THE PROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF ETHYLENE PRODUCTION INHIBITORS  ON VICIA FABASEEDLING LEAVES UNDER HEAT STRESS Spleen, liver and kidney-strengthening formula combined with polyethylene glycol interferon in treatment of chronic hepatitis B Chemical constituents of Peperomia dindygulensis Relationship Between Ethylene Release, Membrane Permeability and Activity of Polyphenol Oxidase Changes of Duck (Pears Pyrus bretschnideri Rehder) During Low Temperature Storage Relationship between Changes in Endogenous Phytohormones and Respiration during Ripe ning and Senescence Period of Cantaloupes (Cucumis mclo var. reticulates) Pollination-Induced Expression of Ethylene Biosynthetic Genes at Transcription Level in Orchid Flowers Effect of MGBG on Growth of the Callus Tissue, Induction of Somatic Embryogenesis of Alfalfa and Their Ethylene Biosynthesis Cloning of Two House-keeping Genes from Erianthus arundinaceus and the application in cDNA microarray THE EFFECT OF ACTIVE OXYGEN ON MITOCHONDRIAL RESPIRATION INDUCED BY EXOGENOUS ETHYLENE IRON TOXICITY AND STRESS ETHYLENE PRODUCTION IN RICE Expression Characterization of Ethylene Response Factor Gene CMe-ERF during Development and Ripening of Melon(Cucumis melo L.) Fruit Effect of PEG Pretreatment on Germination and Growth Physiology of Hulless Barley EFFECT OF ETHYLENE ON THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF PLANTS AND INHIBITION OF ITS BIOSYNTHESIS BY ANTISENSE RNA EFFECT OF DROUGHT STRESS ON THE PEROXIDATION OF MEMBRANE LIPIDS, THE COMPOSITION OF MEMBRANE FATTY ACIDS AND ETHYLENE EVOLUTION OF NEEDLES OF PINUS SYLVESTRIS VAR. MONGOLICA LITV. Changes of Antioxidant Enzymes, Ethylene Production and Polyamines inBougainvillea glabra Physiological Regulation of Calcium in Tomato Pedicel in Vitro During Abscission Induced by Ethylene Characteristics of Ethylene Production and Gene Expression of Ethylene Receptors in Pre-cooled Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) Construction of the Expression Vectors of Tomato LeEIL1 and Their Expression in Engineering Strains Effects of Ethylene and Its Inhibitors on Flower Opening and Senescence of Cut Roses Plant Regeneration from Cotyledonary Explants of Chinese Cabbage Cultured in Vitro Influence of vitamin E tocopherol polyethylene glycol succinate 1000 on baohuoside I across membrane transport of Caco-2 monolayer model A Review of the Pathway of Ethylene Biosynthesis and the Relevant Genetic Engineering EFFECTS OF STORAGE CONDITIONS ON GERMINATION RATE OF LEONURUS ARTEMISIA, PLATYCODON GRANDI- FLORUS AND ATRACTYLODES MACROCEPHALA SEEDS A novel phenol derivative from Gymnotheca chinensis Swelling property of common hydrophilic polymers and their use in push-pull osmotic-pump tablets Effect of zinc sulphate and PEG priming on ageing seed germination and antioxidase activities of Perilla frutescens seedlings Transformation of Antisense Ethylene Receptor FaEtr2 Gene in Strawberry Transformation of Antisense Ethylene Receptor FaEtr2 Gene in Strawberry Characteristics of Ethylene Production and Gene Expression of Ethylene Receptors in Pre-cooled Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) Regulation of Biosynthesis of Lycopene in Tomato by Antisense Transformation with Phytochrome A Gene Effect of Heat-water Treatment on Strawberry Fruits Preservation and Its Relationship with Ethylene Gene Expression Effect of Heat-water Treatment on Strawberry Fruits Preservation and Its Relationship with Ethylene Gene Expression The Character istics of β-Gal and LOX Activities in Apple (Malus domestica Borkh. ) Fruit and Their Relation to Fruit Softening Effect of Ethylene on Cut Flowers of Tree Peony ‘Luo Yang Hong‘ Opening and Senescence Process and Endogenous Ethylene Biosynthesis Effect of Ethylene on Cut Flowers of Tree Peony ‘Luo Yang Hong‘ Opening and Senescence Process and Endogenous Ethylene Biosynthesis Ethylene Signal Transduction during Fruit Ripening and Senescence Effects of Nitric Oxide on Postharvest