Mesocosm experiment on competition between two HAB species in East China Sea Interspecific interactions between Cotesia plutellae and Oomyzus sokolowskii,two major parasitoids of diamondback moth,Plutella xylostella Time-specific infection rate of Beauveria bassiana on Myzus persicae after topical inoculation of conidial suspension Neighbor diversity and interspecific association of Quercus mongolica Interspecific association of dominant species in Betula luminiferanatural forest communities of Shaowu, Fujian Province Facilitation of wheat to phosphorus uptake by soybean in the wheat soybean intercropping INTERSPECIFIC ASSOCIATION AND CORRELATION OF SHRUB LAYER IN THE CONIFEROUS BROAD LEAVED MIXED GEOBOTANICAL ZONE OF RUSSIA PLAIN The demography and age structure of the endangered plant population of Cathaya argyrophylla STUDIES ON INTERSPECIFIC ASSOCIATION OF BOTH Castanopsis orthacantha AND Castanopsis delavayi COMMUNITIES AT JIZU MOUNTAIN,YUNNAN PROVINCE STUDY ON GAS EXCHANGE CHARACTERISTICS OF MAIN CONSTRUCTIVE PLANTS A.ordosica and C.korshinskii IN SHAPTOU REGION NOTES ON THE SCIENTIFIC NAMES OF SEVERAL SPECIES OF LEGUMINOSAE AND LAURACEAE IN CHINA Interspecific Relationships Among Woody Plants of Forest Communities in Pangquangou National Nature Reserve at Mt. Guandi,Shanxi,China Organ-specific Distribution of Alkaloid Accumulations in Catharanthus roseus Artificially Cultivated in Fuyang,Zhejiang Province and Wenchang,Hainan Province Micro-morphological Characters of Leaf Epidermis of Ten Species in Genus Paphiopedilum Development of new materials resistant to clubroot by crossing Brassica oleracea with Brassica campestris via embryo rescue Advances on studies of plant promoters A STUDY OF SPECIFIC CODE AND COMPUTER INFORMATION MANAGEMENT OF FOREST INSECT PEST FORECAST WOOD PROPERTIES OF TEAK GROWING IN HAINAN ISLAND STUDY ON THE COMPOSITION OF SPECIES AND BIOLOGICAL HARACTERISTICS OF STROBILOMYIA MICHELSEN IN THE DA XINGAN AND THE XIAO XINGAN MTS. POPLAR BREEDING OF RESISTANCE TO BATOCERA HORSFIELDI (HOPE) GENETIC ANALYSIS OF WOOD QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS Studies on Reciprocal Differences in Interspecific Hybridization in Cucumis Studies on Reciprocal Differences in Interspecific Hybridization in Cucumis Studies on‘Wuye’Litchi Specific Proteins in the Embryo DevelopmentStages Comparative Analysis of Interspecific Association for Three Grazing Successional Stages of Cleistogenes Squarrosa Steppe Numerical Analysis of Interspecific Relationships in an Elaeagnus mollis Community in Shanxi An Analysis of Interspecific Associations in Secondary Succession Forest Communities in Heishiding Natural Reserve, Guangdong Province The spatial pattern of Ranalisma rostratum Population and Interspecific Association in the Community Interspecific Association of Trees In Mixed Evergreen and Deciduous Broadleaved Forest in Lushan Mountain The Evaluation and Analysis of Pinus massoniana and Castanopsis hystrix Mixed Forest Spatial Pattern and Relationship of Dominant Species in a Picea brachytyla Community on Gongga Mountain Studies on the Biomass Models of the Tree Stratum of Secondary Cyclobalanopsis glauca Forest in Zhejiang A Preliminary Study of the Regulation and Competition of the Dominant Plant Populations in Xujiaba Region, Ailao Mts Tunnan Effects of tree species diversity on fine-root biomass and morphological characteristics in subtropical Castanopsis carlesii forests. Species composition and main populations spatial distribution pattern in Korean pine broadleaved forest in Xiaoxing’an Mountains of Northeast China. Spatial distribution patterns of soil organic carbon under Elacagnus angustifolia-Achnatherum splendens community in an arid area of Northwest China. Effects of grazing disturbance on leaf traits and their interrelationships of plants in desert steppe. Effect of interspecific mixed cropping between transgenic oilseed rape and wild mustard on soil nematode communities Variation in relationships between SLA and Leaf C, N, P stoichiometry in Machilus pauhoi among locations Interspecific relationship and canonical correspondence analysis of the dominant species in ecological service forest of Jiangshan City in Zhejiang Province Root distribution in typical sites of Lijiang ecotone and their relationship to soil properties SCREENING OF ROOT HAIR SPECIFIC GENES BASED ON RHE ELEMENT AND
TRANSCRIPTOME IN Arabidopsis thaliana
