SELECTION OF WHEAT MUTANT WITH RESISTANCE TOFusarium graminearum AND RAPD TECHNIQUE STUDY ON THE TECHNIQUE OF INDUCING MUTATION BREEDING IN CHRYSANTHEMUM EFFECT OF AgNO 3 ON APPLE LEAF CULTURE AND ITS RELATION TO ETHYLENE PRODUCTION EFFECTS OF γ RAY IRRADIATION COMBINED WITH CRUDE TOXIN PRODUCED BY Fusarium graminearum ON WHEAT IMMATURE EMBRYO in vitro CULTURE EFFECT OF ELECTRON BEAM IMPLANTATION ON in vitro CULTURE OF YOUNG RICE PANICLE CELL SUSPENSION CULTURE AND MUTANTS SELECTION FOR RESISTANCE TO PEG INDUCED WATER STRESS IN ALFALFA (Medicago sativa L.) STUDY ON MUTAGENESIS OF IMMATURE EMBRYO CALLUS TREATED WITH Y RAYS IN WHEAT In vitro CULTURE MUTAGENESIS FOR HYBRID RICE IMPROVEMENT RADIOSENSITIVITIES OF CULTURED BARLEY OF DIFFERENT TYPE (Hordeum vulgare) THE SELECTION OF NaCI-TOLERANT MUTANTS BY TISSUE CULTURE IN WHEAT The effects of wheat planted adjacent to rape on wheat aphids population dynamic The response of mixed stage cultures of three most tolerant insect species, Sitophilus oryzae, Tribolium castaneum and Rhyzopertha dominica to ethyl formate Study on root regeneration from adventitious buds in Pinus ponderosa Callus inducing and plantlet regeneration from leaf,petiole and stem of different Anthurrium adraeanum varieties Studies on tissue culture and micropropogation of Bougainvillea glabra Soil salinizationcontrol and sustainable agriculture in north-west endoland region of China Study of tissue culture techniques on depoison test-tube-plantlet of Elaeagnus mollis Research of agricultural drought-fight and calamity-diminished technology in the Loess Plateau Gully Region Effect of salicylic acid on several physiological and biochemical indications in tissue culture seedling of red date Effect of PP_(333) and CCC on growth multiplications and rooting of Toona sinensis in tissue culture Effect of water stress on induced-protein expression of wheat seedling and suspension culture cell The somatic embryogenesis and its histological characteristics of Zizyphus jujuba Mill. Establishment of a high efficient regeneration system from internode segments of seedling in Astragalus meliloides Pall. Application of light-conveying agricultural film New variety breeding of seedless Ningxia wolfberry The advances of biotechnique research in Lycium barbarum The protection of agricultural ecological resource and agricultural sustainable development in Henan Province On effective approaches for 3-high agriculture strategies-A case study from Mulan County in Heilongjiang Province Technological principles and strategies for development of resourcesaving eco-agriculture in the transitional zone of mountain and plain--A case study from Xilingdi Experimental Area in the hilly districts of Mt. Taihang The structure and functions of a compound agro-ecosystem for utilization of the uncultivated land in the suburb of Tianjin A research on the eco-agricultural construction at Qiaopo Town-ship,Baihe County,Shaanxi province Ways for developing the waste bricklin land at Kangji Ecological Farm and their benefits Establishment and use of information management system for ecological agricultural counties and its quality assurance Conditions and countermeasures for development of sightseeing-type agriculture in Zhejiang Province Effect of calmodulin antagonist W7 on antioxidant systems of roots of cucumber seedlings under hypoxia stress Effects of eco-agriculture and biomass engineering on circular economy in China Review on research progress and application of growing media for vegetable production in China Research progress in the evaluation of sustainable agriculture Effect of medium composition on the growth and secretion of cultured root of Astragalus adsurgens Pall Research Progress in Androgenesis and Haploid Breeding of Gramineous Forage and Turfgrass Plants Concept of system productivity and its significance in ecological reconstruction of pasture and agriculture transitional zone in China Effect of methanol eluates from Ginkgo biloba root