Distribution and population of Rhinopithecus roxellana in Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province, China Spatial heterogeneity of soil physical properties in Phyllostachys heterocycla cv pubescens forest, South Sichuan Bamboo Sea Changes in soil nitrogen characteristics during grassland desertification in Northwest Sichuan Effects of snow pack removal on the dynamics of winter-time soil temperature, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in alpine forests of west Sichuan. Changes of soil fertility quality properties under subalpine spruce plantation in Western Sichuan Schima argentea Pritz. var. platycarpa Q. Luo, A New Variety of Schima Reinw. (Theaceae ) from Sichuan, China Phenotypic Polymorphism of Litsea mollis Hemsl in West Sichuan Province Study on Habitat Forest Type and Plant Diversity of Sichuan Snub-nosed Monkey in Shennongjia National Nature Reserve Pollen morphology of the genus Peucedanum from Sichuan and its systematic significance STUDIES ON THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE AND THE SYNTHETICAL EFFICIENCIES OF AGROFORESTRY SYSTEM ON SLOPE IN THE HILLY REGION OF SICHUAN BASIN SELECTION OF FOREST BELTS AND MULTIPLE CROPPING SUBSYSTEMS IN THE AGROFORESTRY SYSTEM ON SLOPE IN THE HILLY REGION OF SICHUAN BASIN THE sEcoND REVLSLON OF THE GENUS LSOMETRUM(GESNERLACEAE) N0TES 0N THE FERNS 0F SICHUAN NEW SPECIES OF GRAMINEAE FROM SICHUAN NEW FERNS FROM SICHUAN, CHINA A NEW SPECIES OF BIONDIA (ASCLEPIADACEAE) FROM SICHUAN Effect on yields and quality with different size tubers of Pinellia ternata from Sichuan Delphinium pachycentroides, a new species of Ranunculaceae from Sichuan, China Correlation between tobacco leaf chemical compositionsand latitude in Sichuan Tobacco Region Gray correlation analysis of the impact of land use type on soil physical and chemical properties in the hilly area of central Sichuan, China. Effects of ridge-cultivation and plastic film mulching on root distribution and yield of spring maize in hilly area of central Sichuan basin, China. Successional dynamics of community structure and species diversity after clear-cutting of faxon fir (Abies faxoniana) forest stands Dynamics of farmland SOC in parallel ridge valley of east Sichuan during 1980-2011 Ulmus mianzhuensis, a new species of Ulmaceae from Sichuan,China A new variety of Gaultheria Kalm ex Linn.(Ericaceae) from Sichuan Province, China A new variety of Ligustrum lucidum (Oleaceae)from Sichuan Chromosome study on bryophytes of Sichuan Dujiangyan Longchi CONTENT OF SUGAR AND ACTIVITY OF α-AMYLASE & TREHALASE CHANGES OF SUBSTITUTE HOST PARASITIZED BY SCLERODERMA SICHUANENSIS XIAO(HYMENOPTERA:BETHYLIDAE) Studies on main interspecific association of rare and endangered medicinal plant Sinopodophyllum hexandrum community in Kangding Zheduo mountain of Sichuan province A Study on the Efficient Forage Production System in the Cropping Areas of Southwestern Sichuan Province Yield Dynamics of Selected Ochardgrass for Alpine Pastoral Areas in Northwest Sichuan Province Effects of long-term straw incorporation on cadmium speciation and bioavailability in paddy soils in Deyang Area Physiological adaptations of Sichuan golden monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana)to high altitude habitat in the Qinling Mountains Spatial variability of soil C/N ratio and its influence factors at a county scale in hilly area of Mid-Sichuan Basin, Southwest China. Isolation and Purification of the Venom Proteins in Sclerodermus sichuanensis Resources of Medicinal Plant Artemisia L. in Sichuan Province A QUANTITATIVE DISCUSSION ON FOREST COVERAGE OF THE OPTIMUM FOREST PROTECTIVE EFFECT A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE BIONOMICS OF SCLERODERMA SlCHUANENSlS (HYMENOPTERA,BETHYLIDAE) Chromosomes of Six Fabaceous Species from Baoxing County, Sichuan Province Effects of snow cover on the decomposition and nutrient dynamics of Sibiraea angustata leaf