The characteristics of nitrogen fixation, ammonification, nitrification and denitrification in coastal zones Influences of the compound effects between nitrogen and zinc on growth,N-fixation and transfer of fixed nitrogen of white clover in mixed culture Relationship between nitrogen fixation and photosynthesis of Coriaria sinica Reviews on models for biological nitrogen fixation of soybean Infectiveness of Frankia strains from Hippophae rhamnoides ENHANCING EFFECT OF MANNITOL ON NITROGEN-FIXING ACTIVITY OF BLUE-GREEN ALGAE ANABAENA 7120 UNDER NaCI STRESS PHYSIOLOGICAL BASIS OF MITIGATIVE EFFECT OF KNO3 ON NaCl STRESS IN NITROGEN FIXATION OF BLUE-GREEN ALGAE ANABAENA 7120 EFFECT OF ECOLOGICAL CONDITIONS ON NODULATION NITROGEN FIXATION OF ACACIA MANGIUM Effects of OsPT6 Gene Overexpression on Nodulation and Nitrogen Fixation of Vegetable Soybean under Low Phosphorus Conditions Research on biological nitrogen fixation of grass-legume mixtures in a semiarid area of China Effects of different nitrogen levels on nitrogen fixation and seed production of alfalfa inoculated with rhizobia The biological N fixation ability of soybean and its contribution to a maize-winter wheat-soybean rotation system under different tillage treatments Perspectives in Biological Nitrogen Fixation Research Microorganism and nitrogen transformation in forest soil Effect of Sinorhizobium fredii YC4 symbiotic plasmid amplification on nod factors and symbiotic N-fixation Role of soil microbes in the acquisition of nutrients by plants Effects of the addition of mineral nutrients on biological nitrogen fixation in forest ecosystems The Characters of Bionitrogen Fixation of Nostoc Commune and Its Function in Nitrogen Cycle in Inner Mongolia Grassland Effect of wetting duration on nitrogen fixation of biological soil crusts in Shapotou, Northern China The root nodules and the nitrogen fixation property of the Cycas Panzhihuaensis THE EFFECTS OF H_2 ON N_2-FIXING ACTIVITY OF AZOLLA EFFECT OF PLANTING PATTERNS ON DINITROGEN FIXATION OF ALFALFA AND TRANSFER OF N FIXED EFFECT OF NITROGEN-FIXING BACTERIA INOCULATION ON BIOLOGICAL NITROGEN
Relationships between grasses and legumes in mixed grassland: a review Physio-ecological Study on the Seed Germination and Seeding Growth in Four Legume Tree Species under Elevated CO2 Concentration AN EFFECTIVE WAY TO IMPROVE SOIL FERTILITY IN TRADITIONAL AGROFORESTRY: PLANTING ALNUS NEPALENSIS EVALUATION OF NATURAL ~(15)N ABUNDANCE METHOD IN ESTIMATING SYMBIOTIC DINITROGEN FIXATION BY LEGUMINOUS GRASSES Effects of environmental stress on seedlings root growth and nodulation of leguminous shrubs in the dry valley of |Minjiang River. Effects of Inoculating Associated Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria to Moso Bamboo Seedlings Growth Responses of Acacias to Rhizobia Inoculation The Effect of Applying Phosphate in the Young Alnus cremastogyne Plantation Effect of Different Fertilizations on the Growth Modulation and Nitrogen Fixation of Myrica rubra Effects of Different Phosphorus Concentrations on the Symbiotic System of Stylosanthes guianensis ‘Reyan No.5’ Inoculation Rhizobium Artificial formation of aerial nodules on Casuarina cunninghamiana THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE MORPHOLOGICAL AND ANATOMICAL CHARACTERS OF VEGETATIVE ORGANS OF DESMODIUM INTORTUM AND THE HIGH NITROGEN FIXATION, SHADE TOLERANCE AND CONSERVATION OF SOIL AND WATER Some Characteristics of Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Fixation in Heterocysts Isolated by Digitonin Review of research advancements on the molecular basis and regulation of symbiotic nodulation of legumes Review on studies on the important role of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in agricu lture and livestock production and the factors affecting its efficiency Responses of Acacia Crassicarpa seedlings and soil nutrition to Rhizobia isolated from Acacia Crassicarpa Effects of Boron on the Growth, Nutrients and Nitrogen-Fixing Ability of Chamaecrista rotundifolia On the nitrogen fixation by biological soil crusts