pH BUFFER SELECTION AND ITS EFFECT ON GROWTH OF GRACILARIA LEMANEIFORMIS CLIMATIC INDICES FOR INITIAL FLOWERING IN OSMANTHUS FRAGRANS COMPARATIVE STUDIES OF PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS IN TYPICAL ALPINE PLANTS OF THE QINGHAI_TIBET PLATEAU Primary Productivity Response of Astragalus adsurgens and Medicago Sativa to Interspecific Competition in Weibei Arid Highland on the Loess Plateau of China Root Distribution and Soil Water Dynamics of Medicago sativa L. and Stipa breviflora Griseb. Prediction for Soybean Grain Yield Using Active Sensor GreenSeeker Historical story on natural medicinal chemistry: Drugs from ocean Ginkgo biloba leaves history: A model of research and development for Chinese materia medica/phytomedicine Research progress in metabolic engineering and synthetic biology for natural lignan production Research progress in functional classification of Chinese materia medica on improving organism immune function Advances in application of cell membrane chromatography in screening bioactive components of Chinese materia medica Thoughts and methods for toxicity study on Chinese materia medica Thoughts and methods for toxicity study on Chinese materia medica Advances in studies on anti-adenovirus of Chinese materia medica and its active components Advances and existed problems in studies on liquid fermentation of medicinal fungi Protection of total flavonoids from Camptosorus sibiricus on hepatic injury Research progress in variation of ginsenoside Advances in studies on metabolism of constituents in Chinese materia medica by intestinal bacteria HPLC spectrum analysis and chemical pattern recognition of Chrysanthemum morifolium for medicinal use Materiomic release kinetics of Longdan Xiegan Pill Establishment and practice for evaluating model of best harvest time of traditional Chinese medicinal materials HTRF-based high-throughput PGE2 release prohibition model and application in discovering traditional Chinese medicine active ingredients Interaction of effective ingredients from traditional Chinese medicines with intestinal microbiota Research thoughts on tumor immune responses by polysaccharide of Chinese medicine via oral administration On Chinese medicine quality precision in expectation Twenty years‘ review and prospect of modernization research on traditional Chinese medicine Theoretical model for compatibility of medicinal property combination of traditional Chinese medicines Evaluation of high-resolution images application for wild medicinal plants macro monitoring:a case of Apocynum Effect of environmental factors on photosynthetic physiology and flavonoid constituent of Scutellaria baicalensis Advance in studies on TRPV1 and analgesic effect of traditional Chinese medicines Applications of mathematical statistics methods on compatibility researches of traditional Chinese medicines formulae Advance in studies on molecular mechanisms of cisplatin resistance and intervention with traditional Chinese medicines Tri-dimensional omics analysis on effect of Zhuanggu Zhitong capsule against experimental postmenopausal osteoporosis Reliability theory based on quality risk network analysis for Chinese medicine injection Problems in medicinal materials research of new traditional Chinese medicine Analysis of complexity in Chinese meteria medica industrial chain Aflatoxin contamination of Chinese herbal medicine in China and its potential management strategies Studies on Polysaccharide of Cynomorium songaricum Rupr. Key problems in studies on standardized cultivation for medicinal animals Analysis on ecological suitabilityand regionalizationof traditional Chinese medicinal materials The Effect of the Maceration Extract of Dicranopteris dichotoma on the Growth of Several Plant Species Trace Elements in some Medicinal Plants in Xinlong, Hainan Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Study of Local Breeds in Chinese lfalfa Advances in Assessment of Ecosystem Health Pollination ecology of alpine herb Meconopsis integrifolia at different altitudes Quantitative Determination of Avermectins Residue in Polygonatum sibiricum Decreasing Lipid in Serum with Extracts from Cichorium intybus Roots and Inulin Knowledge and existing status of medicinal ethnobotany of mangrove among Jing People in Guangxi Research progress of synthetic biology for tanshinones Preliminary elaboration on emergent properties of traditional Chinese medicine Discussion of HPLC fingerprint of traditional Chinese medicine of Corydalis yanhusuo and its preparation Post-marketing reevaluation for potential quality risk and quality control in clinical application of traditional Chinese medicines Study on scavenging activity to DPPH free radical of different polarity components in Guizhou Miao medicine "bod zangd dak" Phytochemical and pharmacological progress on peeled stem of Syringa pinnatifolia, a Mongolian folk medicine Exploration of research approaches of Chinese medicine‘s pharmacology based on "imprinting templates"(medical element) of supramolecules Specificity of traditional Chinese medicine’s clinical re-evaluation Identification of ancient Chinese medicinal specimens preserved at Natural History Museum in London Analysis of varieties and standards of Leguminosae plants used in Tibetan medicine Thinking of current situation about decreasing, abolishing and substitution of Chinese medicine species in Shanghanlun Evaluate curative effect of chronic renal failure by methods of BushenJianpi Huoxue Paidu Primary studies of toxicity-reducing and efficacy-maintaining action of fungal fermentative products in Tripterygium wilfordii by a novel bi-directional Solidstate fungal fermentation The Responses of Euonymus fortunei var. radicans Sieb. Leaf Photosynthesis to Light in Different Soil Moisture Insecticidal and Fungicidal Activities of the Extracts of Thirty Medicinal Plants Algae Composition and Temporal and Spatial Distributions in Huaishahe River-Huaijiuhe River Nature Reserve Research Progresses in Chromosome Doublings of Medicinal Plants Chemical Components of Volatile Oil in the Leaves of the Chinese Medicinal Herb Pistacia chinensis Bunge Study on bitterness embedment and function improvement of Zizyphus to Eucommia ulmoides Evaluation on yield and quality characteristics of alfalfa varieties A survey of study of chemical components of medicinal plants of Gentianaceae Study of the plant community round discharging coal-dust field in Shentou second power plant Theresponse of endogenous ABA and enzymes activity ofscavenging free radical of wheat seedling to water stress Significance on ecological indication of Selaginella sinensis in reconstructing past environment Transfer of the powdery mildew resistant gene from T.dicoccoides into T.aestivum and its RAPD analysis FUZZY EVALUATION WITH MULTIPLE INDEX IN BIOINDICATION Integration of data mining and complex networks and its application in traditional Chinese medicine Research status and thoughts on sterilization of Chinese herbal medicine pieces Advance in modern studies on Shexiang Baoxin Pill Determination of ergosterol in Lasiosphaera Seu Calvatia in various species from different habitats by HPLC Methodology on revaluation of syndrome therapeutic effect of post-marketing Chinese materia medica Research progress on Chinese materia medica in treatment of acute cerebral infarction based on clinical pharmacology

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