An Overview of the Biology of Reaction Wood Formation Effect of Ethylene and 1-MCP on Ethylene Production and Related Gene Expression in Floral Tissues of Roses Nano-silver Treatments Alleviated the Harmful Effects of Exogenous Ethylene on Cut Roses Cloning and Inducible Expression of Ethylene Response Factor CaJERF1 in Hot Pepper Dual Regulating Effects of Ethylene on the Formation of Plant Secondary Metabolites Extracellular Adenosine Triphosphate Functions Downstream of Hydrogen Sulfide in Ethylene-induced Stomatal Closure in Arabidopsis thaliana Arabidopsis ROOT HAIR DEFECTIVE3 is involved in nitrogen starvation-induced anthocyanin accumulation ThERF1 regulates its target genes via binding to a novel cis-acting element in response to salt stress STUDIES ON WOUND-INDUCED RESPIRATION AND ETHYLENE PRODUCTION IN APPLE FRUIT DISCS Cloning and Characterization of Novel Tobacco Genes Induced by Ethephon Using Improved Differential Display Method(in English) Study on matrix proportion of hydrophilic SIS hot melt pressure sensitive adhesive suit modified by RLPO Modification conditions optimization and purification of PEGylated MAP30 from Semen Momordicae Charantiae Biocatalyticacidhydrolysisofdiosgeninin Dioscoreazingiberensis through polyOxethyleneoxide-maleic acidanhydridemodified cellulose enzyme Cloning and Expression of a cDNA Encoding ETR2-Type Ethylene Receptor in ‘Dongzao’ Jujube Chemical constituents from herb of Alternanthera philoxeroides Effect of Postharvest Treatment with 1-MCP on Physiology of Kiwifruit Characters of Postharvest Physiology of Antisense LeETR1 Transgenic TomatoFruits Characters of Postharvest Physiology of Antisense LeETR1 Transgenic TomatoFruits STUDIES ON PHYSIOLOGYCAL AND BIOCHEMICAL CHANGES DURING POSTHARVEST RIPENING PERIOD OF TOMATO FRUITS Morphological Difference of Arabidopsis thaliana Ethylene Mutants Affected by Drought Stress Effects of polyethylene glycol priming on the vigor of aged oat seeds Proteomic methods for removing high-abundance proteins in alfalfa leaf Study Progress on Ethylene Signal Transduction The Ethylene Metabolism in Flowers of Chinese Peony‘Taohua Feixue’During Opening and Senescence The Ethylene Metabolism in Flowers of Chinese Peony‘Taohua Feixue’During Opening and Senescence Research Advance in Relationship between Ethylene and Vase Life of Cut Lily Flowers Characterization of Rh-ADF1 in Ethylene-regulated Petal Expansion in Roses The Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in the Ethylene Biosynthesis in Plants Drought resistance of Angelica dahurica during seedling stage underpolyethylene glycol (PEG-6000)-simulated drought stress EFFECTS OF PEG-6000 AND EXOGENOUS NITRIC OXIDE DONOR SNP ON THE RELATED
EFFECTS OF GROWTH REGULATOR TREATMENT ON POST HARVEST QUALITY OF BANANA(GAOZHOU‘ AI)FRUITS Response of Vicia faba growth and soil enzyme activity to low molecular polyethylene added in soil Saurusine B: A new lignan from Saururus chinensis Preparation and in vivo and in vitro evaluation of Pulsatilla Saponin D Solid Dispersions Comparison of the physiological characteristics of paper mulberry(Broussonetia papyrifera)and mulberry(Morus alba)under simulated drought stress Cloning and Functional Validation of Promoter of Ethylene-responsive Element-binding Protein Gene in Maize EFFECTS OF PRO-LONG COATING ON ETHYLENE BIOSYNTHESIS AND OTHER RELEVANT PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES OF BANANA FRUIT DURING RIPENING Effects of Ethephon, ACC, AOA and AgNO3 on Adventitious Root Formation in Mung Bean Hypocotyl Cuttings Progress on the Function of XRN Family in Plants Molecular Cloning of importin and exportin in Hevea brasiliensis and Gene Expression Induced by Ethylene Cloning, Characterization and Expression of Alcohol Acyltransferase Gene which Responses to Exogenous Ethylene in Peach Fruit