on growth and development of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi cultured in vitro Problems in development of agriculture-animal husbandry ecotone and its countermeasures Productivity of crop-fruit ecological agriculture in middle-south Loess Plateau Control of continuous potato monoculture barrier via biological soil disinfestation method in Yellow River irrigation areas of central Gansu Province, Northwest China Effect of cadmium stress on physiological characteristics of garlic seedlings and the alleviation effects of exogenous calcium. Role of soil microbes in the acquisition of nutrients by plants Residents‘ cognition and attitudes towards protection of the agricultural heritage system from a place identity perspective: a case study of the Fuzhou jasmine and tea culture system Impactanalysis of human activities and climate change on Honghu lake’s spring drought Annual variations of the primary productivity and its size-fractioned structure in culture ponds of Apostichopus japonicus Selenka The construction of the eco-agricultural yards in three gorges reservoir area based on agricultural non-point source pollution zones Bioremediation of caged fish aquaculture by the red alga Gracilaria verrucosa in an integrated multi-trophic aquaculture system Effects of straw mulching and sodding culture on soil water use and variation in citrus orchard in dry season Controlling tomato root-knot nematode disease by incorporating winter wheat straw to soil Changes in Antioxidase Activity and Osmotic Adjusting Substance of Tamarix chinensis Seedlings under NaCl Stress Selection for Protoplast Isolation and Culture Conditions of Alfalfa Poisoning effects of toxin culture filtrate of Fusarium wilt pathogen on seedling of gladiolus Studies on Culture Conditions of Tricholoma matsutake Selection of in vitro Buds of Two Rattan Species for Elongation and Rooting Selection of Appropriate Explants for Multiplication,Shoot and Root Induction in Tissue Culture of Daemonorops margaritae Norway spruce (Picea abies) laccases: Characterization of a laccase in a lignin-forming tissue culture Effects of transgenic soybean on growth and phosphorus acquisition in mixed culture system Effects of Nutritional and Environmental Factors on Cell Growth and Ajmalicine Production of Full Habituated Catharanthus roseus Cells A Preliminary Study on Direct Regeneration of Flower Buds from Peduncle Calli in Dracaena fragrans cv. massangeana Effects of Sucrose Regulation Culture on Endogenous ABA Levels of Carrot Somatic Embryo Isolation,Culture and Plant Regeneration of Protoplasts from an Embryogenic Callus Tissue of Gossypium hirsutum Genetic Mechanism of the Occurrence of Salt-tolerant Variant of Octoploid Triticale Under Tissue and Cell Culture Studies on Root Regeneration from Antherderived Spear of Asparagus officinalis Cell Culture and Selection of High Flavonoids- producing Cell Lines in Saussurea medusa Cell Growth and Flavonoids Production in Suspension Culture of Saussurea medusa Somatic Embryogenesis and Plantlet Regeneration in Mature Zygotic Embryos of Picea meyeri Factors Affecting pH Changes of in Vitro Media In Vitro Divisions of Unfertilized Central Cells and Other Embryo Sac Cells in Nicotiana tabacum var macrophylla Establishment of a System with High Synchronous Frequency of Somatic Embryogenesis and Embryo Seedling Formation in Camellia sinensis var. assamica Plant Regeneration from Protoplasts of Medicago lupulina Isolation of Fertilized Embryo Sacs and Zygotes and Triggering of Zygote Division in Vitro in Nicotiana tabacum Isolation and Characterization of a Chinese Aneurolepidium Cell Line Resistant to Hydroxyproline Selection of Primary Trisomics from Anther Culture of Autotetraploid Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Induction and Differentiation of Callus from Female Gametohyte Explants of Pinus bungeana Zucc. and P. tabulaeformis Carr. Formation of Interfamilial Cell Symplast During Cell Co-Culture in Vitro