Analysis of the fungal community in continuous cropping cotton field of Xinjiang using 18S rDNA-PCR-DGGE Pig farm-cropland configuration under typical waste treatment modes- A case study of anaerobic liquid fermentation following solid-liquid separation of waste Differences in maize photosynthetic characteristics and nitrogen regulation effects in maize/soybean and maize/sweet potato relay strip intercropping Research progress on cropland phosphorus balance in China THE CHANGE OF ORGANIC,NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM NUTRIENT IN THE DIFFERENT CROPPING SYSTEM RESEARCH ON SPATIAL PATTERN OF BIOMASS AND NUTRIENT ELEMENT IN PLANTATION OF RUBBER INTERCROPPED WITH AMOMUM LONGILIGULARE Effects of Different Air Temperature in Different Cropping Years on Development of Seed Endosperm and Germination Characteristics in ‘Over-expression OsPIN1a’and Wild Type Rice The Analysis of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters and Hyperspectral Characteristics of Soybean After Maize Harvest Under Relay Intercropping Systems Effects of Tobacco Garlic Crop Rotation and Tobacco Garlic Crop Intercropping on Soil Agrochemical Characters and Tobacco Yield Study on the Water Content Dynamics of Different Winter Wheat Organs under Bunch Planting and Plastic Film Mulching with Soil on Flat Field during the Whole Crop Seasons Physicochemical Properties of Nutrition Medium and Cucumber Growth under Continuous Cropping Research on Rational Intercropping Plants and Time of Flue-cured Tobacco in Wenshan Area Effects of Rotational Tillage and Alternate Border Irrigation on Photosynthetic Characters of Wheat-maize Double Crops Effects of CO2 Fertilization, Water and Nutrient Conditions on Crops:A review Adsorption Characteristic of D-101 Macroporous Resin to Flavonoid Constituent in Fructus Forsythiae EFFECTS OF AMENDMENTS ON ACCUMULATION OF ZINC AND CHROMIUM IN INTERCROPPING OF CORN AND SOYBEAN Research on cropland grading information system in Xiantao City Increasing yield effects of applying trace element fertilizers to agricultural crops in the nterlaced urea of agriculture and pasture-A case study from Duolun County,Inner Mongolia Autonomous region Analysis on dilemma and technical demand of the sustainable development of cropping system in Huang-Huai-Hal Plain Eco-physiological characteristics of winter wheat-corn intercropping systems under rainfall catchment and supplementary irrigation Effects of a long-term located fertilization on the fertility and productivity of Shajiang Black Soil The research advances on the crop climate suitability influenced by global warming The effect of applying economic green manure crops in the paddy field with succession cropping system Effects of mixed cropping of maize and peanut on the Fe nutrition of peanut in sterilized soil Interspecific competition and facilitation for nutrient in wheat and legumes intercrops Design of farmland GIS for precision agriculture Tile K supplying capability and characteristics of organic fertilizers to soil The shading and its effect on crop yield under poplar-crop intercropping system A preliminary study on the dynamicmodel and computer simulation system ofgreenhouse tomato growth Studies on the techniques of promoting the quality of agricultural products and reducing the pollution of nitrate by applying fertilizers Evaluation on eco-climate adaptability of crop and herbage in northern ecotone Study on the situation of soil organic carbon storage in ecotone between ag riculture and anim al husbandry-A case study from Inner Mongolia A study on abroad challenges of scaling-up of crop models for regional applications Mycorrhizas of horticultural crops and its application in eco-agriculture. The experimental study on impacts of high temperature and high CO2 concentration on crops Effects and mechanism of fertilization under drought Use of crop water stress index as indicators for scheduling irrigation in winter wheat Study on the annual balance application of nitrogen fertilizer in the system of wheat relay intercropped with corn and peanut Repellent effect of non-host vegetables and their extracts on Pieris rapae L. Effect of monoculture and intercropping on radiation use efficiency and yield of maize and soybean Effects of different conservation tillage measures on soil organic carbon pool in two sequence rotation systems of spring wheat and pease Effect of different crop rotation systems and continuous fallow on soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen under different fertilizer treatments Continuous cropping obstacle and allelopathic autotoxicity of medicinal plants Effect of intercropping summer and spring maize on photosynthesis and yield of summer maize Breeding effects of different batches goose in the coupled crop-livestock system Change in crop evapotranspiration and associated influencing factors under screenhouse conditions Effect of sowing date and rate on canopy intercepted photo-synthetically active radiation and yield of winter wheat Effect of different N application modes in the first cropping rice on the physiobiochemistry of the first cropping rice and its ratoon rice Effect of long-term potassium application on irrigated soil potassium and on the yield and nutrient of crops Time-series analysis of grain production characteristics in Guangdong Province from 1949 to 2006 Effect of different fertilization systems on soil phosphorus fertility and crop yield Effect of ecologically-based weed management strategies on weed community and diversity in hilly tea plantations Variations of soil organic matter in typical orchard regions Effect of polyamine on growth and development of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and host plant in symbiotic culture condition Distribution of phosphobacteria in rhizosphere soils of four crops in Northeast China Changes of China agricultural climate resources under the background of climate change. Ⅷ. Change characteristics of heat resources during the growth period of double cropping rice in Jiangxi Province. Effects of mulberry-soybean intercropping on carbon-metabolic microbial diversity in saline-alkaline soil. Effects of Morus alba and Setaria italica intercropping on their plant growth and diurnal variation of photosynthesis. Adaptability analysis of FAO Penman-Monteith model over typical underlying surfaces in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. Effects of silicon on photosynthetic characteristics and activity of antioxidant enzymes in continuous-cropped cucumber seedlings. Impact of land use types on soil macropores in the loess region. Growth-promoting effect of inoculating Klebsiella variicola DX120E on different sugarcane cultivars. Study on extraction of herbicidal substances from Streptomyces sp. 4903 with macroporous resins Effects of substrate on Vallisneria natans and Elodea canadensis under cyanobacterial stress conditions Water use of walnut-wheat intercropping system based on stable carbon isotope technique in the low hilly area of North China Competition for light and crop productivity in an agro-forestry system in the Hilly Region, Shangluo, China Effects of coupling film-mulched furrow-ridge cropping with maize straw soil- incorporation on maize yields and soil organic carbon pool at a semiarid loess site of China Spatiotemporal variations in the reference crop evapotranspiration on the Loess Plateau during 1961-2009 Impact evaluation of low temperature to yields of maize in Northeast China based on crop growth model Variance analysis of soil carbon sequestration under three typical forest lands converted from farmland in a Loess Hilly Area The effect of Phomopsis B3 and organic fertilizer used together during continuous cropping of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch) Physio-ecological properties of continuous cropping Rehmannia glutinosa A Primary Study on the Output and Input of Phosphorus in 14 Crop Fields in the Haihe River Basin, North China A Study on the Seasonal Changes of Phosphorus Content of Six Crops in the Shandianhe River Basin, North China Study on the Functional Characteristics of Apple/Crops Intercropping Agroforestry Systems A Study on the patterns of Biomass and Productivity of the Corn Cropland in Shelterbelt Network On the Distribution Pattern of Weed Communities of Summer Crop Fields in River valley and Hilly Lands of Anhui Province Study on simulated Acid Precipitation Effects on Growth and Yield of Agricultural Crops Studies on Energy in Two Mangrove Communities, Bruguiera sexangula and Kandelia candel, in China Simulation and validation of soybean yield formation process in black-soil