Agronomic Traits and Cytological Analysis of F1 of the Male Sterile Sorghum Lines 314A and 13A,and Sudan Grass Interspecific Relations of the Dominant Plant Populations in the Middle Part of Zhongtiaoshan Mountain Study on interspecific association in course of Sophora davidii communities recovering in Loess Plateau hilly region Study on relationship between species in plant communities of Tianlong Mountain Interspecific association and correlation of dominant species of Lishan Mountain meadow in Shanxi Province Synthesis of Allotriploid(AAC)Through Hybridization Between Flowering Chinese Cabbage and Broccoli and the Preliminary Research on Reproductive Characters Synthesis of Allotriploid(AAC)Through Hybridization Between Flowering Chinese Cabbage and Broccoli and the Preliminary Research on Reproductive Characters Development of CAPS Markers and Allele-specific PCR Primers in Citrus Development of CAPS Markers and Allele-specific PCR Primers in Citrus Research Progress of Glycosidically-bound Terpenes in Grapes Analysis of Interspecific Relationships in Lycoris Herb. Based on trnH-psbA Sequence Analysis of Interspecific Relationships in Lycoris Herb. Based on trnH-psbA Sequence Pollen Morphology of Lycoris Herb. and Its Taxonomic Significance Cloning and Expression Analysis of Banana ACC Oxidase Gene (MAO3) ‘Weiwang’—a New Cultivar of Hybrid between the Species of Plum and Apricot Microdissection, in Situ Analysis and Microcloning of Poplar Chromosome 1 INTRASPECFIC AND INTERSPECFIC COMPETITION OF ARTEMISIA SCOPARIA UNDER DIFFERENT SITE CONDITIONS IN THE HILLY REGION OF LOESS PLATEAU Sequence Analysis of Lotus(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn)Seed Defensin Gene and Plant Expression Vector Construction Primary Productivity Response of Astragalus adsurgens and Medicago Sativa to Interspecific Competition in Weibei Arid Highland on the Loess Plateau of China Study on the Adaptation of Certain Species to Light Condition Under the Deciduous Broad-leaved Forests in Southern Germany?aTaking the Forest Communities in Kra ichtal, Germany as an Example Isolation of Zizania latifolia Species-specific DNA Sequences and Their Utility in Identification of Z. latifolia DNA Introgressed into Rice A Simple and Easy Method for Site-specific Mutagenesis Using Long-distance Inverse PCR in the Presence of Pfu-DNA Polymerase INTRASPECIFIC AND INTERSPECIFIC COMPETITION IN LARIX CHINENSIS INTERSPECIFIC RELATIONSHIP ANALYSIS OF DESERT RIPARIAN FOREST PLANT COMMUNITIES IN THE MIDDLE AND LOWER REACHES OF THE TARIM RIVER SEASONAL DYNAMICS OF FINE ROOT BIOMASS, ROOT LENGTH DENSITY, SPECIFIC ROOT LENGTH AND SOIL RESOURCE AVAILABILITY IN A LARIX GMELINI PLANTATION SURVIVAL ANALYSIS OF ABIES FAXONIANA POPULATIONS NEAR TIMBERLINE ON THE UPPER MINJIANG RIVER ELEVEN-YEAR POPULATION GROWTH DYNAMICS OF MAJOR SPECIES IN A QUERCUS LIAOTUNGENSIS FOREST IN THE DONGLING MOUNTAINS, NORTHERN CHINA Study on the Sampling Technique of Interspecific Association of Ligneous Plant in Quercus liaotungensis Forest in Dongling Mountain Interspecific Segregation in a Tropical Rain Forest at Bawangling Nature Reserve, Hainan Island INTERSPECIFIC RELATIONSHIPS AND ENVIRONMENTAL INTERPRETATION OF THE MAIN TREE SPECIES IN THE FOREST COMMUNITIES OF ZHUWEIGOU IN LISHAN MOUNTAIN NATURE RESERVE Relational analysis of leaf characteristics and photosynthetic capacities of plants Numerical analysis of inter-specific relationships in the estuary salt marsh plant community of southern Chongming Dongtan, Shanghai. Temporal dynamics and influencing factors of leaf respiration for three temperate tree species Responses of desert plant diversity, community and interspecific association to soil salinity gradient Root functional traits and trade-offs in one-year-old plants of 25 species from the arid valley of Minjiang River Studies on the Interspecific Association of Illicium lanceolatum Community in Tiantong Region, Zhejiang Provincelanceolatum community in Tiantong region, Zhejiang Province Effects of Limitation of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on the Growth of Alexandrium tamarense Studies on the Anther Dehiscence in FF1 of Hybrids between Taichung 65 and Its F1 Pollen Sterility Near Isogenic Lines A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON A SIMPLE PROCEDURE TO CONSTRUCT MICRODISSECTION LIBRARIES OF DEFINED REGION FROM AMPLIFIED CHROMOSOME SEGMENT IN PLANT CELL (VICIA FABA)