Studies on chemical constituents in Huangjuhua(flowers of Chrysanthemum morifolium) Chemical constituents from Hedyotis diffusa Chemical constituents from stems of Schisandra propinqua Studies on chemical constituents from roots of Caragana sinica Studies on chemical constituents of Arachniodes rhomboidea A new C-glycosylflavone from Peperomia dindygulensis Progress on antineoplastic constituents derived from polypore fungi Studies on Antibacterial Constituents of the Unripe Fruit of Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl Isolation and Identification of Antitumor Constituents of Diterpenoids Lectone in Exphorbia fischeriana Steud. Chemical Constituents of the Acrial Parts of Six Species of Bupleurum Genus Medicinally Used in South-west Region of China Studies on Chemical Constituents of the Roots of Ostericum grosseserratum (Maxim.) Kitag. Studies on the Active Antisenile Constituents in Cistanche deserticola Y. C. Ma Studies on the Hydrothobic Constituents of Nyssa sinensis Oliv Influence of Temperature on the Chemical Constituents and Pharmacological Efectsof Semen Casiae Chemical Constituents of Aralia fargesii Franch Studies on Changes of Chemical Constituents of Radix SophoraeFlavescentis in Complex Formulas of Traditional Chinese Medicine Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Carduus crispus L. Constituents of Liguliria vellerea ( Franch.) Hand-Mazz Advances in Studies on Flavonoids of Licorice Advances in Studies on Chemical Constituents of Seneclo EFFECT OF DIFFERENT COLOUR LIGHT AND COMPOUND HORMONES ON SUBSTANCE ACCUMULATION IN EXPLANTS OF ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS STUDIES ON THE BOTANIC MORPHOTYPE AND ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS OF WUFENGJIANBEI STUDIES 0N THE CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS 0F ANTITUM0R PLANT RABD0SIA RUBESCENS (HEMSL.) HARA Genetic Analysis for Chemical Constituents in Flue-cured Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) Lipid Chemical Constituents of Salvia sochifolia C. Y. Wu Studies on Chemical Constituents in Dried Buds of Lonicera similis Hemsl. Studies on Chemical Constituents in the Leaf of Ligustrum delavayanum Studies on the Chemical Constituents from the Roots and Rhizomes of Gerbera piloselloides Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Yunnan Wintergreen (Gaultheria yunnaueusis)(I) Studies on the Chemical Constituents of the Soft Coral (Clavularia inflata Scheuk var. luzoniana) A STUDY ON INFRASPECIFIC TYPES OF CHEMICAL CHARACTER OF CINNAMOMUM SEPTENTRIONALE Volatile constituents in leaves of Rhus typhina and their influence on selective behavior of two species of mites Studies on the Chemical Constituents from the Bud of Cleistocalyx operculatus Temporal and spatial variations of chemical constituents in maize Effect of water-limiteddeficit stress in different growth stageson winter wheat grain yields and their yield constituents Chemical Constituents from the Leaves of Dendrocalamus latiflorus Changes of Active Constituents and Their Relationship with Antioxidant Capacity in Peel and Pulp of ‘Dongzao‘ Jujube during Storage Analysis on chemical constituents from flowers of Trollius ledebouri by UPLC-Q-TOF-MS New natural product from lipophilic parts in roots of Angelica dahurica Analysis on low transfer rate of active constituents by water extracting from Chinese materia medica