Effects of Exogenous Ethylene on Ca2+-ATPase Activity and Membrane Lipid Peroxidation in Postharvest Peach Fruits Relationships between some physio biochemical changes and senescence during storage in bitter gourd Effects of CEPA treatment on respiration,ethylene production and protective system during storage in bitter gourd Effect of Glucose and Ethylene on Flower Color and Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Tree Peony‘Luoyanghong’Cut Flower Screening and Identification of RhTSPO1,an Interacting Protein of Ethylene Receptor RhETR3 in Cut Roses Response of Protective Enzyme in Callus of Barnyard Grass under Oxidizing Stress Induced by Polyacetylene Compound Responses to Ethylene and Protein Synthesis of Carnation Flowers Pollination-Induced Ethylene Synthesis and 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylate Oxidase Gene Expression in the Gynoecium of Phalaenopsis Orchid Flower Effect of Drought on Lipoxygenase Activity,Ethylene and Ethane Production in Leaves of Soybean Plants Cause of Senescence of Nine Sorts of Flowers Effects of Sulfur on the Ethylene Production in Rice Seedlings Effects of PEG-6000 stress on tanshinones accumulation in hairy roots of Salvia miltiorrhiza Studies on sustained release solid dispersion of tanshione composition Adsorption studies on plastic packaging materials of Shuangbai Film Spraying Agent Enzyme reaction kinetics, metabolic enzyme phenotype, and metabolites of berberine Studies on Chemical Constituents of Euphorbia ebracteolata Ilayata Physiological responses of watermelon infected by Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus Relationship between Ethylene and the Occurrence of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Oryza sativa L. Physiological Response for Different Drought Resistance of Sweet Potato under Osmotic Stress Screening and Identification of RhTSPO1,an Interacting Protein of Ethylene Receptor RhETR3 in Cut Roses Changes in Respiration,Ethylene and Biochemical Values of Soft Jackfruits During the Ripening Period Differential Expression Analysis in Fruit Softening and Ethylene Biosynthetic Pathways in Peaches of Different Flesh Textures Differential Expression Analysis in Fruit Softening and Ethylene Biosynthetic Pathways in Peaches of Different Flesh Textures Effects of NAA,Ethylene and 6-BA on Apple and Characteristics of Distribution and Utilization of 13C and 15N Effects of NAA,Ethylene and 6-BA on Apple and Characteristics of Distribution and Utilization of 13C and 15N Study on relationship between B-deficiency symptoms of cucumber and changes of endogenous hormone Effect of low ethylene and low pressure treatment on ethylene biosynthesis of persimmon fruit Responses of ‘‘‘‘Gala‘‘‘‘ Apples to Different Concentration of 1-MCP Isolation and Expression Analysis of ERF Transcription Factor Genes in Tree Peony Cut Flowers Effect of Ethylene Receptor Genes Antisense Transformation on Fruit Ripening Effect of Ethylene Receptor Genes Antisense Transformation on Fruit Ripening Studies and Applica tions of 12MCP on Delaying Ornamenta l Crops Senescence Effect of 1-MCP Treatment on L e2ETR4 Expression of Harvested Tomato Fruit at Different Maturation Stages Changes of Antioxidant Enzymes, Ethylene Production and Polyamines inBougainvillea glabra Studies on the Blossom Physiology in the Different Development Stage ofPeony and Chinese Peony Flower Effects of High Oxygen on Respiratory Rate and Ethylene Production in Harvested Blueberries and Strawberries Effects of Ethylene-Chlormequat-Potassium on Characteristics of Leaf Senescence at Different Plant Positionsafter Anthesis under Different Planting Densities Determination of 12 kinds of pesticide residues in Fritiliariae Thunbergii Bulbus by HPLC-MS Cloning and Characterization of ACC Synthase Gene (BnACS1) from Ramie (Boehmeria nivea)