COVER SHIFT AND MORPHOLOGICAL PLASTICITY OF INVASIVE ALTERNANTHERA PHILOXEROIDES ALONG A RIPARIAN ZONE IN SOUTH CHINA COMPARATIVE STUDIES OF PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS IN TYPICAL ALPINE PLANTS OF THE QINGHAI_TIBET PLATEAU DISTRIBUTION OF ELEMENTS ALONG THE LENGTH OF DIFFERENT_AGED NEEDLES OF PINUS MASSONIANA AT DINGHUSHAN ACCESSIBILITY ANALYSIS OF URBAN GREEN SPACE IN JINAN Studies on the Flower Bud Differentiation of Grape Cultivars with Different Tolerant Ability of Low Light in Greenhouse Primary Productivity Response of Astragalus adsurgens and Medicago Sativa to Interspecific Competition in Weibei Arid Highland on the Loess Plateau of China Mappingof QTLs for OilseedGermination RateunderStresses of Salinity and Drought in Brassica napus L. Based on SNP Genetic Map Dynamic variation of biomass and content of polysaccharide and alkaloid in protocorm like bodies from Dendrobium officinale at different light intensities and incubation time Effect of light on growth in Ganoderma lucidum and anti-oxidative enzyme activities Organic acids from leaves of Cerbera manghas HTRF-based high-throughput PGE2 release prohibition model and application in discovering traditional Chinese medicine active ingredients Influence of continuous cropping on growth of Artemisia annua and bacterial communities in soil Research progress of relationship between diabetes and intestinal epithelial tight junction barrier and intervetion of berberine Study on detoxication of Euphorbia Pekinensis Radix processed with vinegar on rat small intestinal crypt epithelial cells IEC-6 Evaluation of high-resolution images application for wild medicinal plants macro monitoring:a case of Apocynum Meconopsis brachynema, a new species of Papaveraceae from Qinghai Study on Pattern and Successional Trend of Vegetation in Qinghai Lake Region Application and Improvement of the Neighborhood Interference Model On Shade Tolerance of 741 Poplar A Physioecological Study on Seed Germination of Mosla hangchowensis The Caloric Value of Main Plant Species at Dinghushan, Guangdong, China Photosynthetic Characteristics of a Semi-arid Sandy Grassland Community in Inner Mongolia Response of Net Photosynthetic Rate in 18-year-old China Fir Shoots To Lightflecks Litterfall Response to Human Impacts in a Dinghushan Pine Forest Changes of Polyamines Content and Polyamine Oxidase Activity of Roots and Leaves During Drought Stress in Wheat Seedlings The Photosynthesis Pathway in Leaves of Dendrobium officinale A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE STRESS RESISTANCE OF RHIZOBIA ISOLATED FROM AMMOPIPTANTHUS MONGOLICUS COMPARISON OF NEW AND SEVERAL CLASSICAL MODELS OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS IN RESPONSE TO IRRADIANCE SPATIAL-TEMPORAL PATTERNS OF NET PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY FOR 1988–2004 BASED ON GLOPEM-CEVSA MODEL IN THE “THREE-RIVER HEADWATERS” REGION OF QINGHAI PROVINCE, CHINA Effects of post-anthesis irrigation on degree of polymerization of storage protein and rheological properties in wheat Effect of high temperature on leaf senescence and related enzymes of grain starch synthesis in stay-green wheat after anthesis Effect of accumulated temperature on seed germination—a case study of 12 Compositae species on the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China Effects of solar UV-B radiation on the efficiency of PSII photochemistry in the alpine plant Saussurea superba under different weather conditions in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China Physiological responses to drought stress and the emission of induced volatile organic compounds in Rosmarinus officinalis Responses of photosynthetic characteristics to low temperature stress and recovery treatment in cotton seedling leaves Effects of extracellular ATP on the characteristics of photochemical reaction in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) leaves under different light intensities A review of new research progress on the vulnerability of xylem embolism of woody plants Effects of understory