litter in western Sichuan plateau, Southwest China. Emergy evaluation and dynamic measurement analysis of agro-ecosystems in Sichuan Province of Southwest China. THE HABITAT AND ANALYSIS ON THE EXTERNAL ENDANGERED FACTORS OF ADENOPHORA LOBOPHYLLA (CAMPANULACEAE), AN ENDANGERED SPECIES INVESTIGATION ON THE DISTRIBUTION AREA AND CHARACTERISTICS OF BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY OF ADENOPHORA LOBOPHYLLA (CAMPANULACEAE),AN ENDANGERED SPECIES Cynanchum forrestii var.conduplicatum (Asclepiadaceae) A New Variety from Yunnan and Sichuan,China A Preliminary Study on the Characteristics of Angiosperm The Phytosociological Classification of Braun Blangutes Syntaxa for the Dry - Hot Valley Vegetation in Yunnan- Sichuan Region Notes on Orthothecium(Bryophyta)of China Antimicrobial activity in vitro of crude extracts from seven kinds of traditional Chinese medicine from Yibin in Sichuan Effect of different fertilizing levels on yields and efficiency components of Pinellia ternata from Sichuan A comparison in spring and winter habitat selection of Takin,Swtow and Groal in Tangjiahe,Sichuan STUDY ON THE GEOGRPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF GERANIACEAE PLANTS IN SICHUAN AN ENUMERATION OF THE BORAGINACEOUS PLANTS COLLECTED BY H. SMITH FROM CHINA DURING 1921-22, 1924 AND 1934 A study on the influence of grazing disturbance on soil fauna communities in subalpine meadows Responses of the Tree-Ring of Abies faxoniana and Tsuga chinensis to Climate Factors in Sub-Alpine in Western Sichuan Consume of soil seeds of Betula albo-sinensis and Abies faxoniana in different natural successional stages of subalpine dark coniferous forest in western Sichuan, China Preliminary Studies on Medicinal Plants of Corydalis in Sichuan Investigation on New Resources of Medicinal Plant Scrophulariaceae in Sichuan Province PAPD Analysis on Curcuma wenyujin and C. sichuanensis On the Genera and Families of Spermatophyte Endemic to China in Sichuan Region A Floristic Study of the Seed Plants on Huanglong Nature Reserve in Sichuan Province Using emergy to analysis agro-ecosystem sustainability in the edge-regions of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau— A case study of Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Perfecture of Aba, Sichuan Province New Record of Salvia L.from Sichuan,China New Record of Elsholtzia from Sichuan,China Fagopyrum densovillosum var.pterocarpum (Polygonaceae),A New Variety from Sichuan,China STRUCTURAL AND MAJOR PHYSIOLOGICAL & BIOLOGICAL CHANGES OF SUBSTITUTE HOST PARASITIZED BY SCLERODERMA SICHUANENSIS XIAO(HYMENOPTERA:BETHYLIDAE) A NEW DISTRIBUTION OF CORYLUS WANGII HU (BETULACEAE) IN SICHUAN PROVINCE, CHINA Delphinium pingwuense, a New Species of Ranunculaceae from Sichuan Province, China The Classification of Vegetation in Piankou Nature Reserve Using Remote Sensing New Species of Orchidaceae from Sichuan and Yunnan, China Effects of different storage methods on germination and physiological indexes of seed-stem of Pinellia ternata from Sichuan Dynamic research of growth, N, P, K and active ingredients in Angelica dahurica var. formosana from Sichuan province Spatial Structure of Scenic Forest of Abies faxoniana in Western Sichuan NEW TAXA OF THE GENUS RH0D0DENDRON FR0M YUNNAN-SICHUAN Effects of abrupt warming on main conifer tree rings in Markang, Sichuan, China Effect of temperature enhancement on community structure and biomass of subalpine meadow in Northwestern Sichuan Behavior ethogram and PAE coding system of Cervus nippon sichuanicus. Genetic Diversity and Genetic Relationship of Pomegranate(Punica granatum) in Sichuan and Yunnan Evaluated by AFLP Markers Analysis of Puffballs‘ Phylogenetic Relationships from Eucalyptus grandis Forest Influence of Learning Experience of Parasitoid Scleroderma sichuanensis on the Parasitism of Batocera horsfieldi Larvae Quality Performance and Stability of Main Wheat Cultivars in Sichuan Province