A Study of Pistil and Stamen Development of Earliest Embryo-culturedApricot A New Middle Cowpea Variety ‘Yangjiang No. 40’ Somatic Embryogenesis from Leaves of Begonia ×Elatior Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Acacia dealbata The Effects of Rhizosphere Heating on Flower Yields and Quality of Soilless Growing Gerbera during Winter Somatic Embryogenesis from Leaves of Begonia ×Elatior Apple Haploid Induction by Pollination with High Dose Irradiated ollen ‘Qinzhou red litchi‘——A New Big Fruit form Variety of Litchi Regeneration of Peach Plantlet from Callus Derived from Explant Tissue Culture and High Frequency Propagation of Opuntia milpa altaHaw. Research on Outer Bottle Rooting Technique of Fruit Seedling in Vitro with Filter-paper Bridge Regeneration of Peach Plantlet from Callus Derived from Explant Tissue Culture and High Frequency Propagation of Opuntia milpa altaHaw. A New Special Pepper Variety for Greenhouse and Plastic House‘Huaijiao’ A New Early Cowpea Variety—‘Yangzaojiang 12’ Effect of Different Stocks on Resistance , Physical Activity and Output of Eggplant Study on Climatic Zoning for Wine-grape Growing in Huabei Regions A New Cabbage F1 Hybrid by Isolated Microspore Culture——‘Yusheng 1’ Biotransformation of Gastrodin by Cell Suspension Cultures of Catharanthus roseus Effect of Fertilization on Sensitivity of Abaxial and Adaxial Stomatal Resistance in Winter Wheat Leaves Under Dryland Conditions Effects of culture condition on fatty acids in Pseudomonas sp Effects of cultured Astragalus adsurgens root on other plants growth Alleviation effect of exogenous Ca,P and N on the growth of Chinese fir seedlings under Al stress Environmental physiological characteristics of some mosses in Shanghai:A preliminary study Effect of grazing on grassland under protective plantation in the ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry of Songnen plain Effect of land-use change on soil habitat in north Hebei plateau during last 50 years Ecological management model of agriculture-pasture ecotone based on the theory of energy and material flow—a case study in Houshan dryland area of Inner Mongolia Measurement of ecosystem services consumption: a case study of the traditional agricultural area in Congjiang County of Guizhou Province Bacterial phylogenetic diversity of a cold spring sediment of Shawan, Xinjiang The bacterial diversity from mud volcano in Xinjiang by culture-independent approach Sterilization of the Explant and Callus Induction of Feijoa sallowiana Berg. in vitro Culture Cytological Studies on Pollen Sterile Hybrid F1 and Its Parent Taichung 65 (Oryza sativa L.) during the Anther Culture Spore Culture and Gametophyte Development of Dryopteris varia (L.) Ktunze Synthesis and Accumulation of Hypericin in Hypericum perforatum L. A Two-step Method for the Efficient Micropropagation of Lilium longiflorum Inhibitory Effects of Ganoderma lucidum Extraction Tissue Culture of Common Banana Isolated-microspore Culture of F1 Hybrids between Brassica oleracea var. capitata and var. italica Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration from Endosperm of Averrhoa carambola In vitro Propagation of Senecio cineraria cv. Silver Dust In vitro Selection of Black Pepper (Piper nigrum Linn.) Somaclones Resistant to Foot Rot Using Culture Filtrate of Phytophthora capsici In vitro Culture of Some Bromeliaceae The Effects of Anther Culture of Rice in Hybrids F1 from Japonica Crossed with Wide Compatibility Varieties STIMULATION EFFECT OF SILVER NITRATE ON SHOOT REGENERATION IN COTYLEDON TISSUE CULTURE OF BRASSIA CAMPESTRIS TISSUE CULTURE AND ESTABLISHMENT OF REGENERATION SYSTEM OF DELPHINIUM GRANDIFLORUM PURIFICATION AND IMPROVEMENT ON DUAL-PURPOSE GENIC MALE STERILE RICE PEIAI 64S BY ANTHER CULTURE PLANT REGENERATION IN FITRO FROM HYPOCOTYL EXPLANTS OF BRASSICA ALBOGLABRA IMPROVEMENT OF PLANT REGENERATION FROM CYCLIC SECONDARY SOMATIC EMBRYOS IN CASSAVA (MANIHOT ESCULENTA CRANTZ) RAPID MULTIPLICATION OF BRASSICA CAMPESTRIS SSP. CHINENSIS VAR. UTILIS BY IN FITRO CULTURE WITH TRIADIMEFON CELL SUSPENSION CULTURE OF LITHOSPERMUM ERYTHRORHIZON IN A 10-LITRE AIRLIFT LOOP BIOREACTOR AXILLARY BUD CULTURE AND PLANTLET REGENERATION OF ACACIA AURICULIFORMIS AND A. MANGIUM HISTO-CYTOLOGICAL STUDY ON SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS FROM THE LEAF OF CAMELLIA SINENSIS KUNTZE INVESTIGATIONS ON THE FUNGI-PHAGOUS MITES AND THEIR INFECTION MODES IN MUSHROOM CULTURES Separation and Identification of Triterpenic Acids from Suspended Cultured Cells of Cyclocarya paliurus Kinetics in Suspension Culture of Acer ginnala A BRIEF DISCUSSION ON THE MAJOR EFFECTS OF PRACTACULTURE ON THE MULTIPLE IMPROVEMENT FOR THE TYPES OF DETERIORATED LANDS IN CHINA Tissue Cultures of Four Rhodiola Species Tissue Culture of Amelanchier alnifolia Proliferation and Stability of the Regenerated Plantlets from the Embryogenic Callus of Tripterygium wilfordii Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Corylus heterophylla Enriching the Theoretical Basis of Silviculture with the System Sciences Identification of Pure Culture for Macrofungi with RAPD and ITS Molecular Markers In Vitro Culture and Plant Regeneration System of Taxodium mucronatum Change of Endogenous Plant Hormones of Vitrificated Plants of Hybrid Aspen by Tissue Culture Tissue Culture Technique of Taxus media ‘Hecksii’ Rapid Propagation of Plantlets from Sprout of Vaccinium corymbosum in Vitro Influencing Factors to Seed Dormancy and Germination Characteristics of Sorbus pohuashanensis Effect of the Auxin and Ctytokin on the Frequency of Embryogenesis in Kale In Vitro Selection of Salt-tolerant Mutant from Potato Stem Explants Effect of the Auxin and Ctytokin on the Frequency of Embryogenesis in Kale In Vitro Selection of Salt-tolerant Mutant from Potato Stem Explants Cytohistological Study of Morphogenesis in Thin Cell Layer Culture of Ovaryof Lilium‘Star Gazer’ Studies on Optimizing Production of Wasabi Plantlet A New Melon Var iety‘Jinhui 1’ In Vitro Culture of Unfertilized Ovules in Phalaenopsis Cytohistological Study of Morphogenesis in Thin Cell Layer Culture of Ovaryof Lilium‘Star Gazer’ Studies on Optimizing Production of Wasabi Plantlet Studies on Cell Suspension Culture and Plant Regeneration of Dendranthema×grandiflorum with Small Inflorescences Studies on Regenerating Bulblets from Tissue Culture of Tulip The Study of Root Induction and Root Vigor in Photinia fraseri in Vitro Studies on Cell Suspension Culture and Plant Regeneration of Dendranthema×grandiflorum with Small Inflorescences