Application and Improvement of the Neighborhood Interference Model Taxonomic studies of the genus Colysis C. Presl (Polypodiaceae) from China and neighboring regions Taxonomic studies of the fern genus Lepidomicrosorum Ching et Shing (Polypodiaceae) from China and neighboring regions Discussion on several indices assessing landscape dispersion Neighbor diversity and interspecific association of Quercus mongolica Spatial Pattern and Interspecific Relationship of Dominant Species in Plant Community in Jinggang Mountain Characteristics of Adaptation of Gordonia acuminata Seedlings to Different Neighbors Study on Spatial Connection and Fractal Characteristics of Prop Roots of Natural Rhizophora Stylosa Research on plant populations spatial distribution pattern in the periods of highway-construction on the road-ecology region: take Baoji-Tianshui Responses of gas exchange to neighborhood interference in leaves of teak(Tectona grandis L. f.) in a tropical plantation forest Research on Spatial Structure of Cunninghamia lanceolata Coppice Forest Analysis on Structure Characteristics of Pinus massoniana Natural Forest in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Progress in Stand Spatial Structure Parameter: The Uniform Angle Index Analysis of the Stand Spatial Structure of Pinus massoniana-Broadleaved Mixed Forest MULTI-SCALE ANALYSES OF POPULATION DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS Interspecific Segregation in a Tropical Rain Forest at Bawangling Nature Reserve, Hainan Island Viewpoints on the study of economic thresholds of cotton bollworm Regenerative condition and analysis of spatial distribution pattern of two relic plants in Mao’ershan Mountain, China Relationships between Neighborhood Comparison of Short-Rotation Poplar Plantations and Canker Disease Incidence Interspecific segregation in Juglans mandshurica communities in Lishan Mountain, Shanxi Province Impacts of urban landscape structure on urban sprawl: A case researches in Nanchang The relationship between spatial structure and DBH of close-to-nature Phyllostachys edulis stands in Tianmu Mountain Spatial distribution patterns and multi-scale features of the Lushan forest landscape Interspecific Segregation in the Main Species of Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest in Nanling National Nature Reserve, Guangdong Province Study of mingling based on neighborhood spatial permutation Multi-Scale Forest Data Graphics Generalization Considering Neighboring Study on Neighbor Effects of Three Dominant Species in the Evergreen- deciduous Mixed Forest in Jiugongshan Natural Reserve Study on background effects of urban wetland dynamics GENUS ANTROPHYUM KAULF. FROM CHINA AND NEIGHBORING REGIONS Analysis on Plant Distribution and Environmental Factor of Coastal Zone and Neighbor Islands in Shanghai Contents,heated problems and significance of neighborhood interference among plants Study on neighborhood zone and neighborhood competition intensity in Larix chinensis population Analysis of Stand Spatial Structure of Cunninghamia lanceolata-Broadleaved Mixed Plantation Dynamic analysis of spatial structure in a close-to-nature Phyllostachys edulis stands STUDY ON THE IMPROVEMENT AND APPLICATION OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD INTERFERENCE INDEX MODEL Preview of Spatial Structure of Cryptomeria fortunei Plantation after Stand Improvement Spatial structural characteristics of natural Populus davidiana - Betula platyphylla secondary forest. Spatial Structure Characteristic of Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata Natural Forest in Xiaolongshan Treatment Methods of Plot Boundary Trees in Spatial Forest Structure Analysis Observation on Spatial Structure of Rhizophora stylosa Prop Roots in Techeng Island Influence of the Spatial Structure of tress,etc. on the Young Trees of Pinus koraiensis under Natural Secondary Forest A General Model For Neighborhood Interference Index and Its Application RESPONSE OF RADIAL GROWTH TO NEIGHBORING COMPETITION AND CLIMATE FACTORS IN TAXUS CUSPIDATA Positive interactions in plant communities Ecologically regulating functions of herbivore-induced plant volatiles β diversity characteristic of vegetation community on south part of Gurbantunggut Desert and its interpretation Spatial Structure Characteristics of Quercus aliena var.acuteserrata Secondary Forest on South Slope of Qinling Mountains Spatial distribution and concept of “three zones / two corridors” of nature reserves in Beijing Interspecific segregation in Elaeagnus mollis communities Spatial Pattern Heterogeneity of Picea schrenkiana var. tianschanica Natural Forest in the Tianshan Mountains, Northwest China Spatial neighboring characteristics among patch types in oasis and its ecological security Analysis of the Spatial Structure of Natural Korean Pine Broad Leaved Forest Study on neighborhood zone and neighborhood com-petition intensity in Pinus taiwanensis population Interspecific Segregation in Carpinus cordataCommunities in Lishan Nature Reserve,Shanxi Quantitative Analysis of Forest Stand Spatial Structure Based on Voronoi Diagram & Delaunay Triangulated Network A Forest Change Detection Model Based on Neighborhood Correlation Images and Decision Tree Classification

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