in the Gurbantunggut Desert, northern Xinjiang of China ESTIMATION OF SYMBIOTIC DINITROGEN FIXATION BY MODULATING PLANTS USING VARIATION IN NATURAL ~(15)N ABUNDANCE Effects of pH, Temperature, NH4+ and Salinity on Acetylene Reduction (Nitrogen Fixation) in Endophytic Diazotrophs from Paspalum orbiculare Nitrogen fixation potential of biological soil crusts in Heidaigou open coal mine, Inner Mongolia, China. Effect of application of nitrogen, zinc and selenium on fixation of nitrogen and transfer of nitrogen fixed in white clover Reparations of Ca2+ and P on N-fixation of alfalfa-rhizobia after acid aluminum stress A preliminary report on the ecological performance of Desmodium heterocarpum DC vat.strigosum Van Meeuwen Spared N response and yields advantage of intercropped wheat and fababean Comparision of two methods used to study the biological nitrogen fixation and nitrogen transfer from peanut to rice in aerobic soil of intercropping system Isolation and Screening of Phosphate Solubilizing Rhizobia of Sainfoin INFECTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF SYMBIOTIC NITROGENFIXING ACTINORHIZA OF CORIARIA NEPALENSIS WALL. Using 15N isotopic dilution method to quantify the biological nitrogen fixation in sugarcane EFFECT OF LOW TEMPERATURE ON NITROGENFIXING ACTIVITY OF BLUE-GREEN ALGAE ANABAENA 7120 UNDER SODIUM CHLORIDE THE MITIGATIVE EFFECT OF CALCIUM ON NITROGENFIXATION OF BLUE-GREEN ALGAE ANABAENA 7120UNDER SODIUM CHLORIDE STRESS AND ITSRELATION TO PHYSIOLOGICAL CONDITIONS ISOLATION OF NODULE BACTERIA FROM PISUM SATNUM AND THE APPLICATION OF NITRAGIN FROM THE ISOLATE Effects of nitrogen fixing bacteria on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence in sugarcane at elongating stage Research progress on endophyte-promoted plant nitrogen assimilation and metabolism Diversity of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms in biological soil crusts of copper mine wastelands. Screening and identification of associative nitrogen fixation bacteria in rhizosphere of sugarcane in Guangxi OXYGEN-SENSITIVITY AND HYDROGEN-PROTECTION OF NITROGENASEACTIVITY IN BLUE-GREEN ALGAE Anabaena 7120UNDER STRESS OF SODIUM CHLORIDE A STUDY ON NATURAL RESOURCES OF NODULATING TREE LEGUMES AND STRAINS OF RHIZOBIA Effects of different nitrogen levels on iron nutrition and nitrogen fixation of peanut in maize-peanut mixed cropping system Responses of Tree Legumes to Rhizobial Reinoculation Effect of Barnyardgrass (Echinoch oa Crus Galli) Shading on Nitrogen Fixation of Soybeans A Preliminary Study on Nodulation and Nitrogen Fixation of Several Tree Legumes Research Advances in the Effects of Environmental Factors on the Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation of Legumes Response and Adaptation of Cyanobacteria to Enhanced UV-B Radiation Assimilation and Allocation of Carbon and Nitrogen in Alfalfa Under Doubled CO2 Environment Relationship between photosynthesis and nitrogen metabolism in the nodules of Alnus tinctoria Sarg Recent advances in research and application of associated nitrogen-fixation with graminaceous plants Nitrogen fixation potential of biological soil crusts in southeast edge of Tengger Desert, Northwest China. Analysis of Codon Usage Bias in the Genome of Azorhizobium Caulinodans ORS571 Study on the Difference of Nodule Nitrogenase Activity and Amount of Nitrogen Fixation of Different Soybean Varieties Effect of different ameliorative ways on the nutrition status of nitrogen of basification soil Effects of Phosphorus Deficiency on Growth and Nitrogen Fixation of Soybean after Nodule Formation The biological property and ecological habit of Hippophae THE EFFECT OF NOCTOC COMUNE ON BLOOM AND NUTRITVE GROWTH OF PLANT Identification of endogenous nitrogen-fixing bacteria of Polygonum viviparum and analysis on nitrogen fixation gene(nifH) Relation of Integrity of Outer Membrane with Its Protection from Oxygen in Anabaena Cell Effect of Temperature Water Content and Light Intensity on Nitrogenase Activity of Nostoc flagelliforme

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