removal on soil respiration and microbial community composition structure in a Chinese fir plantation Changes in log quality at different decay stages in an alpine forest Induced Drought Resistance of Maize (Zea may L. ) Seedling by Coronatine Carbon Flux and Controlling Process of Alpine Meadow on Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Effects of Water-stress on Osmoregulation Substances and Chlorophyll Fluorescent Parameter for Forage Grass Analysis on medication principles for cough based on experience of Xu Di-hua, descendant of Meng He Medical School Thinking of current situation about decreasing, abolishing and substitution of Chinese medicine species in Shanghanlun Thermotolerance of Chrysanthemum morifolium Induced by Heat Acclimation Physiological Reactions of Tomato after Late Blight Inoculation Effects of Root Restriction on Light-intercepting Capabilities and Some Physiological Characters in Young Trees of Different Nectarine Varieties Research Advances about Low Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunits in Wheat Effects of Soil Moisture during the Co-growing Period on Leaf Specific Weight,WUE and Yield of Winter Wheat in Cotton and Wheat Inter-cropping Allelopathic Effects of Salicylic Acid Stress on Membrane Lipid Peroxidation and Osmosis-regulating Substances in Different Chinese Fir Clones Multidimensional Nature of Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase in Plants Relationships between Flagleaf and Spike Photosynthesis and Drought Tolerance of Wheat Study on the polypeptide composition and content of LHCⅡ and the cab gene transcription in chlorophyll-reduced mutant of oilseed rape seedlings Research progress on relationships betaine and drought/salt resistance of plants HPLC chromatographic fingerprints of Rhodiola rosea in the Qingzang Plateau Effect of soil drought stress on osmotic adjustment ability of maple leaves Effect of soil water stress on water metabolism and osmotic adjustment substance of native tree species of Loess Plateau Primary study on vegetation succession of saline land in the bird island of Qinghai Lake Revision of Kobresia (Cyperaceae) in Qinghai Studits on the morphogenesis of rhizome from seedling and the accumulation of dioscin of Dioscorea zingiberensis Evapotranspiration measurements of community using weighting method The effect of continuous cropping year on physiological characteristics of cucumber in sunlight greenhouse Effect of soil drought stress on the shoot growth and water use efficiency of Quercus liaotungensis and Acer stenolobum var.megalophyllum Nitrate distribution characteristics in soil at fertilization on cucumber at sunlight greenhouse in Loess Plateau Effects of salicylic acid (SA) on high-temperature stress resistance of cucumber seedling The clonal growing characteristic in the stoloniferous herb,Potentilla anserina Recent approach of functional proteins in plant PM under drought stress H~+ leakage through CF_0 decreases the coupling degree of thylakoids from cucumber leaves exposed to low light at low temperature Thechanges of the HMW glutenin subunits of introducingsorghum DNA into spring wheat Analysisof the potential causes effecting the grainweight of hybrid wheat with Ae.kotschyi cytoplasm 陕西渭北旱塬土壤-植物-大气连续体中水分运转规律的研究──Ⅰ.生态环境对植物叶温的影响 Determination of five kinds of heavy metals in Anoectochilus roxburghii by ICP-MS Determination of 20(R)-25-OH-PPT in different parts of species in Panax Linn. by HPLC-ELSD methods Application of Dimilin to Control Poplar Longhorn Beetles and Other Insects The Structure Characteristics of Bamboo Groves in Dagangshan Region.,Jiangxi Province The Regional Selection and Its Effectiveness of Chinese Fir Fine Families in Huangshan Area Effects of Fertilization on the Growth of Daemonorops margaritae Seedlings Photosynthetic Characteristics of Limonium bicolor under Salt Stress Physiological Mechanism of Drought Tolerance of Maize Seedlings Sugar Metabolism and Photosynthetic Characteristics in Leaf of Lycium barbarum L.under Drought Stress

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