Effect of Rootstock on Yield and Fruit Quality of Grafted Cucumber under NaCl Stress RAPD Analysis of Prunus avium L. Varieties and Their Rootstocks A New Apple Semi-dwarfing Rootstock Cultivar‘Qing Ai 2’ Evaluation of Peach Rootstock Waterlogging Tolerance Based on the Responses of the Photosynthetic Indexes to Continuous Submergence Stress Effects of Different Rootstocks on Distribution and Utilization of 13C and 15N of Malus × domestica Borkh.‘Red Fuji’ Apple Apomictic Rootstock‘Qingzhen 1’ Effects of Mn Stress on Mn Uptakes and Antioxidant System of Young Apple Trees of Different Rootstocks Effects of Mn Stress on Mn Uptakes and Antioxidant System of Young Apple Trees of Different Rootstocks Isolation,Subcellular Location and Expression of MdGA20ox1 Gene from Apple Isolation,Subcellular Location and Expression of MdGA20ox1 Gene from Apple The Effect of Rootstocks on Change of Fruit Quality and Storage on Tree of Citrus reticulate‘Nianju’ Growth Characteristics and Absorption,Distribution and Utilization of 15NO3--N and 15NH4+-N Application for Five Apple Rootstocks Photosynthesis of Different Pear (Pyrus L.) Cultivar-rootstock Combinations Efects of Rootstocks on Photosynthetic Properties of Young ‘Hosui’ PearTrees under Salinity The Kinetics of Calcium Uptake in Apple Rootstock Roots The Effects of Different Rootstocks on the Sugar Metabolismand Related Enzyme Activities in Small and Early2maturing Watermelon during Fruit Development Effect of Compact Mutants and Dwarfing Rootstocks on Endogenous HormoneContent of Apple Studies on the Utilization Potential of Two Somatic Hybrid Rootstocks andthe Biochemical Mechanism of Rootstock.scion Interaction Effect of Nematode Resistant Rootstocks on Growth Characteristics and Yields of Tomato Difference of Organic Acid Exudation from Roots of SH40 and Balenghaitangunder Iron-deficiency Stress A New Grape Rootstock Cultivar‘Kangzhen 3’ A New Grape Rootstock Cultivar‘Kangzhen 3’ Hydraulics Characteristic of Fuji Apple Grafted on Different Dwarf Interstocks Under Drought Stress Physiological Responses of Waterlogging on Different Rootstock Combinations
of Cabernet Sauvignon Grape
Advances in the Studies on Citrus Rootstock Evaluation and Application Changes in mineral element contents of ‘Newhall’ navel orange (Citrus sinensis Osb.) grafted on two different rootstocks under boron deficiency Germplasm Resources Analysis of Rootstock-used Pumpkins by Phenotype and SSR Isolation and Analysis of PcAHS Gene and Its Promoter from Dwarfing Rootstock‘Zhongai 1’Pear A New Pear Dwarfing Rootstock Cultivar‘Zhongai 5’ Plant Regeneration of Grape Rootstock ‘‘‘‘5BB‘‘‘‘(Vitis berlandieri × V. riparia) in vitro Relation between Salt Tolerance of Grape Rootstock and MDA and Proline Contents in Grape Leaves Effects of Two Kinds of Rootstocks on the Growth of Young Citrus Trees and the Contents of Mineral Nutrients in Leaves Effects of Two Kinds of Rootstocks on the Growth of Navel Orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck)Young Tree and the Annual Changes in the Contents of Carbohydrates in Leaves Effects of Meloidogyne incognita on scavenging system of reactive oxygen species in tomato seedlings grafted with different rootstocks Effects of Different Kinds of Rootstocks on the Growth of Citrus Young Tree and the Carbohydrates Contents in Leaves A New Pear Dwarfing Rootstock Cultivar‘Zhongai 5’ Characteristics of Different Scion-rootstock Combinations on Root Development and Distribution of Apple Sapling in the Weibei Loess Highlands Evaluation of Golden Delicious/Chistock 1 on Resistance to Low Iron Stress Evaluation of Golden Delicious/Chistock 1 on Resistance to Low Iron Stress THE ANATOMICAL STUDY ON DYSOSMA PLEIANTHA Differences of