Ripening and Le-ETR4 Expression of Tomato Fruit Genetic Basis of Ethylene Perception and Signal Transduction in Arabidopsis New Isoflavonoid Glycosides from the Rhizomes of Iris leptophylla Lingelsh. Ethylene Production and 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carbo- xylate (ACC) Synthase Gene Expression in Tomato (Lycopsicon esculentum Mill.) Leaves Under Enhanced UV-B Radiation Tomato Fruit Development and Ripening Are Altered by the Silencing of LeEIN2 Gene SO2-caused oxidative stress and modulation of some signal molecules in wheat Effects of Cd Stress on the Seed Germination,Seedling Growth and Activities of Antioxidant Enzymes in Petunia hybrida STUDY ON EFFECTS OF 2,4 D AND ETHREL ON DROUGHT RESISTANCE IN MAIZE SEEDLINGS THE MECHANISM OF MEFLUIDIDE-PROMOTED ROOT EXTENSION OF ZEA MAYS EFFECTS OF OSMOTIC STRESS AND CO~(++) ON ETHYLENE PRODUCTION AND ENDOGENOUS POLYAMINE CONTENT IN WHEAT SEEDLINGS EFFECT OF Met ON ENDOGENOUS POLYAMINE CONTENT AND ETHYLENE PRODUCTION IN WHEAT SEEDLINGS UNDER OSMOTIC STRESS EFFECT OF HIGH TEMPERATURE ON ETHYLENE AND ETHANE PRODUCTION IN WHEAT LEAVES AND ITS RELATION TO LIPOXYGENASE ACTIVITY 小麦叶片亚精胺含量对乙烯产生速率及蛋白酶活性间的影响 Natural Weathering and Accelerated UV Weathering of Rice Hull Polyethylene Composite Mechanical Properties of Needle-Shaped Wood-Fiber/HDPE Composites Advances in Mechanisms of Latex Regeneration and Latex Flow of Hevea brasiliensis Ethylene Evolution Changes in Tilted Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr. var. japonica Maxim. Seedlings in Relation to Tension Wood Formation Changes in Lysophospholipid and Degree of Unsaturated Membrane Lipids are Associated With Senescence in Arabidopsis Leaves Ethylene Signal is Involved in Regulating Arabidopsis Response to Drought Stress Stimulated by PEG Polyethylene Glycol Fractionation Analysis of Low-Abundant Proteins in Magnolia sieboldii Seeds Synergistic Fire Retarding Study of Guanylurea Phosphate and Ammonium Polyphosphate Treated Wood Flour/HDPE Composite Physiological, Biochemical and Cytological Changes in Senescing Corolla of Four-O‘clock Flower Study on the conditions of Cell Transformation in Astragalus sinicus Polyethylene GlycolInduced Fusion of Selected Pairs of Single Protoplasts The Relationship Between the Change of Calmodulin Content and Ethylene Biosynthesis of Carnation Flower During Its Senescence Approach to Mechanism of Preserving Fresh for Cut Flowers Regulation of Ethylene Biosynthesis and Fruit Ripening Chilling-Induced Ethylene Production in the Peel and Pulp of Banana Relevant Effects of Ethylene and Ga2+ on Germination of Lettuce Seeds The Role of Polygalacturonase (PG) in Tomato Fruit Ripening and Effects of Divalent Metal Ions and Ethylene on PG Activity The Changes of Ethylene Production and CaM Content in IAA-Treated Etiolated Mungbean Hypocotyl Effect of Low Temperature lmbibition on Mito chondrium Respiration and Phosphorylation of PEG Primed Soybean Seed Changes of the Rate of Ethylene Production and the Levels of ABA in Bartlett Pears during Maturation The role of salicylic acid and ethylene in resistance of tobacco to black shank Effects of Posthavest Treatment with 1-MCP on Ripening and Softening of Persimmon Fruits Regulation of Exogenous Ethylene on Ca2+- ATPase Activity and Lipid Peroxidation of Microsomal Membrane in Strawberry Fruit Differences of Shelf-life in Some Melons Including Six Varieties of Cucumis melo L. Regulations of Fiber Synthesis in Excised Pea Seedlings by Gibbereilic Acid, Ethylene and Abscisic Acid Effect of Ethylene on Abscission of Tomato Pedicel in Vitro Effect of Packaging with Different Functional Films on Storage of Banana Fruit Effect of Packaging with Different Functional Films on Storage of Banana Fruit The Effect of Exogenous Calcium on Ethylene Production of Apple Fruit The Effect of Exogenous Calcium on Ethylene Production of Apple Fruit Changes and Regulation of Stress Ethylene Production and Polyamine Content in Spring Wheat Leaves Exposed to O3