Ecological Anatomy of the Root in Bretschneidera sinensis,a Threatened Endemic Plant in China The Comparative Anatomy on Leaves of 4 Halophytes of Chenopodiaceae in Salt Lake of Yuncheng A Study on Leaf Anatomy and Epidermal Micromorphology of Michelia crassipes Law(♀),M.calcicola C.Y.Wu() and Their F1 Hybrids Anatomical Study of the Stems of the 10 Selaginella Species and Its Taxonomic Significance Anatomical Studies on the Root of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi WOOD ANATOMY OF THE NEW GENUS MANGLIETIASTRUM LAW OF MAGNOLIACEAE FROM CHINA IN RELATION TO ALLIED GENERA Structural Comparison of Dioecious Wood among Three Species of the Broadleaved Trees Morphological study on anther development of male sterile of Platycodon grandiflorum Anatomy studies on the root nodules of endangered medicinal plants Dalbergia odorifera Leaf Epidermal Morphology and Structure of Elytrigia Desv. Differentiation and Rooting of Slash Pine Adventitious Buds and the Histological Anatomy Growth and Morphological Structure of Trapa acornis Seedlings Variations in leaf anatomy of Larix gmelinii reflect adaptation of its photosynthetic capacity to climate changes Studies on Yield Gains of a New Growth Regulator 83008-1 for Mulberry Study on morphology and anatomy of Akebia trifoliate seeds A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE COMPOSITION AND QUALITY OF “BAOKEXIANG” TEA OIL AND THE EFFECTS OF THE OIL ON SERUM LIPIDS IN DIETAPY RATS Comparative anatomy of leaves in Fritillaria from Anhui Province Comparative Study on the Bisexual Flower and Unisexual Male Flower of Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge Comparative studies on leaf structure and oil cells of the Magnoliaceae in China Comparative Anatomy of Vegetative Organs in the Genus Vitis L. and Its Systematic Significance Systematic implications of pinna venation and pinna anatomy in Zamiaceae Anatomy and ontogeny of unisexual flowers in dioecious Woonyoungia septentrionalis (Dandy) Law (Magnoliaceae) STUDY ON TISSUE CULTURE OF TETRAPLOID BLACK LOCUST CLONE Developmental and Anatomical Studies on the Seedling of Salsola collina Progress in Zingiberaceae Researches Anatomical Study of Bupleurum chinense DC.Roots Histological study of initiation and development in adventitious roots in cuttings of Pogostemon cablin Anatomical studies on the development of the floral nectary in Scheffler octophylla Developmental anatomy and the anomalous structure of the stem in Aloe arborescens The prospect and progression of the plant comparative anatomy during fifty years in China MORPHOLOGICAL AND HISTOLOGICAL STUDIES ON SEVEN SPECIES OF SWERTIA THE ANATOMY OF SECONDARY PHLOEM IN SCIADOPITYS VERTICILLATA (THNUB.) SIEB. ET ZUCC. ANATOMY OF THE LEAVES AND FREEZING HARDINESS OF THIRTEEN SPECIES OF MAGNOLIACEAE ANATOMIC STUDIES ON SIX SPECIES OF BUPLEURUM L. Morphological and Anatomical Studies on the Medicinal Material of Equisetaceae from Shandong Province Venation Pattern of Syndiclis Hook. f. and Its Related Genera Comparative Anatomical Studies on Petioles of Osmanthus Developmental Anatomy of Trichomes in Lavandula pinnata L. Effects of Cold Pretreatment on the Structure of Anther Wall Browning in Japonica Rice during Anther Culture Anatomical Characteristics of Leaves in Three Mangrove Species Anatomy of Laticifers in Jatropha curcas L. Anatomy of the Vessel Elements and Perforation Plates in the Secondary Xylem of Casuarina cunninghamiana Venation and Anatomy of Pinnae in Stanger iacea(Cycadales) Morphological and Anatomical Studies of Floral Organogenesis and Development in Catalpa speciosa Research advances in dendrochronology. COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON CRYSTAL IDIOBLASTS OF FIVE DESERT C4 PLANTS Fine root morphology, anatomy and tissue nitrogen and carbon contents of the first five orders in four tropical hardwood species in Hainan Island, China STUDIES ON FRUIT ANATOMY OF SCHISANDRA CHINENSIS BAILLON STUDIES ON ANATOMICAL STRUCTURE OF STEM AND FORMATION OF THE ADVENTITIOUS ROOT OF CUTTING OF PICEA KORAIENSIS A primary anatomical study on the wood of Vatica astrotricha plantation Anatomical Study on Leaf of Salvia miltiorrhiza from Different Areas Developmental anatomy studies on the stem of Cynomorium songaricum Comparative anatomical studies on the vessel elements in the secondary xylem of Juglandaceae from China and discussion on their evolutionary position Effect of iron deficiency and correcting on structure of pear leaf Studies on the development of secretory structures and their secretory products accumulation of Hypericum perforatum The technic parameters of slicing vitis berries by freezing-microtome Study on action mechanism of new carbamate herbicide WD of Descurainia Sophia Anatomy and histochemistry of the seeds of Cautleya gracilis Morphological and anatomical characteristics of leaf of Larix chinensis and their relationship to environmental factors in Taibaishan Mountain Developmental and anatomical studies on the leaves of Aloearborescens Anatomical studies on the underground organs of Pueraria lobata Wood Anatomy of Thuja sutchuenensis Endemic to China Leaf Photosynthetic and Anatomic Acclimation of Four Tropical Rainforest Tree Species to Different Growth Light Conditions Comparative Anatomy on Leaves of Polyalthia (Annonaceae) Observation on the Anatomical Structure of Pigment Glands and Analysis of the Gossypol Content in Gossypium stocksii Comparative Anatomical Studies on Chinese Medicinal Plants of the Genus Aconitum Study on Rooting Culture and Rooting Anatomy of Tree Peony ‘Wulong Pengsheng’ Regenerated Shoots ANATOMY OF INTERNAL REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM OF CHOUIOIA CUNEA(HYMENOPTERA,CHALCIDOIDEA: EULOPHIDAE) THE ECOLOGICAL SECONDARY XYLEM ANATOMY OF THE MANGROVE AEGICERAS CORNICULATUM AND SONNERATIA CASEOLARIS THE HISTOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS ON INVASION OF BLUE-STAIN FUNGI (LEPTOGRAMPHIUM YUNNANENSE) ASSOCIATED WITH TOMICUS PINIPERDA ON PINUS YUNNANENSIS Microscopical study of original plant of Chinese drug "Dragon‘s Blood" Dracaena cochinchinensis and distribution and constituents detection of its resin Anatomical study on rooting of Lonicera macranthoides cutting ANATOMICAL STUDIES ON ROOT,NODE AND LEAF OF KINGDONIA UNIFLORA STUDY ON PHYTOTOMIC CHARACTERISTIC AND CORRELATION BETWEEN IT AND PHOTOSYNTHETIC PHYSIOLOGIC INDEX IN LEAVES OFFIVE SPECIES FROM CAMELLIA ANATOMIC STUDIES OF THE FLORAL NECTARIES INELSHOLTZIA DENSA BENTH DEVELOPMENT ANATOMY OF STALAR DIVISIONIN CENTIANA MACROPHYLLA Histology and Development Analysis of Meristematic Nodules from Cultured Pulsatilla koreana Quantification of Leaf Anatomical Structure and Its Application in a C4 Plant, Sorghum Morphology and Developmental Anatomy of Medicinal Plant Macleaya cordata A Preliminary Study on the Wood Anatomy of Manglietia aromatica Dandy [