growth and root absorption of different apple rootstock seedlings in replant stress Study on the Grafting Technique of Dalbergia odorifera Influences of Different Rootstocks on Yield and Quality in Vitis vinifera L. Red Alexandria Reactive Oxygen Metabolism and Response to Meloidogyne incognita Infection in Tomato ‘Ls-89’ and ‘Banzhen 2’ Rootstock Seedlings Photosynthetic Characteristics Response to Water-logging in 3 Peach Rootstock Seedlings Tolerance and Physiological Response of Different Types Cherry Rootstocks Seedlings to Crown Gall A New Walnut Rootstock Cultivar‘Zhongningqiang’ A New Walnut Rootstock Cultivar‘Zhongningqiang’ Comparison of Phosphorus Efficiency on Different Rootstocks and Their Grafted Seedlings with Cabernet Sauvignon Dynamics of Fine Root Turnover in Different Apple Scion-stock Combinations Dynamics of Fine Root Turnover in Different Apple Scion-stock Combinations Isolation and Expression of MdNCED1 Gene from Apple Rootstock SH40 Effects of two kinds of rootstock on growth and change of nutrient contents in leaf of young tree of navel orange Physiological responses of cucumber seedlings grafted on different salt-tolerant rootstocks to NaCl stress.  Analysis and Identification of Apple Rootstock SH Series by Simple Sequence Repeat Effects of Seven Rootstocks on Tree Growth,Yield and Fruit Quality of ‘Hamlin’Sweet Orange in South China Effects of Seven Rootstocks on Tree Growth,Yield and Fruit Quality of ‘Hamlin’Sweet Orange in South China Effects of Rootstocks on Fruit Quality of‘Jincheng’Sweet Orange Comparative Studies on Anatomical Structure of Roots in Three Citrus Seedling Rootstocks and Their Two Somatic Hybrids Regeneration of Hexaploid Plants of Cherry Dwarf Rootstock ‘Gisela 6‘ from in vitro Leave Treated with Colchicine Effects of Waterlogging on Respiration and Glycolytic End Products in Roots of Sweet Cherry Effects of Rootstocks on Fruit Quality of‘Jincheng’Sweet Orange Correlation between bloom formation on fruit surface of grafted cucumber and rootstocks and absorption and distribution of silicon Studies on System of Plant Regeneration from Leaf Explant of Cherry Rootstocks A New Dwarf Apple Rootstock —‘Liaozhen 2’ A New Dwarf Apple Rootstock —‘Liaozhen 2’ Efects of Rootstocks on Photosynthetic Properties of Young ‘Hosui’ PearTrees under Salinity The Kinetics of Calcium Uptake in Apple Rootstock Roots Efects of Salt Stress on Diurnal Course of Photosynthesis of Young ‘Hosui’ Pear Trees with Di仃erent Rootstock Efects of Salt Stress on Diurnal Course of Photosynthesis of Young ‘Hosui’ Pear Trees with Di仃erent Rootstock Photosynthesis of Different Pear (Pyrus L.) Cultivar-rootstock Combinations Studies on System of Plant Regeneration from Leaf Explant of Cherry Rootstocks A New Cherry Dwarf Rootstock Variety ‘Gisela 5’ Effects of NaCl Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Three Cucumber Rootstock Seedlings Effects of NaCl Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Three Cucumber Rootstock Seedlings Effects of Infection with Meloidogyne incognita on Reactive Oxygen Metabolism and Correlated Enzyme Activities in Roots of Eggplant Rootstock Seedlings Effects of Partial Rootzone Drying on Photosynthesis of the Grape Cultivar ‘Malvasia‘ Grafted on Different Rootstocks Characteristics of Different Scion-rootstock Combinations on Root Development and Distribution of Apple Sapling in the Weibei Loess Highlands Impact of tomato resistant rootstock on the root-knot and soil free-living nematodes dynamics and community composition Effects of  rootstocks on the growth and berry quality of Vitis vinifera cv. Cabernet Sauvignon grapevine in Changli zone, Hebei Province, China.

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