Marker Linked to Cucumber Powdery Mildew Resistance Gene from an AFLP Marker
Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Coat Protein Genes of
Cucumber mosaicvirus
Isolated from Several Vegetable
The Resistance Genetic Analysis and Tightly Linked Molecular Markers forZYMV-CH in Cucumber
The Resistance Genetic Analysis and Tightly Linked Molecular Markers forZYMV-CH in Cucumber
Effect of Spermidine on Chillingtolerance in Cucumber Seedlings
Identification of Molecular Markers Linked to Foliage Non-bitterness Gene(
Cucumis sativus
Detection of Three Lily Viruses by Multiplex RT-PCR
Genetic Diversity of Cucumber (
Cucumis sativus
L.) Germplasm by SSR
A New Pumpk in Cultivar Used as Cucumber Stock‘Jizhen 10’
Mapping QTLs for Multiple Pistillate Flowers in Cucumber
Moderate Water Stress Increased the Photosynthesis Adaptability of Cucumber Seedlings Under Low Light
Construction of Cucumber Leaf cDNA Library and Analysis of Expressed Sequence Tag
Effects of ALA on Photosynthesis of Cucumber Seedlings under SuboptimalTemperature and Light Intensity
A New Cucumber Cultivar‘Zaoqing 4’
Cloning,Characterization and Expression of CsGAPDH,A Waterlogging Responsive Gene in Cucumber
Effect of Bur Cucumber (
Sicyos angulatus
L. ) a s Rootstock on Growth Physiology and Stress Resistance of Cucumber Plants
Effects of Grafting on Growth and Physiological Metabolism in CucumberSeedlings under Hypoxia Stress
Biological Characteristic and the Response to Aluminum Toxicity of Cucumber Border Cells
Effects of Ca
2 +
on Respira tory Metabolism in Roots of Cucumber Seedlingsunder Root-zone Hypoxia Stress
Development of a Multiplex PCR Protocol for the Detection of Two Virusesof Banana
Effects of Exogenous Methyl Ja smona te on Chilling Injury and Physiologyand Biochem istry in Postharvest Cucumber
Studies on the Resistance to Cucumber Damping-off Induced by Plant Growth-promoting Rhizobacteria CH1
Studies on Induction Resistance to
Psedoperonospora cubensis
by BTH inCucumber Seedlings
Introgressive Hybridization between the Synthetic Allotetraploid in
and Cultivated Cucumber and Assessment of the Genetic Variation in theProgenies
Studies on the Methods of Establishing Cucumber Core Collection Based on RAPD Analysis
A New Cucumber Variety‘J inong 4’
A New Cucumber Hybrid‘Chuanlü1’
Accumulation and Activity of Phytoalex ins in Cucumber Induced by Pathogen icity-imparired Strain of
Cladosporium cucumernium
Southern Identification and Homology Analysis of the Resistance GeneAna log in
Cucumis sativus
Proteom ic Analysis of F
Generation of Cucumber Against the CucumberPowdery Mildew Disease
Inheritance of Parthenocarpy in Gynoecious Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L.)
A New Small Cucumber Cultivar for Pickling ‘Dongnong 805’
Cucumber and Its Related Species for Resistance to the Sourthern Root-knotNematode
Meloidogyne incognita
and Respond to Changes of Enzyme
A New Pumpkin Hybrid ‘Luzhou Tianshi‘ Used as Cucumber Rootstock
Cloning of 6-phosphoglucona te Dehydrogenase Gene (
) and Molecular Confirmation of Allotetraploid in
The Differences of Subcellular Ca
Distribution in Root Meristem Region ofCucumber Seedling Under Different NO
Concentrations Stress
Evaluation of Parthenocarpy in Cucumber Germplasm
Proteomic Analysis of R17 Cucumber Differentially Expressed ProteinsInduced by Powdery Mildew Fungus
Purification and Identification of a Pathogenesis-related Protein in Intercellular Fluids of Cucumber Leaves Induced by BTH
Multiple Statistics Analysis of Low Light Tolerance in Cucumber(
L. )
A New Cucumber Hybrid‘Zhongnong 29’
Mapping QTLs for Multiple Pistillate Flowers in Cucumber
Moderate Water Stress Increased the Photosynthesis Adaptability of Cucumber Seedlings Under Low Light
Influence of Water Supply Tension on Yield and Quality of Potted Cucumber in Greenhouse
Identification and Biocontrol Effects of Antagonistic Bacterium DS-1 Strain Against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum
Induction of Hairy Root on Cucumber Inbred Line NC-46 with High Frequency and Construction of a Hairy Root cDNA Library
A New Cucumber Cultivar‘Yuexiu 8’
Effect of Nitrate Nitrogen on Activities of Glutamine Synthetase and Glutamate Dehydrogenase during Development of Cucumber Cotyledon
A New Cucumber F
Hybrid —‘Zhongnong 201’
Effects of Magnesium Deficiency on Growth and Active Oxygen Scav
1048577;enging System in Cucumber under Different Light Intensities
Studies of Signal Transduction of Salicylic Acid in Cucumber Cells
Ultrastructural Study on the Interactions Between Three Respectively Different Disease- resistant Cucumber Cultivars and Phytophthora melonis
ffects of Some Inhibitors on Potassium-and IAA-Induced Adventitious Root Formation of Excised Cucumber Cotyledon
Effects of Lipoxygenase on the Activities of Photosynthetic Electron Transport in Cucumber Leaves
Preliminary Studies on Controlling Graft Union Through Plant Hormones
A Comparative Study on PSⅡ Light Harvesting Chlorophyll a/b Protein Complexes Between Spinach and Cucumber
Effect of Cold Hardening on SOD and Glutathion Reductase Activities and on the Contents of the Reduced Form of Glutathion and Ascorbic Acid in Rice and Cucumber Seedlings
A further report on the study of climate-ecological prevention way of cucumber downy mildew: the relationship of high-temperature controlling with disease damage and yield and its prevention indices
Study on the ecological way of preventing cucumber downy mildew: A report of a control experiment on the environmental temperature
Variation of microflora and enzyme activity in continuous cropping cucumber soil in solar greenhouse
Identification on an antagonistic rhizobacterium X3 from rhizosphere of cucumber
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